Chu Huan thinks Zhang Yi is ridiculous. When she was desperate to be with Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi didn't even have an explanation and chose Lanling.

Now tell her that again, when she is who?

If you wave it, you will come; if you call it, you will go.

She did not open the window, let Zhang Yi stand under the window, and didn't bother to say a word to him.

Zhang Yi's shadow is floating on the window. Chu Huan blows out the light in the room. There is no light in the room. It is pitch black and can't see clearly anything.

Chu Huan closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep, ignoring Zhang Yi.

"Chu Huan!" Outside came a slight voice from Zhang Yi.

Chu Huan finally felt sleepy. He called out and woke up completely. He hesitated to open the window again and again, hoping to hear what Zhang Yi was trying to say.

Seeing Chu Huan's figure, Zhang Yi's mouth showed a trace of smile, "I knew you still have me in your heart."

"You're less narcissistic there." Chu Huan glared at him, "what do you want to say, quickly say, don't waste time."

"Can I come in?" Zhang Yi's face turned red with cold, and his words were not very clear.

Chu Huan did not want to directly refuse, "no, if my fiance knows, he will not be happy."

Zhang Yi's smiling face suddenly sank down. The cold moonlight hit him, making him a smooth and cool figure. Like the snow in winter, it was clearly a pleasant color. However, after staying in the world for a long time, it became more and more different from the original one.

The atmosphere between the two people froze down. The cold wind blew in through the window. Chu Huan couldn't help but shiver. He was about to close the window and prepare to go back to the room. Zhang Yi said, "I was wrong before. Could you give me another chance?"

The voice was a little imploring.

Chu Huan can't help but think of the time when he first met him. At that time, he was not in good health. What he did was not as self-confident as a young man. His words were out of order and revealed his sorrow different from his age.

He was deeply moved by his time.

But then?

Zhang Yi also showed her affection for her, and later gave her a letter of divorce and married Lanling.

Thinking of these, Chu Huan can't help but feel sad.

Her voice was a little sour, "give you a chance? So who gives me a chance? Once I will be full of deep feelings in front of you, you despise, now you let me give you a chance, how can I give you? Can I treat the past as if it didn't exist and the hurt didn't exist? " She sighed. "You should have heard of a saying that it's hard to recover when it's over. It's the same with our relationship."

"Why mu Yunshu?" Zhang Yi's eyes showed a tyrannical look. "He will not marry you even if he is given a marriage by the emperor. Why do you have to stay with him?"

"He said he would not negate me."

"What will you do if he loses you?"

Chu Huan lowered his eyes and said: "that can only say that my life is not good, I..."

"I won't let her down." Mu Yunshu came out of the dark, not loud, but extremely firm. He looked at Zhang Yi and said, "I'm different from you. I have to marry her all my life. I won't agree to let her share me with others in name. "

"It's hard for the emperor to do anything. If he doesn't respect his will, not only you, but also Chu Huan will be implicated."

"So what? I like her. She's my life, she's my dead. As long as we really love each other, no one can separate us, nor can the emperor Mu Yunshu came to Zhang Yi and said, "if you have time to care about our affairs, you'd better think about yourself. You have been planning for so long in the blue family. Are you willing to give up your plan? "

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed a little flustered, "you What are you talking about? "

"I know what you've done. I don't want to expose you. You go back now. I'll take it as if nothing happened. Otherwise, I'll immediately write a letter to Lord LAN and tell him all your plans. What will happen to Lord LAN when you say that? " Mu Yunshu half threatened.

Zhang Yi exudes a sense of killing. Staring at mu Yunshu is like a beast staring at its prey. The next second he will tear him to pieces.

Chu Huan jumped out of the window account. Mu Yunshu reached out and took her in his arms. He said in a soft voice, "it's cold outside. What are you doing out there?"

"I want to be with you." Chu Huan holds his hand, cool from Mu Yun Shu's hand, Chu Huan can't help but hit a spirit.

She got down from mu Yunshu and stood in front of him. She said to Zhang Yi, "our fate is over. No matter how hard you force each other, we can't even make friends."

Then he looked at mu Yunshu and said gently, "it's cold outside. Please follow me to bake."

Zhang Yi watched them disappear from his eyes into a dark shadow. He was staring at the direction, his eyes were not focused, and he did not know what he was thinking.

Chu Huan put on the quilt to Mu Yunshu, rebuked: "the weather is cold, how can you not know to wear a dress?"

Mu Yunshu held her hand and quickly released it. She reached out to the fire, but her body moved to Chu Huan. "I'm so bitter. Otherwise, how could I have the chance to sleep with you?"Chu Huan kicked him, and he was really handsome for less than three seconds.

When she met mu Yunshu, she didn't have a move at all.

The body gradually recovered a little, mu Yunshu held her in his arms and tentatively said, "can I sleep here tonight?"

Afraid that Chu Huan would refuse, he continued: "I want to guard you."

"No, get back to your room." Chu Huanyi's rejection of the right words, but the voice is much softer. Listening to Mu Yunshu's heart, it's like being scratched by a cat.

Mu Yunshu stares at Chu Huan, swallows his mouth to spit, praises a way: "be worthy of is I like the person, the appearance that loses temper is so lovely."

Chu Huan is sweating.

Mu Yunshu didn't care whether she agreed or not. She just lay on the bed and closed her eyes, "I fell asleep. If you don't want me to stay here, take me back

Chu Huan kicked him again. Mu Yunshu was shameless. Ordinary people are not his opponents.

With mu Yunshu in, Chu Huan doesn't have to worry about what Zhang Yi will do to her. She feels at ease.

She blew out the candle and the outside figure was gone.

When mu Yunshu fell asleep, she crept to the bedside to make sure whether Zhang Yi had left. She looked down and saw Zhang Yi huddled under the corner of the wall, shivering like a kitten abandoned by others.

Chu Huan sighed. He didn't understand what Zhang Yi was doing. It was clear that they had nothing to do with them, but they had to tangle with her.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Huan is going to find a quilt to send to Zhang Yi. Mu Yun Shu stops him and says, "don't worry about him."