Chu Huan was so amused by him that he laughed and didn't speak.

Mu Yunshu opened his eyes, on her eyes, word by word: "you want to laugh, I am jealous, why?"

Chu Huan sat next to him, "I chose you, so I won't like others. As for Zhang Yi, I only regard him as a friend, that's all."

Mu Yunshu pulled the quilt from the bed, "you don't go, I'll go."

As long as it involves things related to Zhang Yi, mu Yunshu will become extremely childish and awkward.

But Chu Huan felt that he was very real and liked him in his heart.

Going to the window, through the gap, she saw that mu Yunshu covered Zhang Yi with two quilts, and his lips moved. Mu Yunshu deliberately lowered his voice, which was a little far away. Chu Huan couldn't understand what they were saying, but Zhang Yi's face was more gloomy.

Mu Yunshu came in from the outside, Chu Huan handed her to him, "warm."

Mu Yunshu grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "it's more useful to warm meat with meat."

Chu Huan from cheek red to ear root, low head dare not go to read Mu Yun book.

"You don't have quilts in your room. You can't sleep. Go to my room tonight."

"I'm not going."

Chu Huan is not an ancient woman. He doesn't care much about the saying that men and women give and receive each other, but they haven't married yet. If they live in the same house, they will be gossiping.

No matter in which era, spitting star can drown people.

What's more, mu Yunshu is the prince, and she doesn't want mu Yunshu's reputation to be damaged because of her.

Mu Yun Shu held her clothes in her hand and begged, "I recognize the bed. I'm afraid to sleep outside. Would you like to go with me?"

"Just sleeping?"

"Or else?" Mu Yunshu approached her and pretended to be puzzled. "What else can you do if you don't sleep together at night?"

Chu Huan is flushed by his cheek and pushes aside Mu Yun Shu, forcing him to swear.

Don't try to follow mu Yunshu to his room. He is of noble status and lives in a very delicate room. After entering the room, there is a great difference between him and Chu Huan.

Mu Yunshu took her to a place, lifted the curtain and said, "you must be very tired these days, go to bubble inside, the hot spring is very comfortable."

Chu Huan squints at him, always feel mu Yunshu let her not Ann what kind, youyou way: "thank you for your kindness, but don't use it."

She lay on the bed, body close to the wall, to Mu Yunshu to make more than half of the bed.

Mu Yunshu lies down with her, hands toward her. Chu Huan's body is stiff, his body is tense, his nerves are tense, and his heart is in his throat. He is still, just like wood.

"I'm not a devil. Why are you so nervous?" Mu Yunshu's breath beat in her ears, numb and itchy, like a current general, flow Chu Huan whole body.

"That Can you stay away from me Chu Huan took a long time to spit out such a sentence.

"That won't work." Mu Yunshu held her hand tightly, touching the cold wall, "you are close to me, so that the quilt is warm."

"Mu Yunshu, we can get married, you Can you be a little bit more self respecting? "

"Self respect? Why self respect? " Mu Yunshu looked at her suspiciously and teased, "do you think I'm too light?"

Chu Huan was angry and turned her white eyes. She knew that mu Yunshu was fooling around with her, but she had no way.

Finally, she finally accepted her fate and allowed mu Yunshu to hold her and continue to sleep.

She felt that mu Yunshu's arm was slowly tightening. She wished she could be kneaded into mu Yunshu's body, making her a little breathless.

"Mu Yunshu..." She raised her head to face mu Yunshu's eyes. When she touched the hot eyes in Mu Yunshu's eyes, Chu Huan's heart beat quickened and would jump out of her heart at any time.

"Chu Huan, do you know how jealous I am when I see you with Zhang Yi?" Mu Yunshu spoke slowly.

"I'm all yours now. What are you jealous of him for?" Chu Huan's eyes are full of puzzles.

"No, you are not yet."

Mu Yun Shu put his hand into her body. Chu Huan quickly grasped his hand and nervously said, "what are you doing?"

She knows the temperament of Mu Yunshu too well. If Mu Yunshu is stronger than her, she can't escape.

Mu Yunshu's hand stopped, eyes deep a bit, "I really want to make you into my people."

As soon as he made a move, Chu Huan quickly jumped out of bed, stood on the ground, pointed to Mu Yunshu and stuttered: "you You said we were just sleeping in the same bed. "

Mu Yunshu pulled her to her side, "it was sleep, but this sleep is not that sleep."

Chu Huan's cheek flushed, unbelievable looking at mu Yunshu, hand tight in the chest, "I tell you, you don't mess, or you will regret."

"Poof!" Mu Yunshu was so amused by her appearance that she scraped her hand from her nose, "in your eyes, am I such a person who takes advantage of others'Chu Huan curled his lips. Just now mu Yunshu did that, which is a personal misunderstanding.

She lay down next to Mu Yunshu again. Mu Yunshu's hand was still around her waist and whispered, "don't worry, I won't move you until you officially marry me. I just thought you had intimate contact with Zhang Yi... "

Chu Huan is not a fool, the way of nature he is thinking about what, sighed: "I have nothing with Zhang Yi."

"What do you mean?"

"That's what you mean." Chu Huan glared at him fiercely, clearly he had said very clearly, but mu Yunshu had to pretend to be stupid.

"Seriously, you two..."

"Believe it or not." Chu Huan was burned by his cheek and turned to close his eyes.

Mu Yunshu was still immersed in the joy just now. He did not react. He also wanted to ask some more things. Seeing Chu Huan turn his face, he could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

"In fact, at that time, there was only Lanling in Zhang Yi's heart." Chu Huan suddenly said.

Mu Yunshu was stunned for a moment, and then understood that she was answering his inner question.

Mu Yunshu smiles and thinks that according to Zhang Yi's temperament, he can do that kind of thing.

He sent someone to investigate the past of Chu Huan and Zhang Yi. Chu Huan was sold to Zhang Yi for joy. Zhang Yi was proud of himself. How could he look up to Chu Huan at that time.

Holding Chu Huan's hand, he stepped up a few minutes and said in Chu Huan's ear, "do you know that today is the happiest day of my life."

"Since you can't let go of my past with Zhang Yi, why do you want to be with me?" Chu Huan was infuriated by his words, got up from bed and looked at him coldly.