With a bitter smile, Zhang Yi blocked all his retreats.

Back a step back, the eye is not reconciled.

"Zhang Yi, you are not irresponsible. You have failed me. Don't let Lanling down again. " Chu Huan has finished what she should have said. As for whether Zhang Yi is willing to accept it, it is not her concern.

"I have never failed you." Zhang Yisheng, like a mosquito and a fly, wants to let her hear, but is afraid of her hearing.

Chu Huan wryly smile, married someone else, but also said these, let her feel incomparably ironic.

You don't want to show up with her again

After being shocked, Zhang Yi is only left with loss. He turns around and walks out slowly. He walks very slowly, leaving Chu Huan a lonely and lonely figure.

When he said those words, Chu Huan regretted, especially when he saw Zhang Yi like this. He wanted to stop Zhang Yi and tell him that the words he had just said were not his own intention, so he held back.

What's the difference between those words?

Zhang Yi and she have become the past. Now Zhang Yi and Lan Ling are a perfect match. If they are entangled again, they are not good for anyone.

Mu Yunshu covered his face and went to Chu Huan. "Zhang Yi is stubborn, and he won't give up easily."

"And then?" Chu Huan said with a smile, "I married you, let him die this heart?"

"Yes Mu Yun Shu Si did not hide the idea in her heart, "if you marry me, I can protect you with justice, and no one dares to bully you any more."

"Don't mention it again. I won't agree."

"Let's have a try."

Mu Yunshu refused to give up, so Chu Huan was not tired of it, "try? How to try it? "

"We can be nominal couple first. If you can fall in love with me, we will live together for the next half of the generation. If you can't like me all the time, when you meet the right one, I will set you free."

Mu Yunshu's conditions are very attractive. If Chu Huan met him at the beginning, he would certainly agree without hesitation in order to find a way to rely on him.

It's just this kind of thing, once, and she doesn't want to go through it again.

"I don't need anyone's protection." Chu Huan refused to leave any room, "Mu Yunshu, don't waste time on me, it's not worth it."

Mu Yunshu's eyes crossed a sense of frustration, and soon disappeared, pulling a thick cheek, "no matter what you say, I will not give up."

Chu Huan went out for a distance. Hearing this, he almost didn't fall.

The heart of Mu Yunshu in a silent state, forget it, she is also too lazy to pay attention to.

I believe that as time goes by, mu Yunshu will not waste time on her.

She wanted to talk to Song Qing. She saw that song Qingzheng and Wei Yu whispered something. They were too far away to hear clearly. She did not have the habit of eavesdropping on the corner and turned to her room.

After Lanling left, the Yamen became dilapidated, and her room was not spared. The bed and floor were in chaos. The maid was busy cleaning up the living room and the main hall, and had no time to clean up the room for them.

Chu Huan probably cleaned the room and sat in a daze.

These days, she has been in this state, out of a meal is dazed, occasionally mu Yunshu came to play with her for a while, she was kicked out.

A month later, there was a lot of excitement at the gate of the Yamen. Chu Huan looked outside. A girl came in from outside. She was wearing a pink skirt with blue butterflies embroidered on it, and a jade and red hairpin on her head.

Chu Huan almost didn't recognize it, and the gap between before and after surprised her.

Plain heart quickly walked to Chu Huan side, with a smile in his eyes, "sister, we met again."

Her eyes peeped inside, and Chu Huan thought with her toes that she knew the real purpose of her trip.

Mu Yunshu has always been a county magistrate in this place. If he can get the support of his plain hearted father, according to his talent, he will surely be able to make great progress.

"You've changed a lot." Chu Huan's eyes are smiling.

"Thanks for my sister's advice. Otherwise, I'm still at home, a pitiful bully." Su Xin's eyes turned red and clenched his teeth. "Elder sister, I want to take you to live in the capital for a period of time. Can I be your companion?"

"Me?" Chu Huan pointed to himself and chuckled, "I'm a rural woman. Going to the capital with you is not enough to humiliate you."

"No shame." Suxin took her hand, "this period of time, I am at home like walking on thin ice, you and I together, I will have a lot of confidence."

Chu Huan wants to leave here, and also wants to get rid of Mu Yunshu. If she doesn't meet, or mu Yunshu's feelings for her will fade. She hesitates for a moment. When she wants to agree to come down, mu Yunshu comes back from the outside.

"I said who can have such a big show? It turns out that some guests have arrived." Mu Yunshu is like a spring breeze. Her voice is bright and clear. When she looks at Su Xin in the dark, she instantly blushes and lowers her head and dare not look at her.Mu Yunshu didn't notice her change. He put his arm around her shoulder and said: "I'll stay here for a few more days. I'll show you the local conditions and customs here."

"You let me go." The plain heart shoulder moved for a while, the expression is pinched, the voice is weak, with three points of shame.

Chu Huan patted Mu Yun Shu for a moment, "don't you know what men and women give and receive?"

Mu Yunshu let go of her plain heart, and said with a smile, "I'm so happy that I didn't pay attention to these."

Su Xin has been looking at Mu Yun Shu's face with her spare light. If she wants to see it, she dares not to see it. She can squeeze water out of her face. "I'm here to repay you for saving your life."

Mu Yunshu laughed more happily, "to repay the kindness of ah. That feeling is good. Are you here to promise me a bright future or do you want to send me gold and silver jewelry? I'll be happier if you give me everything. "

Generally speaking, girls want to make friends with each other.

Chu Huan felt that he was a little redundant here, so he found a reason to leave this place for the two of them.

The head of plain heart droops a little lower, "all not."

"What is that?"

"I think I want to... " The plain heart hesitated for a long time without saying one, two or three.

Chu Huan looked at the corner, the heart mentioned the throat, said to this, on the short of a foot.

"If it's not for that, I don't need anything else, so I don't have to give it." Mu Yunshu waved a big hand, good cool way, "the husband should save people in danger, you don't have to put it in mind."

"The grace of saving lives is not a small matter." Plain heart summoned up courage to look up at him, forehead appeared dense sweat, "kindness must be reported."

Mu Yunshu Gu said of him, "how did you sweat so much? You're not going to get sick, are you? "

"No, I..." Su Xin stuttered for a long time, and didn't say the three words "like you" at the back. She scolded herself severely in her heart. She took mu Yunshu's arm and looked at him with shame, hoping that he could understand his meaning.