Obviously, she has no relationship with Zhang Yi. Marriage and marriage have nothing to do with each other. I don't understand what Zhang Yi is doing. Do you have to force her into a desperate situation to be reconciled?

"Would you rather see me die than marry mu Yunshu?"

Zhang Yi stares at her in disbelief, can't believe Chu Huan Hui is so heartless to himself.

Chu Huan was silent and turned to look at mu Yunshu. He said, "Zhang Yi, we have been together for so long. You should know what kind of person I am. I hate being forced by others. You challenge my bottom line again and again. What do you think is left between us? How can you be sure that I will give up my happiness for an unrelated person

Her eyes sank. "Now you are my patient. If you treat a disease, you have to treat it. If you don't treat it, you have to treat it. But you don't want to threaten me with this."

Chu Huan asked the bodyguard to carry Zhang Yi back to the room. He was about to follow him when he saw Wei Yuan and Song Qing rushing over. There is nothing left between Zhang Yi and her. Instead of giving Zhang Yi hope and making Zhang Yi feel soft hearted, it is better to give Zhang Yi to Wei Yuan.

After a few simple instructions, she went back to Mu Yunshu and forced herself not to look at Zhang Yi's room.

Wei Yuan's medical skills are higher than her. If Wei Yuan can't save her, it can only show that Zhang Yi's life should be like this.

She comforted herself like this, but her heart was aching to death.

Mu Yunshu held her in her arms. The lights in the room mingled with different lights, and opened a way in the dark to bring light to people.

Hiding in Mu Yun Shu's arms, Chu Huan still felt cold. He drilled into his arms and whispered, "hold me tight."

Mu Yunshu hugged her tightly and pulled a quilt over her with his other hand, hoping to rub her into his body.

Strong embrace let Chu Huan some breathless, but also let her feel safe, dizzy in the brain, eyelids heavy, slowly sleep in the past.

In her sleep, she saw Zhang Yi fall into the abyss again. She wanted to call for help and rescue Zhang Yi. She reached out to catch him. She couldn't catch anything.

Chu Huan wakes up from sleep, mu Yunshu reaches out to wipe the sweat on her forehead, "have a nightmare."

"How is Zhang Yi?" Chu Huan grabs mu Yunshu's arm and says nervously.

"His life is no longer in danger, and his body is still a little weak. Just take more medicine."

Chu Huan mumbled to himself: "that's good, that's good."

"Why didn't you agree to Zhang Yi's request at that time?" Mu Yunshu has been thinking about this issue. At first, he believed that Chu Huan was in love with himself. Just now he heard her calling Zhang Yi's name. That hope vanished in an instant.

"I don't know." "But she thought of giving up when I saw the book

Mu Yunshu's eyes lit up in an instant, "are you telling me the truth?"

Chu Huan nodded, "Mu Yun Shu you believe me, I choose you, will not easily let go."

"I believe, I believe." Mu Yunshu was happy and didn't know what to do, his eyes bent into crescent shaped, looking at Chu, laughing with a child.

Chu Huan originally wanted to see Zhang Yi. When he saw him like this, he couldn't say anything to his mouth.

"You've been guarding me all night. Go to sleep. I'll watch you."

"No, I'm afraid that as soon as I fall asleep, you'll find Zhang Yi." Mu Yunshu has a deep pouch under his eyes. His eyelids are fighting, and he is holding on.

Chu Huan had nothing to do with him. He could only coax him, "don't worry, I won't go to Zhang Yi. You'll stay until you wake up

"That's not good. I don't believe what you say." Mu Yunshu pulled her hand to his face and thought for a while, saying, "let me sleep. You can sleep with me."

Words with a bit of coquettish taste.

"Well, I'll sleep with you." Chu Huan lay down next to him. His eyes glanced out unconsciously. It began to snow outside. They didn't know how long they would stay at the post station.

As long as you stay here, you will inevitably meet Zhang Yi. Is there really no way to escape?

What about tomorrow's wedding? Should it be held normally?

She did not dare to ask or think of these words.

Zhang Yi's temper is more stubborn than mu Yunshu. If he can force him to die today, who can guarantee that he will not commit suicide tomorrow.

Mu Yunshu opened his eyes and saw her staring at the roof in a daze, and said in a low voice, "I'll chat with you."

"What are you talking about? If you don't sleep, tomorrow you will be the bridegroom with dark circles under your eyes. " There is a bit more trial in the words.

Subconsciously, he hoped that mu Yunshu would give up his wedding tomorrow, but he knew that this possibility was almost zero.

Mu Yunshu sat up and looked down at her cheek. Her voice was ethereal. "If you don't want to get married tomorrow, it's OK."

As long as we have a couple.

After the words he did not say, afraid of Chu Huan forced anxious, Chu Huan will leave him.

Chu Huan laughs, "this is not your sincere words?""Of course not. I always want to marry you. How can I give up when I finally get the chance?" Mu Yunshu's voice was a little aggrieved, "but I also know you can't let Zhang Yi go. If we get married tomorrow, Zhang Yi really has an accident, you will never forget him in your life."

Chu Huan picks eyebrows and thinks that mu Yunshu is better than Zhang Yiqiang in understanding himself.

Mu Yunshu continued: "I want not only your people, but also your heart. I want you to have only me in your heart, and treat me wholeheartedly in your life

"Good." Chu Huan nodded, "you can rest assured, I will slowly put down Zhang Yi, let you live in my heart, never give anyone a place."

"That's about it." Mu Yunshu saw the worry in her eyes and continued, "I will accompany you to see Zhang Yi."

Chu Huan Leng for a moment, Mu Yun Shu said: "only allow you to look at a distance, not to go to visit, not to speak with him."

When she went out, mu Yunshu put a cloak on her head and put the hat on her head. In the black moonlit night, it was like a group of dark shadows, which could only be roughly seen as the outline of a person.

Chu Huan didn't know the meaning of Mu Yunshu and didn't prick it. He tightened his cloak to himself, leaving only a pair of eyes bright in the dark.

Zhang Yi lies on the bed and can clearly see Zhang Yi's current situation through the window.

His face is pale and the wound has been bandaged. He has been frozen outside for so many days. He is weak and needs to be well nursed for a period of time.

Xu felt her coming. Zhang Yi opened his eyes slowly and swept around in a daze.

Chu Huan stepped back and pulled Mu Yun Shu's arm with his hand, indicating that he could go.

"Chu Huan, is that you?" Zhang Yi's weak voice came from the room.