Mu Yunshu got up from Chu Huan, wiped her nose with his hand, and said with a smile, "I won't move you until you get married."

Then he rushed into the hot spring. Chu Huan heard the sound of water pouring on his body.

Chu Huan looked inside daze, just now her nervous heart almost jumped out, expecting and afraid.

She got out of bed, walked in slowly, stopped at the door, looked inside carefully, put her head in a little, and then quickly retracted.

Mu Yunshu is not taking a hot spring bath, but taking a bath with cold water. His face is red and his muscles are clear. Looking from her direction, mu Yunshu's neck line is smooth, the jaw line is sharp, and the water is dripping down from Mu Yun's head.

Chu Huanxin "Ke Deng" moved, mu Yunshu in order not to move her, give her the final respect, with cold water bath, with action to prove, "love" this word, not just talk.

She dragged her tired body back to bed. Her mind was like a movie, playing mu Yunshu's picture of bathing in cold water.

At this moment, she finally understood what position she occupied in Mu Yunshu's heart.

With this respect alone, mu Yunshu is worthy of her lifelong commitment.

Half an hour later, mu Yunshu came out of it. There were drops of water on her hair. When she looked at her, her eyes were bright.

Chu Huan put the quilt on him and said in a soft voice, "in fact, you don't have to be like this."

When touching Chu Huan's skin, mu Yunshu held the quilt and moved to the side. "I'm not Liu Xiahui, who's sitting on his back. If you do this again, I'm afraid I can't help it."

When looking at Chu Huan, his eyes are full of tenderness.

Chu Huan felt that he wanted to indulge in his tender sea, soft hearted in a mess.

At this moment, she realized that her feelings for mu Yunshu and Zhang Yi were indeed different.

Zhang Yi and she have the same feelings of adversity. They support each other at the most difficult time. That kind of feeling is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but it is more of a family relationship, which is a kind of dependence. She is not like mu Yunshu. They have experienced a lot of things together, but mu Yunshu has always been protecting her silently. The turbulent and hot feelings make her hide and avoid I can only immerse myself in it and be assimilated by this feeling.

Chu Huan slowly walked to Zhang Yi and hugged him across the quilt. He said softly, "Mu Yunshu, I like you."

Mu Yunshu's eyes were a little surprised, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his eyes twinkled with light, "are you really afraid that I will wipe you clean?"

"I'll be your man sooner or later. I'm afraid of something." Chu Huan relies on mu Yunshu's love for her. She talks and does things unscrupulously. She is free and unrestrained.

For her, this is the normal state of falling in love, rather than being timid and cautious.

Mu Yunshu took her to his arms and covered them with a quilt. He said quietly, "chuhuan, give me another period of time, and soon I will be able to arrange things properly and marry you. It's just The air in the room sank with his eyes. "The wind in the capital is windy and the clouds are changing. How about waiting for me here?"

"Are you leaving me

"Not to leave, but to hope you stay here. If you come to Beijing with me, I'll be tied up, and I won't be so handy when I do things. "

Chu Huan tightly grasped his hand and choked, "Mu Yunshu, I said, no matter where I am, I am with you. If you leave me this time, you will never find it back in your life. Think about it carefully. "


"Don't say what I don't want to hear, you know what I want."

Mu Yunshu's eyes sank a bit, "I really can't take you to the capital."

"Zhang Yi is recuperating nearby. If you leave me, I will go to him immediately..."

Chu Huan after the words did not finish, was mu Yunshu kiss lips, prevent her to say again.

Tears slide down Chu Huan's cheek. Chu Huan stares at mu Yunshu with his eyes open, without letting go of any subtle expression on his face.

At the beginning, mu Yunshu also vowed not to take the imperial edict in mind at all. At this time, she became more cautious, especially when she seemed to be hiding something.

Chu Huan pushed mu Yunshu aside and said, "is something wrong with the capital? You tell me, maybe I can help you

Mu Yunshu was silent.

Chu Huan urged: "even if you don't let me go, you should also tell me what happened and let me be at ease."

"Something happened to my second brother." After a long time, mu Yunshu uttered such a sentence. Chu Huan's eyes were full of doubts. He continued, "the second elder brother is the prince. Although we were not born by one mother, I have been deeply in love with his brother since I was young. If it were not for him, I would have turned white bone. Over the years, it is he who has been taking care of me in this remote mountain village. When I went back this time, I also discussed with him to make sure that there was no danger before I decided to take you there, but I didn't expect that... "

Mu Yunshu's eyes appeared confused color, "but the father wants to put him to death.""Why?"

"I don't know."

Because I don't know, I don't want to let Chu Huan follow him to take risks.

Since ancient times, there was no real feeling in the imperial family. Chu Huan had read many books about the situation. At that time, she was an outsider. When she read it, she just felt sad. There was nothing else.

At this time, listening to Mu Yun's book, I feel infinite melancholy and worry.

Mu Yunshu has never been loved by the emperor. This sudden marriage for him always makes him feel uneasy.

Chu Huan held Mu Yun Shu's hand, "can the capital not return?"

"As you said, it's a big crime to disobey orders and not respect them. I thought I could still have a chance of survival when I went back. Now, I'm afraid that my second brother's life will be broken."

Mu Yunshu will be one of the interests to listen to Chu Huan, "you go back with me is to die, there is really no need for this."

"There is life and death, as long as we are not together." Chu Huan's eyes with a smile, tone with a bit of pleading flavor, "you take me with it, I will not become your burden."

She suddenly thought of something, "does Wei Yuan know about this?"

Wei Yuan and mu Yunshu are inseparable from each other, but they rarely see Wei Yuan's figure these days.

"He knows." Mu Yunshu nodded, "he will accompany me this time."

"Is it unfair that you let him go with you and let me stay?" Chu Huan asked angrily, "is it difficult for him to be more important than me in your heart?"

"No one in my heart is more important than you." Mu Yunshu hesitated for a moment and said, "since you have to go with me, I will not refuse. But you have to promise me that if something goes wrong, you must leave me alone and try to get out of the way, you know? "