Chu Huan looked helpless, "where do you see that I care about you? Because I told you to go back and bandage? "

Zhang Yi was silent.

"I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Even if a little beggar on the street is injured, I won't ignore it. If you misunderstand me, I'm sorry." Chu Huan put his arm in Mu Yunshu's arm and said in a soft voice, "I'm not comfortable. Let's go back first."

"Wait!" Zhang Yi called out to her. Chu Huan stopped for a moment and only heard him say, "no matter who you choose, you will come back to me in the end."

His voice was so low that only the three of them could hear him.

Chu Huan sneered, "whatever you say, how you think, I will not care."

After leaving the blue home, Chu Huan's calmness all disintegrated, subconsciously turned his head and looked back.

Once she loved Zhang Yi like a life, even if their love has been exhausted, but their heart care is not less than half.

Mu Yun Book blocked her eyes, staring at her indignantly, did not speak nor move, as if into a statue in the snow.

Chu Huan was Mu Yun Shu staring at some guilty, low voice: "sorry!"

Mu Yunshu ignored her apology and went to Yamen with a cold "hum".

These days, mu Yunshu's temper is like a child's face that changes, and Chu Huan is more and more unable to understand his mind.

Chu Huan caught up with him and put his hand on his shoulder. "What are you angry about?"

"It's none of your business. You don't care about me anyway." Mu Yunshu continued to move forward.

Chu Huan seized the clothes, "can you talk well, always so angry, very annoying, you know?"

Mu Yunshu Xu was stimulated by her words and said coldly: "I am not Zhang Yi to be liked. People like me are only worthy of being a stand in for others. "

Chu Huan knew that he was angry for this matter, thinking about how to explain to him.

Mu Yunshu pulled his clothes with his hand and said, "let go."

"I'll let you go and you'll run away." Chu Huan changed into two hands and said eagerly, "I didn't take you as a stand in for anyone."

Mu Yun book back to her, mouth showed if there is no smile, Zheng Zheng standing, the voice is still cold, "then what did you say that day?"

Chu Huan had been waiting for him to ask. Now he finally had the opportunity to explain. He stood up and said, "it's true that I can't forget Zhang Yi, just like I can't forget everyone around me who is good to me. Even if the feelings are exhausted, some subconscious habits still exist. And I accept you, want to try with you, also because I feel that I have a good feeling for you, not between friends, but between men and women. But I'm not sure. "

Listen to her similar words, smile from mu Yunshu's eyes, can not stop.

"But mu Yunshu, do you really like me? How can you like me to the point that you don't even want my life for me? " Chu Huan knows that she is selfish to ask, but she still wants an answer.

Zhang Yi has never given up on her. Now, Zhang Yi has the support of the blue prefect, and he is on his way to success.

If in the future he really because of himself and mu Yunshu, how should he hold himself?

She just wanted to have a stable family, but she didn't expect to come to this world. Even if she was going through it, she had a lot of helplessness.

Mu Yunshu turned to her eyes, word by word: "for you, I can do nothing, as long as you like me."

"That Zhang Yi..."

"Are you still thinking about him?"

As long as Zhang Yi is mentioned, mu Yunshu's temperament will change greatly. Chu Huan quickly says, "no, it's not. I'm afraid he'll get back at you. "

"He?" Mu Yunshu sneered, "a small role, I still don't pay attention to it."

"You're just a county magistrate." Chu Huan murmured in a low voice, how could a small county magistrate be the opponent of the prefect?

"What do you want me to be?" Mu Yunshu came over and flirted.

"Naturally, I hope you are the emperor, and then Jiangshan will marry me. In this way, I'm not afraid that you will give me up for the sake of some famous family and daughter in the future. " Chu Huan said casually, but saw Mu Yun Shu's face serious.

Chu Huan scratched his head, "that I'm just talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously. "

With the example of Zhang Yi, Chu Huan is really afraid.

Mu Yunshu's face returned to a smile, "since you open your mouth, I will not let you down. I will certainly marry you as my wife."

I wipe!

Chuhuan pinched himself for a moment. It hurt a lot. He wasn't dreaming.

She immediately flustered, and hastily pacified mu Yunshu's emotion, "you can never do anything treacherous. The crime of plotting rebellion is to implicate nine tribes."

"Are you afraid?"

Chu Huan white his one eye, "you are not afraid of ah."

"I'm not afraid!" Mu Yunshu looked frank, sincere, hot eyes, and clenched Chu Huan's hand, "do you really want to be with me, no matter what happens, you will advance and retreat with me?"Chu Huan was said by him in the heart hair, or involuntarily agreed to come down.

Mu Yunshu picked her up and said: "let's go home."

Chu Huan glared at him fiercely. Mu Yun carried her to the blue house for a party. Those people didn't know how to arrange her. If people see mu Yunshu holding her again, she really doesn't have to mix in this place in the future.

"Put me down."

Mu Yunshu not only didn't let her go, but also gave her a kiss on her forehead, "no, I won't let you go in this life."

"What about plain heart?" Chu Huan suddenly thought of her, and suddenly felt that he had a feeling of being a little three and robbing other men.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She likes you. She'll be sad to be seen like us."

"So what?"

Mu Yunshu has never put too much emotion into people he doesn't like, let alone worry about their emotions.

Chu Huan knows his temper, but he also knows Suxin's feelings for mu Yunshu. In case Suxin knows that they are together

She didn't dare to think about going down. She wrung Mu Yun Shu fiercely, "you quickly put me down, or I will turn over my face."

These small emotions and temperaments have no meaning before Mu Yun's writing, and Mu Yun's book still goes its own way.

"I just want her to see it, and then she will die." Mu Yunshu was afraid that she would really turn over her face and said, "don't you know that there is a saying called quick knife to cut the mess? The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be. "

"I don't want to let her know in this way." From the Yamen closer and closer, Chu Huan heart more and more anxious, "please, you let me down, go back I will find a chance to tell her clearly."


"A word from a gentleman can never be recalled!" Chu Huan nodded, almost want to cry without tears, a little regret how his heart soft promised him, things to this point, she can only go ahead.