Chu Huan left alone, there are few things to clean up, and even don't need to take the clothes to be washed, just take the money.

Song Qing is weak, and the weather is getting colder. She needs clothes and money. The most important thing is to rent a carriage for a long journey. Without it, Song Qing couldn't bear it.

After repeatedly confirming what he wanted to bring, Chu Huan went to find a carriage. Originally he wanted to rent one, but he thought it was too wasteful to rent one. He bought one and sold it when it was not needed. It was economical and affordable.

It is located in a remote place. People can barely afford to eat and clothe themselves. Let alone buy a carriage, there are few people who can afford to rent it.

Even if Mu Yunshu went out, he also rode a horse and rode a car for a few times.

Chu Huan went to see two shops that bought carriages. The carriages were not sold but rented, and the rent was on the high side.

Things are rare, and Chu Huan has nothing to choose from. After negotiating the price, the boy takes Chu Huan to see the carriage.

Some parts of the timber used for the carriage were damaged by insects. The top of the top was broken and tattered. The only tassel on the top was shaky and could be blown off at any time. Lift up the curtain, there is only a futon inside. Sitting on it, the body can only lean on the wood, and the bone frame of diaphragm is painful.

Chu Huan pushed the frame slightly with his hand, and the carriage tilted to the side, making a sound of "creaking and twisting".

This kind of carriage, let alone people, worried that Chu Huan would fall apart before he left the shop.

Chu Huan can not believe looking at the boy, "this is your shop carriage?"

It costs five Liang silver to rent a carriage, which is equivalent to two months' food expenses of ordinary people. She is willing to pay the price, but she really can't believe the quality.

She could only go to another house. The price of the carriage of another house was higher than this one, but not as good as this one.

Chu Huan stood in the middle of the two shops, hesitating for a moment.

With a carriage, she could take Song Qing away; without a carriage, she could not move.

She dragged her tired body back. The carriage couldn't be rented. If she couldn't, she would think of another way to stay here until Song Qing was well.

But she can't stay in Yamen with Song Qing any more. If she is not well-known, she can't be seen to gossip.

Chu Huan rented a house, the house is located in the alley, remote and quiet, few people go this way. But living here is an old couple. They are about 60 years old. They have no children around. They heard that Chu Huan wanted to rent a house, not for the price, but for a lively one. The price they offered was very low.

After Chu Huan went back, she told Song Qing the whole story. Song Qing wanted to leave here and leave Weiyuan. She didn't care where to go.

Song Qing gets up from the bed, finds out the package that has been sorted before, and gets out of bed by Chu Huan. When her legs touched the ground, Song Qing didn't stand firm. Her knees bent and she almost fell on the ground.

Song Qing's face leaked out an embarrassed smile, hand to help the side of the wall, "may be these days have been lying down for the sake of, slowly good."

Chu Huan don't look at her anymore, standing there quietly.

Song Qing's legs are soft and painful. He can only barely maintain a standing position when he supports the wall. He can't lift up and walk in front of him. He can only move forward bit by bit.

Song Qing clenched her teeth, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She lifted her foot again. Her leg was weightless, inclined forward and fell forward in a daze.

Chu Huan wanted to help her, but unfortunately they had a long way to go. When Chu Huan reached out, a shadow took her to Song Qing.

It's Wei Yuan.

Song Qing's face red, this embrace she once had how greedy, at this time how disgusted, under the consciousness to push Wei Yuan, "you let me go."

"Your leg is badly injured. If you don't have a good rest, your leg will be useless." Wei Yuan ignored her struggle, took her to the bed and reached out to lift Song Qing's skirt.

Song Qing is angry and shy. She tries to pull it out of Wei Yuan's hands with pain.

"If you don't want to be a loser, just stay there." Wei Yuan didn't even look at her. He took off her boots and went to check her wound.

Chu Huan carefully looked over there. Song Qing's legs were red and swollen. There were red bloodstains on it, crisscross and dense. The people who saw it were cold.

When treating the wound for Song Qing, Chu Huan saw it once, but he didn't expect to have a rest these days. Instead of getting better, Song Qing's leg is more serious than before.

Wei Yuan frowned, "you didn't take medicine on time these days?"

"It's none of your business." Song Qing's cold voice does not bring a trace of temperature.

Wei Yuan pinched her ankle with one hand, and took out the wound healing medicine in his arms with the other hand to give her medicine.

"I don't accept your kindness to me. Don't waste your effort." Song Qing's voice is indifferent. She doesn't even look at the wound on her leg. She seems to be talking about a trivial matter.

Wei Yuan suddenly raised his head, on Song Qing's cold eyes, a trace of pain in the bottom of his eyes, "what do you have to hurt me, why torture yourself?"

"Am I torturing myself? Or are you torturing me Song Qing stopped for a moment and continued, "if you really want to be good for me, don't appear in front of me again, or you give me a medicine, my leg will be more serious once."Wei Yuan held her ankle's hand slightly trembled for a while, then slowly let go, stood up and gave the acne medicine to Chu Huan, "you go to give her medicine, I have to leave in advance."

Chu Huan did not go to pick up the medicine in his hand, turned to the cabinet and took out the medicine given by mu Yunshu and walked towards Song Qing.

To give Song Qing medicine, the hand suddenly stopped in mid air, looking at Song Qing, "this period of time, you have been self mutilation?"

Mu Yunshu gave a good wound healing medicine. After smearing it, the wound healed quickly without leaving any scars.

Song Qing not only had serious injuries on her legs, but also had a new pink wound where she had smeared the wound. It should have been torn open by her after the wound scab.

The atmosphere fell silent.

"Do you know that if you go on like this, you will lose too much blood and die?" Chu Huan suddenly stood up and threw the golden sore medicine on the ground. "Even if you hate Wei Yuan, you don't need to use this kind of resolute and tragic way. It's only you who hurt yourself."

"I'm sorry." Song Qing spits out these three words. Besides, she doesn't know what else to say.

Chu Huan's eyes are a little more powerless, even if angry, but Song Qing is a patient, she can not really with Song Qing Qi. With a sigh, he went to Song Qing, and his tone softened a little, "what do you want?"

"I I want to get out of here. " Song Qing with a cry cavity way, in this more day of life, the heart of depression will be more, if you don't have to torture yourself, she is afraid that she will go mad.

She grabbed Chu Huan's arm and begged, "can you take me out of here and go now?"