Through them, Chu Huan sees Zhang Yi coming here.

The heart "clutters" for a moment. It is clear that she has no relationship with Zhang Yi. However, every time she sees Zhang Yi, she still feels uneasy and has an unspeakable feeling.

Mu Yunshu at her side, for her emotional changes feel the most obvious, frown, did not speak.

Zhang Yi walked straight up to her, looked at her, and his eyes fell on the package behind her. He said coldly, "what are you going to do?"

"It's none of your business." Mu Yunshu protects Chu Huan behind him, blocking Zhang Yi's sight. "Zhang Yi, you remember your identity, don't always meddle in something that has nothing to do with you."

"Her business is mine." Zhang Yi reaches for Chu Huan and is caught by mu Yunshu. Zhang Yi's face sinks, "do you know what you're doing? You will kill Chu Huan. "

"Even if she died, she would." Mu Yunshu shook off his hand, "you are in a hurry to come here, you should also know my identity. I warn you, don't annoy me, or I'll kill you more easily than crush an ant. "

"Kill me if you can." Zhang Yi didn't mean to get out of the way, "otherwise you don't want to take Chu Huan out of here."

Chu Huan comes out from behind mu Yunshu, grabs mu Yunshu with one hand, reaches into the bag with the other hand, draws out a dagger and points it at Zhang Yi, which is a bit colder than the cold winter and the twelfth month.

With his knife up and down, the dagger crossed Zhang Yi's arm, and the cloth on his sleeve fell to the ground. Chu Huan began to speak slowly, "Zhang Yi, I'll cut my robe with you. From now on, my life and death, honor and disgrace, and joy have nothing to do with you. "

"Chu Huan, do you know what will happen if you go there?" Zhang Yi still does not give up.

"I chose to be with mu Yunshu, and I was ready to deal with everything." She raised her hand and held mu Yunshu. "It's my wish to share life and death with my beloved. If you stop me again, you will be against me. Let's have a fight with friends. Don't let me hate you in the end

Zhang Yi looked at her in disbelief. Chu Huan continued: "I like mu Yunshu, and I hope you don't embarrass him any more."

A word, like a bolt from the blue, hit Zhang Yi's brain, and his brain was suddenly blank.

Chu Huan pulled mu Yunshu from his side, merciless, resolute, leaving no room.

Zhang Yi also wants to stop her. Wei Yuan grabs Zhang Yi's arm. "You should be very clear about Chu Huan's temperament. What she believes will not be changed easily. If you pester her again, you'll end up just like me

"I'm not like you." Zhang Yi's eyes were red with blood, "what you have for her is just possessive, but I really like her, and she also likes me."

Chu Huan stopped, did not look back at her, coldly said: "I used to like you, unforgettable. From the day you married Lanling, I completely put down this relationship. Whether you like me or hate me, it has nothing to do with me. The man I have in my heart is mu Yunshu. If you go on pestering, you will just insult yourself. "

She was carried on the horse by mu Yunshu, and her body nestled in Mu Yunshu's arms. She looked up and saw the smile in Mu Yunshu's eyes.

After they walked out of a distance, Chu Huan gave him a look, "are you happy now?"

"How can I not be happy to hear you tell me so affectionately?" Mu Yunshu's smile glasses bent into crescent moon and clenched her hand, "Chu Huan, you believe me, I will be able to deal with this matter, will not let you have anything."

He paused for a moment and continued, "when I return to the capital, I will restore my identity. You are the only one who is qualified to be the fourth Prince's concubine."

Chu Huan laughed, but his heart was extremely warm. Leaning against Mu Yun Shu's arms, "I don't want to be the fourth Prince's concubine, I just want to be the county magistrate's wife. After you have dealt with the affairs of the capital, shall we go back to this place and continue our little life

"But I promise you a job."

"I'm just talking about it, not to mention..." Chu Huan mischievous smile, "I am your country, is your everything. You are all I have. As for the external things, I don't care at all

"Is it?" Mu Yunshu raised eyebrows, "but I want to give you the best things."

After Chu Huan turns his head, Mu Yun's written color is gloomy. It's very dangerous. Even if he sacrifices his life, he has to protect Chu Huan.

Wei Yuan and Song Qing followed closely. When they were resting at the post station, Chu Huan sat in front of the window, listening to the noise below, but could not sleep.

Mu Yunshu made a promise to her, but in his heart, he knew that the emperor's life was hard to do, and his heart was filled with melancholy.

There was a knock outside the window. She opened the window. Mu Yunshu stood outside her window and scratched his head with his hand. She felt a little embarrassed. Chu Huan rarely saw him like this, and said with a smile, "you come to me for something?"

Mu Yunshu nodded and shook his head. Pointing to the moon in the sky, he said, "it is I found that the moon is a little round today. I want you to have a look

Chuhuan was amused by his appearance. He always thought that mu Yunshu was shameless and shameless. He didn't expect to have such a shy side.She raised her head, the moonlight hid in the clouds, the dark clouds pressed down, the people who looked at it were depressed.

Chu Huan didn't like such a scene all the time, but he felt relaxed and happy. Even the scenery he didn't like became much better.

"It's a beautiful night tonight." Chu Huan had no reason to say.

The scenery is determined by the heart, as long as the person in the heart is around, even if the storm, is also a good weather.

Mu Yunshu raised his head and looked at her with a smile in his eyes. "You think the moon is beautiful tonight, don't you?" Reaching out to pull Chu Huan's hand, he said in a soft voice, "shall we watch the stars and the moon together every day after that?"

Chu Huan nodded, "OK."

Like a recognized child, mu Yunshu's smile on his face was full of words, lowered his head and took out a rose from behind and handed it to Chu Huan, "for you."

Then he turned around and left. Vaguely, Chu Huan saw that his cheek was red.

This season is not the time for roses to grow. The flowers are folded with paper and dyed red. The color is suitable. There is no difference between the flowers and the real flowers at a glance.

Chu Huan raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "I like it very much."

Looking in the direction of Mu Yunshu's departure, a familiar figure appeared in front of her.

She subconsciously to close the window, people have come to her, the window separated them into two worlds.

Chu Huan holds the flower in her hand. She is very nervous, like a child who has done something wrong, but she has done nothing wrong.

"Chu Huan, you go with me, I am willing to give up everything and take you." Zhang Yi's voice came slowly from the outside.