Hearing this, Lan Ling couldn't help laughing, "ridiculous? I come to find my husband. What's so funny? It's you. You've left Zhang Yi. With mu Yunshu, the fiance, you can't get along with Zhang Yi. Are you not afraid that others will poke at the backbone of Mu Yunshu? "

Chu Huan can allow her to scold himself, absolutely not allow her to involve this matter on mu Yunshu.

Let mu Yunshu accompany him in this play is to give Lan Ling face and maintain his self-esteem.

But did not expect, blue Ling unexpectedly is this attitude, let Chu Huan some surprise.

"When did I get confused with Zhang Yi? Please make yourself clear. "

Chu Huan snatched the whip from Lanling's hand and beat it on the branches beside him. The yellow leaves fluttered and fell, which seemed to be singing an elegy for autumn.

Chu Huan pick eyebrows, "whip is a good whip, but improper use of easy to hurt people, or use less for the better."

Put the whip away, there is no meaning to return it to Lanling.

Lanling's face changed for a while, and he glared at Chu Huan. "Do you have tangled with Zhang Yi? You know it in your heart. If you don't hand in Zhang Yi today, I will tear down the county government office. "

"Zhang Yi is really not here." "Chu Huan was drunk last night and stayed with me all night, and didn't see Zhang Yi," Mu explained. You can't deny the husband's heart. It's not appropriate for him to run away and depend on us? "

Lanling confirms that Zhang Yi is here. No matter what they say, they just can't listen. Chu Huan and mu Yunshu both denied it, so they ordered people to search for it. If they couldn't find it, they would smash it until Zhang Yi came out.

Chu Huan to stop, was stopped by mu Yunshu, "the blue family has money, yamen just should be decorated, smashed, I go back to find the Taishou reimbursement."

At the wedding banquet, mu Yunshu made the prefect shameless, and all the gifts received were returned. The Taishou had not found mu Yunshu to calculate the account, but mu Yunshu dared to calculate the Taishou.

Chu Huan really pinched a sweat for him.

"Can you not die?"

"Do you care about me?" Mu Yunshu's face was full of joy.

Chu Huan chuckled and ignored him.

Mu Yun book to her ear, warm breath from Chu Huan ear, crisp, "I have the magic weapon to deal with the governor, he dare not to me how."

"Don't mess up at last Chu huancai doesn't care about him, but if the Yamen is gone, she won't have a place to live. It's not good to sleep in the street.

The Yamen was searched all over the place, but there was no Zhang Yi.

Lan Ling pointed to them, "you really don't hand over Zhang Yi?"

"We really don't know where he is." Mu Yunshu sighed, "he disappeared, why do you have to rely on us, we hide him for us? As the saying goes, it's better to demolish ten temples than to destroy one marriage. If you are married, are we not asking for trouble? "

"You'd better tell the truth, or I'll make you feel better." Lanling looks iron blue, digs Chu Huan one eye, takes the person to leave.

Yesterday was Zhang Yi's wedding night. He was not in LAN's house?

Chu Huan feels that this matter is somewhat abnormal.

It was not the first day she met Zhang Yi and knew his temper. If he married Lanling, he would not let her down. Even if he had no love, he would not abandon Lanling, let alone keep an empty house.

When I think of the time when I was with Zhang Yi, I am happy.

It's a pity that they didn't meet the right person at the right time, and it should be missed.

Seeing her worry, mu Yunshu said with a smile: "Zhang Yi is not a child. He should go back. He will go back naturally. It's just Mu Yunshu pick eyebrows, "married Lanling such a shrew, Zhang Yi does not go back to also be excusable."

"When he married Lanling, he should be responsible to Lanling."

"What if you were the one in his heart? What if he did all this for you? If he comes back to you after dealing with his business, you... "

"How can there be so many ifs in the world?"

Chu Huan interrupted him and didn't want to hear him continue.

All if it's just self comfort, she's not the kind of person.

She has drawn a clear line with Zhang Yi. Even if she will be sad, she will not look back.

"If there are so many, what if?" Zhang Yi came in from outside. His eyes were red, his eyes were bruised, his face was haggard, and he had Stubbles on his face. It should be because he had not slept all night.

Chu Huan was stunned and then said with a smile: "no matter whether it is true or not, the assumption never holds true in me. Zhang Yi, if you really want to be good for me, you should be together with Lanling. I'm just an ordinary person, and I don't want to be mixed into your resentment

Zhang Yi came to her side and said to Mu Yun, "can you avoid it? I want to tell Chu Huan something alone."

"No Chu Huan pulled Mu Yun Shu, "he is my fiance now, I share a room with other men, he will not be happy."Zhang Yi looks down. Mu Yunshu hugs Chu Huan's waist and kisses her gently on her forehead. They look at each other and smile, just like a couple of gods and fairies.

The cold light in Zhang Yi's eyes slowly spread, trying to pull Chu Huan out of Mu Yunshu's arms, to take Chu Huan away, to lock Chu Huan up, and to belong to him alone.

He really can't accept Chu Huan with other men, even close contact is not allowed.

Zhang Yi punches mu Yunshu in the face, which is caught off guard. Mu Yunshu hugs Chu Huan in his arms. He can't dodge and gets down.

Mu Yunshu's face was red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth bulged up, as if with a piece of sugar.

Mu Yunshu spits blood from his mouth on Zhang Yi's face. Zhang Yi is about to start again. Chu Huan blocks mu Yunshu.

"Zhang Yi, what do you want to do

"You want to protect him?"

"He's my fiance, and I'll take care of him."

Chu Huan pushes Zhang Yi to keep a meter away from mu Yunshu.

Zhang Yi staggered back a few steps, unbelievable looking at her, eyes full of pain and struggle.

For a moment, Chu Huan was almost soft hearted. Then he thought that Zhang Yi had married someone else and that he was just a person who had nothing to do with him. The pain disappeared in an instant. He was just standing between him and mu Yunshu, standing still.

Chu Huan and Zhang Yi were in a standoff. Finally, Zhang Yi was defeated and whispered, "Chu Huan, do you know how painful it is to see you like this?"

The sound is not big, but like a thunderbolt from the blue, Chu Huan's brain is blank.

It seems that Gu Yiming is wrong. It seems that she has failed Zhang Touming.

"Zhang Yi, you have married someone else." Chu Huan had to remind him to speak carefully.