Having said that, when he saw Su Xin, Chu Huan no longer had the courage of the past. He just wanted to avoid Suxin and hide for a while.

Mu Yunshu blocked her in the corner, "when do you open your mouth?"

"Ah? This That... " Chu Huan's fingers kept poking and babbling for a long time without giving a definite answer.

"If you don't speak, I'll tell her myself."

"Don't Don't go Chu Huan grabs mu Yunshu's arm, lowers his head and looks at him pitifully, "plain heart can't stay here for long, why can't you let her have a good time these days."

"Chu Huan!"

Mu Yunshu's voice doubled, and Chu Huan gave a thrill. With his deep eyes, he quickly lowered his head and said timidly, "can you stop calling me that? I'm afraid."

"You look at me." Mu Yunshu forced her to look at him. Chu Huan was guilty and looked around, but he didn't look at him.

"Have you never liked me?" Mu Yunshu's voice dropped a little bit, "if you don't like me, you don't have to be with me."

"I just don't know how to face plain heart. Why do you force me so much?"

"Did I force you, or did you force me?" Mu Yunshu said feebly, "if I hadn't seen you like a person, I might have believed what you said was true."

Desperate love, the original owner did it once for Wei Yuan; Chu Huan did it for Zhang Yi once, and mu Yunshu saw it twice.

Chu Huan was forced to a desperate situation by him, clearly knowing that things should not be like this, but unable to change.

Mu Yunshu slowly let her go, "I don't need you to be with me in order to pity me. Let's just do it. "

"Mu Yunshu..." Chu Huan wants to explain to him, but he doesn't know how to say it.

Desperate, she came once and never had the courage to come again.

Suxin is by mu Yunshu's side. She is really unhappy. She can no longer pledge her sovereignty as before.

Is it wrong that she just wants to talk about a love without breaking up and getting married?

Maybe they are not wrong, just did not meet the right person at the right time.

In the evening, Song Qing comes to tell Chu Huan that mu Yunshu is sulking in his study alone and hasn't eaten anything for a day.

"Like to eat or not to eat." Chu Huan did not have a good airway, but a sense of guilt flooded in his heart.

Song Qing will be ready to give her the meal, "you go to send him, now in addition to you, he estimated that no one will see."

Chu Huan lingered at the door of Mu Yunshu's room with his meal. He thought of knocking on the door several times and then retreated.

What did you say? What if Mu Yunshu was more angry when she saw her? What if Mu Yunshu gets angry and pours food on her head?

Think of this, Chu Huan hit a shiver, according to the character of Mu Yunshu, is likely to do this kind of thing.

For the sake of her own safety, she decided to withdraw first. As for the food, when mu Yunshu is hungry, she will certainly go to eat by herself.

"Didn't you come to bring me food?"

The door opened at this time, mu Yunshu stood in front of her, eyes red and swollen, face pale, beard ragged, hair messy, the whole person looked very haggard.

Chu Huan's hand shook for a while, just one day did not see, unapt so big reaction?

She bravely walked over, not daring to look at mu Yunshu's eyes. She went around him, and her hand was caught by mu Yunshu. She stopped for a moment. Mu Yunshu quickly let her go and closed the door.

Chu Huan's heart welled up with an ominous premonition, and the skin smile meat did not smile: "come to eat quickly."

"Starve to death, no one cares." Mu Yun Shu Qi exhaled.

Sure enough, he was in a child's temper again. Chu Huan went to pull him, "who said no one cares about you? Everyone is very concerned about you. The food is carefully prepared by Song Qing. Don't let her down. "

"And you? Do you care about me? "

"I I care about you, of course. " Chu Huan handed the chopsticks to him, "eat quickly, or the food will be cold."

"You're bullshit. You don't care about me at all." Mu Yunshu did not go to pick up her chopsticks, the words revealed the taste of grievance, "otherwise, how could you not come to see me for such a long time?"

Chu Huan was speechless.

"I really care about you." Chu Huan was patient.

"Then you feed me." Mu Yun stretched his head forward and opened his mouth like a crying child waiting for his mother to feed.

Huan Chu language again.

She hasn't done such a thing in her life. She can't help it. Who's going to blame her? "Then you sit down."

Mu Yunshu showed a happy expression, sat down next to Chu Huan, opened his mouth, and went to eat the food that Chu Huan handed over.

No matter what Chu Huan fed him, he would not refuse. His eyes were always on Chu Huan's body and couldn't bear to move away.

"Mu Yunshu, I'm sorry..."

"Hum Bah... " Mu Yunshu spit the food in his mouth on the ground, and his face, which was just a little pleasant, was gloomy again, "I don't want to eat any more. You can go.""What's your temper? Can't we have something to say?" Chu Huan really wants to pat the buttocks and walk away. He stands up and sits back. Some words always have to be clear.

"I don't want to talk to you." Mu Yunshu turned his face and no longer looked at her, "you don't want to send me rice after that. I'm starving to death."

"Mu Yunshu, you're finished, don't you Chu Huan couldn't bear it. The anger in his heart suddenly rushed up, "I have sincerely apologized to you. What else do you want? If you really hate me, I'll go and never come back again

Mu Yunshu grabs her finger and Wei Qu Baba looks at her, "I don't want you to go."

Seeing by his eyes, Chu Huan's heart softened and his voice softened. "I know you're angry with me. I don't want to think about it. I don't like you as much as you like me, Zhang Yi. But I am also a person. I have tried once in the face of feelings. I really don't have the courage to try again. I hope you can understand. If you really can't accept it, it can only show that we were predestined and didn't meet at the right time. "

"You don't have the courage, I have; I can do what you don't want to do, but can you stop me?" Mu Yunshu lowered his posture, almost pleading.

Chu Huan felt that he would be too much to refuse mu Yunshu again. He nodded, "OK."

She and mu Yunshu's affair, Su Xin wants to know sooner or later, only sooner or later.

Mu Yunshu held her in his arms, "chuhuan, I really like you. Do you know how jealous I am when I see you care about Zhang Yi at the party. You never cared about me that much. "

"I'm sorry!"

"I don't want you to apologize. If you really feel sorry for me, just like me and stay with me, OK?"

Chu Huan was about to answer. Seeing Su Xin carrying food, she stood at the door in a panic. She was stunned and didn't know how to face her.