"Lord Mu doesn't want you to have too much contact with Mr. Zhang. You'd better not go." Song Qing stopped her and hesitated for a moment. "Mr. Zhang did this to force you to be soft hearted. The more you are, the more he will feel that you can't let him go."

This mu Yunshu also told Chu Huan that she had been persuading herself not to read, not to think, not to listen.

However, Zhang Yi is there, as long as you look up, you can see it, and you can't escape.

Zhang Yi and her all the way to support over, no love, the two people's kinship is still, she really can't be so cruel.

"Since you have chosen to be with Lord mu, you should not waver." Song Qing sighed, "if you can't let him go, you shouldn't accept Lord mu, which is unfair to him."

Chu Huan and how do not know these, eyes droop down, "you go. If he doesn't use He doesn't have to... "

After that, Chu Huan didn't know how to go on.

Zhang Yizi will not compromise. This time, he gambled with his own life to win or lose.

Chu Huan turns her head and no longer looks at Zhang Yi.

She was afraid that she would be soft hearted.

There is a light fragrance in the room. If you smell it more, you will feel a sense of coldness as the blood moves through the body. The whole body is like being wrapped by cold idea, which is chilling to the bone, and you are in an ice cellar.

Song Qing comes back from the outside. The quilt in her hand is gone. Chu Huan subconsciously glances at Zhang Yi. The quilt was thrown aside by Zhang Yi and covered the snow randomly. It was wet.

As expected, he was breathing.

Chu Huan said in his heart.

"He still won't make a quilt?" Chu Huan inquired and asked. He had thought of the result for a long time, but he was still miserable in his heart.

The weather was cold, and she could feel the piercing wind in the house. What's more, Zhang Yi's clothes were thin when he slept in the snow again. Even if he was lucky enough to save his life, his body would be ruined.

"He said he wanted you to go."

Chu Huan bit his teeth, "I'd better go there."

"What do you say to your Lord?" Song Qing stopped her and said, "every time you come into contact with Mr. Zhang these days, Lord Mu will not be happy for several days. These days, his face is long. If he goes on like this, he will kill people madly. "

"I can't let him die here."

Even if she and Zhang Yi did not have the same affection before, it is impossible for her to say that she is a doctor.

"I'll talk to Mu Yunshu."

Chu Huan turned back to her room. The room was dark. She opened the door and sat on the bed. Her eyes were bright in the dark.

She was shocked and tentatively said, "Mu Yunshu?"

"Did you go to him?" Mu Yunshu's voice was cold, and his emotion could not be seen in the dark.

"Not yet." Xing Yun said, holding the lamp palm, he found that mu Yunshu was wearing a single garment in the room. His chest was half exposed outside, his cheek was red with cold, and he sat there motionless.

Xing Yun quickly went over and covered him with the quilt, "what are you doing? It's going to freeze. "

"Don't worry about it. You don't have me in your heart anyway. You can't do what you promised me." Mu Yunshu stubbornly pushed aside the quilt in her hand, "maybe I freeze to death before he does, and you will care more about me."

Chuhuan was amused by his words and sat down next to him, "are you afraid that after you freeze to death, I will come back to him and live with Meimei?"

Mu Yunshu's eyes widened, angrily raised his small fist and said, "do you dare? If you come back to him, I will become a ghost and follow you. "

Chu Huan hand stroked arm, "big night, can not say so infiltrative words."

"Then you can't go back to him, don't care about him." Mu Yunshu fell in her arms, coquettish general way, "I'm really afraid you contact him, eyes are not good."

In terms of emotion, mu Yunshu is different from Zhang Yi. He never hides what he says, which Chu Huan likes very much.

If she really wants to let her ignore Zhang Yi, she still can't do it.

"I have a relationship with Zhang Yi. I can't ignore him." Chu Huan stopped for a moment and said, "how can you believe me?"

Mu Yunshu eyes instantly become Cheng Liang, "you marry me, you become my person, I am not afraid."

In recent days, mu Yunshu has been making trouble. She sleeps with her every day. In the eyes of outsiders, they share the same bed. Whether mu Yunshu moves her or not, it is hard to tell.

If two people can get married as soon as possible, it is also a good thing, at least can let Zhang Yi die.

She thought for a while, staring at mu Yunshu's eyes, word by word: "will you really not abandon me? Will be good to me all my life? "

"That's nature." Mu Yunshu raised his hand and swore to the heaven, "if I fail you one day, I will surely be struck by thunder and lightning. I will not die well and never..."

"No more." Chu Huan covered his mouth, "I never believe the oath, you remember what you said."Mu Yunshu seized her hand, "chuhuan, you are the only person I have identified in my life. Even if you resist the purpose and do not respect it, even if you are in a different place, I will not leave you."

"When do you want to get married?" Chu Huan looked outside. It's snowing all the time these days, so he can't make his way. He has to stay here for a few more days, and continues, "how about tomorrow? There's no need for extravagance. Just have a little wedding

"For Zhang Yi?" Mu Yunshu curled his lips, and his happiness was swept away.

"For you. Only in this way can you feel at ease. "

Mu Yunshu held her in his arms and rubbed her head on her body, "then I will be the only one in your heart. As for Zhang Yi, you can have a word with him once in a while, but not much, and I must be present. "

"What you say is what you say." Chu Huan poked his forehead, "you are not confident, will be so upset."

Mu Yunshu snorted coldly, changed a posture, and put her head on her leg, "go to sleep, I'll go to prepare things for the wedding banquet tomorrow."

"I I want to send a quilt to Zhang Yi. " Chu Huan tentatively said, "I didn't go out to look for Zhang Yi just now. I met Song Qing and talked with her for a while. I didn't break your promise."

Mu Yunshu sat up unhappily, carrying Chu Huan on his back, pulled a quilt from the bed and threw it to her, "go back quickly."

"Are you not going with me?"

"No, I don't want to see you care about him."

Mu Yunshu is in a bad temper, his hands are in front of his chest, and he is sulky there.

Every time he looks like this, Chu Huan feels very cute, and also can feel his position in his heart. He hugs the quilt and kisses him on the face, "wait for me to come back."

Mu Yunshu grabs her arm with one hand and clasps the back of her head with the other hand, which is attached to her lips and deepens the kiss. The quilt in Chu Huan's hand falls to the ground. Looking at mu Yunshu, his face is flushed and his hand is hanging down. He doesn't know where to put it.