Chu Huan stopped, afraid to move, for fear that Zhang Yi would find his own existence.

"I know you're here." Zhang Yi pleaded, "can you come in and see me?"

Chu Huan looks at Zhang Yi inside through the cracks. Zhang Yi sits up from the bed. His glasses are not focused on the roof. His face is gray and his beard is ragged. His clothes are covered with dried blood. He looks decadent.

Chu Huanxin "Ke Deng" moved for a moment and looked at Mu Yun Shu.

Mu Yunshu took her hand and walked in from the front door. Zhang Yi's eyes fell on their tightly held hands. The temperature around him sank with his face.

"Zhang Yi, you are really good. In order not to let Chu Huan marry me, you chose to hurt yourself." Mu Yunshu's words are full of sarcasm. His eyes are cold and he shoots at Zhang Yi like a sword.

"Are you mocking me as a winner?" Zhang Yi's eyes are opposite to him. The dignified eyes collide with the coldness of Mu Yunshu's eyes, and the atmosphere is suppressed.

Standing there, Chu Huan can feel a touch of war.

She moved her body in front of Mu Yunshu and looked at Zhang Yi, "Zhang Yi, the more you are like this, the faster our remaining affection will be consumed." She paused and her voice sank a little. "I admit that I can't let you go when I come to see you, but that's also because I care about my previous affection and come to see you as a friend, which has nothing to do with liking. I don't want to argue with you this time, but if there is another time, you can't force me to compromise. "


"And I'm already a member of Mu Yunshu. It's an unchangeable fact whether I'm going to have a wedding or not. If you think I don't deserve to stay with mu Yunshu, I will stay with him as a servant girl. As long as I can be by his side, it doesn't matter to me

"Do you know that when he comes back to the capital, he will marry other women as his wife. What he is doing to you is deceiving you."

"So what? I will. "

As for love, Chu Huan is like this. She doesn't want to pursue her love. She just wants to cherish the present.

With a smile on his mouth, mu Yunshu kisses Chu Huan on his forehead, which means showing love to Zhang Yi. He says to Chu Huan, "I'm very happy that you can believe me so much. Don't worry, I won't let you down. I said that the fourth imperial concubine can only be you, and will never break my promise. "

Zhang Yi's eyes hurt in this scene. Mu Yunshu said to him, "you've been following us for fear that I'll cheat Chu Huan. Will you stop pestering her after I go back to the capital and marry her in the open door? "

"Yes, as long as you call on the Lord to marry her in the open, I will disappear completely before your eyes; but if you can't, let her be free."

"A man's words can never be recalled."

Mu Yunshu and Zhang Yi clapped hands for the alliance, the deep vision is the unspeakable self-confidence.

After Chu Huan and mu Yunshu went out together, Chu Huan said, "why do you want to make an agreement with him? Don't you really understand that it's a death penalty to disobey orders? "

Mu Yunshu promised her many times that she would not marry a plain heart. The imperial edict had been issued. When mu Yunshu was comforting himself, he did not put it in his heart.

Today, mu Yunshu made an agreement with Zhang Yi, and her heart was completely flustered. She was worried that mu Yunshu would take risks for herself.

"Don't worry. It will be all right." Mu Yunshu holds her hand with one hand, and her eyes are tender. The other hand catches the snowflakes. The world is quiet at this moment.

Before Chu Huan thought about what kind of person he would meet, and then quietly spent the rest of his life.

After being with mu Yunshu, every day is not peaceful, but she has a kind of inexplicable satisfaction in her heart, as if this is the life she wants.

Peace is not peace of day, but peace of mind.

Back in the room, Chu Huan went to the hot spring for a bath. When she came out, she was wrapped in a pink robe. Her black hair was hanging on her back at will. Her cheeks were flushed and there were still wet drops on her forehead.

Mu Yunshu swallowed his mouth and spit, "you What are you doing

"I think..." When Chu Huan came out, she rehearsed this scene countless times in her mind. When mu Yunshu asked, she found that it was not an easy thing.

Mu Yunshu picked up the coat from the shelf and put it on her, "do you know that you are inducing me?"

"The wedding can't be held normally, I think I want to sit tight... "

Chu Huan still did not spit out the four words of "the truth of husband and wife". The blush spread from the cheek to the root of the ear. He lowered his head and held the robe tightly in his hand.

Mu Yun Shutou lowered his head, looked at her eyes, looked serious, "do you think about it?"

"I..." Chu Huan was stumbling and stumbling for a long time, and the words behind did not come out.

She did not dare to touch Mu Yun's shoulder, but stroked Mu Ling.

Chu Huan felt that he was very much like a slaughtered fish. He waited and waited, but he didn't wait for the butcher's knife.

She really can't stand mu Yunshu's teasing, subconsciously grabs mu Yunshu's hand, "that You... ""Do you want to be my woman?" Mu Yunshu's voice was a bit more sarcastic. "You should know that once you start, you can never go back."

Chu Huan clenched his teeth and nodded.

She is not an ancient woman, watching the double name Festival, anyway, sooner or later she will be together with mu Yunshu, so it is not terrible to live together before marriage. It is just possible to test whether mu Yunshu has a hidden disease or not, and the province's regret after marriage.

This comfort oneself, the heart still mentioned the throat.

Mu Yunshu still did not have any movement, Chu Huan said in a deep voice: "you can't do it?"

"You're challenging me." Mu Yunshu grabs her hand.

Chu Huan quickly pulled his hand back, and his face was even more flushed.

She carefully opened her eyes, mu Yunshu's eyes were particularly bright at night, just looking down at her with a smile in his eyes.

"You..." Chu Huan didn't understand why mu Yunshu didn't take the next step, but she didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere became warm and charming.