Inside the guests have already sat down, Mu Yun book carrying a woman came in, immediately attracted people's attention.

Chu Huan didn't dare to make any more mischief. He buried his head into mu Yunshu's shoulder and said coldly, "Mu Yunshu, go back and you will die."

Mu Yunshu's shoulder twitches, the corners of his mouth slightly raised a little, obviously in a suppressed smile.

It was calculated by him.

He is not trustworthy, but he is soft hearted.

Chu Huan in the other people can not see the place, hand holding Mu Yun Shu rib meat, mercilessly twisted a circle. Mu Yunshu turned his head and grinned at her, warning her not to go too far.

Pretending not to see the same, Chu Huan released him, clapped his hand at the place he had just pinched, and lowered his voice, "if you have the ability, you should never let me down. Anyway, I am the next cousin now. It's you, Lord mu, who has a charge that is not clear about his involvement with civilian women. It depends on how you can raise your head in the officialdom. "

Zhang Yi came out of the room and followed everyone's eyes. Chu Huan's whole mind was on mu Yunshu's body. He didn't notice that an angry eye was looking towards her. The heat and pain in his eyes made him want to turn them into ashes.

The guests are all seated according to their status. Mu Yunshu is a county magistrate, and his good position has nothing to do with him. In full view of the public, Mu Yun Shu came to the corner with Chu Huan on his back. The people here had already gone to flatter the powerful and powerful people, and had no time to go back here at all.

"Chu Huan, would Zhang Yi be crazy if we sat in a chair?" Mu Yunshu put her down and held her arm. It seemed that Chu Huan would disappear as soon as he let go.

Chu Huan was made to laugh and cry.

Is mu Yunshu making such a fuss with her, even sacrificing dignity to carry her in, just to make Zhang Yi look ugly?

Or do you still care about what you said that day?

Chu Huan didn't understand.

"All the guests here are distinguished guests. Be careful what you say. You are only listened to by those who are interested in it. You don't know how to arrange us."

"I'm not afraid."

Mu Yunshu looks magnanimous, the voice of external people's discussion, does not care at all, what should be done, capricious extreme.

Chu Huan suddenly felt that it was reasonable for him to be a county magistrate these years. Otherwise, with his talent and learning, he would surely be able to compete in the Central Plains and occupy a place in the imperial court.

"Don't you always want to get rid of Zhang Yi? Now is the best chance. If you don't have him in your heart, do as I say Mu Yunshu's eyes sank and a shadow fell under his eyes.

Chu Huan was entangled by him and reluctantly agreed to sit in a chair with him.

Anyway, there was no one at the table, and she was not afraid to be laughed at.

Seeing the two of them getting close, Zhang Yi's face was tense all the time, and his eyes were fierce. He was about to explode at any time. The two of them were more and more intimate. The anger kept surging in Zhang Yi's heart. His hands were clenched and his veins were bursting. His red blood vessels would be broken at any time.

He took a step toward them and was pulled by Lanling, "what are you doing?"

"Let go Zhang Yi's cold eyes swept from her hand, "it has nothing to do with you."

"You gave up everything to marry me, and you prepared to hold this party for a long time. For the sake of those two people, you become the target of public criticism and let others see jokes. Are you really willing?" Lanling's eyes are full of sarcasm, "you and Chu Huan have nothing to do with, who she wants to be with, has nothing to do with you. If you really want to take her back, you should stand on the court. When you have the ability, you are afraid that there will be no beauty with you? "

Zhang Yi's clenched fist didn't mean to loosen at all. He hesitated for a moment, picked up the wine pot from the table and walked towards them.

Mu Yun book with vegetables is sent to Chu Huan's mouth, Chu Huan closed his lips, a face of disgust.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." Zhang Yi handed the cup to Mu Yunshu, "Mr. mu, let's have a drink."

Mu Yunshu did not look at him, the words were cold, "no interest."

"Mu Yunshu, you are just a small sesame official. You are presumptuous in front of me. Do you believe that I let you crawl out of this door?" Zhang Yi's eyes are cruel and cold-blooded, and he confronts the warm-blooded man chuhuan knew before.

Mu Yunshu raised eyebrows, and was still a light hearted figure. He poked his hands and poked his ears, "talk, what do you do so loud? I'm not deaf. "

Hand in Chu Huan's waist, "scared my fiancee, I'm not finished with you."

Chu Huan's whole body is tense, and there is an illusion that she is not mu Yunshu's fiancee, but rather like the woman in the building described in the book. She is invited by the children of a rich family to prop up the front.

She hit mu Yunshu with her hand, "let go."

Mu Yun book head to her side of the tilt some, eyes with a smile, coquettish general, "I partial not put."

Chu Huan is not able to do anything about it. He can't beat mu Yunshu in public. His hand is on his arm. You pinch it hard. Mu Yunshu shows his teeth in pain and grabs her waist, which means he doesn't mean to let go.

Two people you come and I go, in Zhang Yi's eyes evolved into flirting.

"It's disgraceful to be polite and shameless." Zhang Yi said coldly."Ha ha..." Mu Yunshu laughs cheap, "we are disgraceful? You have family members, and you still pester my fiancee. What are you


"What? I said yes, and I became angry? " Mu Yunshu interrupted him, "at the beginning, you and Lanling also loved each other, but they didn't cherish and pestered my fiancee endlessly. Your behavior is really shameless."


"You see, you see, I just explained two facts. How can I get angry again? Isn't it a joke to be so careful? "

Zhang Yi glared at him. The wine glass was crushed by him. The wine mixed with the blood drops in his palm, and his sleeve was dyed wet. Chu Huan takes out the handkerchief from his waist without hesitation. He wants to go over and bandage Zhang Yi. He is stopped by mu Yunshu.

Aware of his gaffe, Chu Huan held the handkerchief's hand and stopped, standing there without moving.

Lanling has been observing their side of the movement, not only her, many people look at them as lively.

Chu Huan, mu Yunshu, Zhang Yi and Lan Ling are three things that have been widely circulated, and there are many versions in every street.

This time, mu Yunshu came in with Chu Huan on his back. In this era, a man is willing to condescend to carry a woman, which is enough to show the man's affection for this woman.

What's more, the person carrying Chu Huan in is mu Yunshu, the local magistrate.

"Mr. Zhang, your hand is broken. Go back and bandage it quickly, or you will leave a scar." Chu Huan's voice broke the deadlock between them.

The corner of Zhang Yi's mouth went up Yang, eyes have been staring at Chu Huan, do not look at the injury on the hand, said: "you still care about me, right?"