"I don't want to know." Mu Yunshu covered his ears with his hand and muttered, "no matter what you say to him, it's the same to me."

Chu Huan sat beside him, looking down at him from above. It was dark outside, and the room seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, slowly pressing down from the sky.

The mood is flooded by the darkness, two people are very close, can only hear each other's breathing sound.

"I told him I liked you." Chu Huan's face was flushed. Fortunately, it was at night. The room was dark and could not see anything.

Mu Yun book back to her did not move.

"If you ignore me, I'll go."

Chu Huan pulled the quilt to cover him. When he turned to leave, he was held by two hands around his waist. Mu Yunshu's head was close to her back. His voice was a little aggrieved. "You don't want to talk to him, OK?"

Chuhuan was amused by him. In front of outsiders, he was a mature and steady mu Yunshu, and in front of himself, he became a child who had no sense of security and was angry if he didn't care for him.

However, he ate his way. As soon as mu Yunshu lost his temper, she had to surrender.

Follow, coax.

Chuhuan sighed. He owed him in his last life. He said softly, "good."

Chu Huan twisted his face to see him, was stopped by mu Yunshu, "you don't move."

Chu Huan sat stiff there, motionless, not knowing what mu Yunshu wanted to do.

Mu Yunshu's hand touched the belt around her waist, reached out to solve it, and chuhuan "cluttered" for a moment. Compared with Zhang Yi day and night for a year, she was not as afraid as she is now.

Her spirit is highly tense and her whole body is stiff. There is a voice in her heart that makes her stop mu Yunshu's next action. Her body seems petrified and can't move.

"Hey, hey..." Mu Yunshu issued a sinister laugh, he put Mrs. Tang in Chu Huan's stomach, "do you feel warmer?"

Chu Huan's tense heart relaxed. She was really scared to death just now.

Mu Yunshu didn't let go of her meaning, got close to her ear, bit her ear and said, "you were nervous just now. What are you afraid of?"

Chu Huan stretched out his hand and pushed him away, "stay away from me."

"I'm not." Mu Yunshu's temper came and went quickly, joking, "are you thinking about something else? Do you want to show me Zhou Gong's courtesy... "

"Mu Yunshu, you have enough." "No, there's a deer in his heart. It's like a red deer in his heart.

Mu Yunshu held her in his arms. "Do you know that every time you talk to Zhang Yi, I'm very nervous. I'm afraid you'll go with him and leave me alone."

He put his jaw on Chu Huan's shoulder. "My mother promised me that she would stay with me all the time. In the end, she left me alone. I'm afraid you will..."

Chu Huan raised his head, only mu Yunshu's eyes were shining in the dark at night, and he could see the tears flickering inside.

"I will not."

Chu Huan's resolute voice was magnified infinitely in the dark, echoing in the empty, quiet room.

"I don't believe in the oath. I want you to stay by my side and be my woman, OK?" Mu Yunshu's voice with a bit of pleading, breath into a seamless soft net, will Chu Huan wrapped in it, there is no way to break free.

She is not an ancient woman. She even thinks that she is in love with a person and wants to give everything for her. As for other things, she doesn't want to think about it.

Life is short, and it is her principle to live happily.

Only this kind of thing is put forward by mu Yunshu, her heart suddenly disordered, only to find that she did not want to be so reckless.

You don't have to wait for a long time to answer, Mu Yun

Chu Huan heard this, not only did not feel a sigh of relief, but the mind was more heavy.

Mu Yunshu held her and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, she woke up from her dream. She didn't know what she had dreamt about. She just felt that she had fallen into the abyss. Mu Yunshu was like a ray of light shining in and pulling her out of the abyss.

After she came out, she found Zhang Yi standing on the edge of the abyss. Her eyes were filled with anguish and despair through mu Yunshu. Her hand reached out to her, lifted it into the air and fell again. She turned and jumped into the abyss to bury her.

She touched her forehead and stopped, took a deep breath, put on her shoes and went out.

The cold wind blows to her along with the snow dregs. In the cold winter, the wind is sharper than the knife. It seems that it is going to cut her skin. The pain is accompanied by a sense of pleasure, which makes her confused consciousness gradually wake up.

The moonlight showed her face from the clouds. Through the moonlight, she saw Zhang Yi curled up at the pillar.

Knowing that she was going to return to Beijing with mu Yunshu, Zhang Yi had been trying to take her away. After being refused by her, Zhang Yi slept outside her room with a lot of snow dregs on her cheek. He did not move, as if he were dead.Zhang Yi used to be a proud man. Even if his face was destroyed, he was still strong enough to live. He never lived as humble as he is now.

Chu Huan walked a few steps toward him, and then stopped, pulling a wry smile from the corners of his mouth.

What can be done in the past?

It was Zhang Yi who abandoned her. No matter what the reason is, they can't go back to the past.

If the stalemate goes on, it will only consume their previous affection. When it is finished, there will be no relationship between them.

It's better for Zhang Yi to stay here for a few days. If he doesn't feel interesting, he will leave.

Song Qing came out of the house and put on a dress for Chu Huan, "cousin, let's go into the room and have a chat."

"Are you still up?" Chu Huan looked at her suspiciously.

On second thought, I felt that my questions were unnecessary. When I lived in yamen, Song Qing's room was not far away from her room. Every time she slept, she could see that the light in Song Qing's room was still on. Sometimes Song Qing would read a book under the lamp, sometimes she would embroider. She almost had to stay up until the East was white.

Chu Huan glanced at Zhang Yi and made it clear to Zhang Yi. But the former affection was still there. Where can we say that we can give up?

"Cousin, sit down first. I'll send a quilt to Mr. Zhang." Song Qing read her mind and went out with the quilt in her arms.

"Song Qing!" Chu Huan called her, looking at the quilt on her hand, eyelids drooping down.

In recent days, she has asked people to send quilts to Zhang Yi. However, Zhang Yi seems to be in a bad temper with her. The quilt sent to her is still on the side, and she curls up outside like a self mutilation.

Zhang Yi is physically weak. How many days can Zhang Yi last?

She took over the quilt on Song Qing's hand, "or I'll go."