Chuhuan in order to make him feel relieved, whispered: "you don't have to worry about me. I know what to do."

Mu Yun Shu's eyes were deep and said, "you must keep your word."

He rarely showed such an expression. Chu Huan knew that this time he was going to the capital city, he was determined to stay with mu Yunshu no matter what happened.

When the snow stops early, a road is swept out of the pipeline, which is not wide enough for pedestrians.

Mu Yunshu was ready to get up, and another edict came down, urging them to return to Beijing immediately.

Zhang Yi dragged his sick body out of the room and stood in front of Chu Huan. His face turned yellow, his lips turned white, and his chest hurt. His body tilted down slightly.

"Do you really want to go with him?"

Heavy voice, dark eyes, staring at her coldly.

"I'm mu Yunshu's wife. Where he goes, I'll naturally go." Chu Huan looks firm and does not allow people to refute.

Zhang Yi's eyes fell on mu Yunshu, "you return to Beijing this time, you really want to pull up Chu Huan to accompany you?"

Huaichu's hand in my arm, I don't know if she's sitting in the corner of her mouth

"Beast!" Zhang Yi angrily scolded.

"Mu Yunshu did not agree," I am a beast, but I do things open and aboveboard, unlike you for the purpose of unscrupulous means. "

"You Cough... " Zhang Yi couldn't help coughing, covering his chest with one hand and his lips with the other. His face was full of pain, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Huan's weak body, you go back to see

"If you want to go back to Beijing with him, you can step on me." Zhang Yi stares at her stubbornly and does not give in.

Chu Huan knew that his temper would not be changed at will. He sighed, "Zhang Yi, what kind of choice to make and what kind of life are all my own affairs. What qualifications do you have in my life? Do you think this is protecting me? Maybe you will stop me by force this time and let me live well, but have you ever thought about it, is this the life I want? Living in worry every day, life is not as good as death. It's better to take a risk, at least in exchange for my peace of mind. "

Zhang Yi's eyes sank, and Chu Huan continued: "I don't want to live a safe and stable life. No matter what difficulties and dangers I encounter, I want to be with my beloved side and never give up life and death. Don't you understand? This time I have made up my mind, you You can't stop me. "

She has said these words to Zhang Yi too many times. She has made up her mind that if Zhang Yi wants to stop her, she will never care about her previous affection.

She turned to look at mu Yunshu, "can you ride past him without hurting him?"

The voice is not small enough for Zhang Yi to hear.

Zhang Yi couldn't believe that standing there was stiff.

Mu Yunshu nodded to her and held her tighter. He said, "hold tight, let's go."

The horse stepped back a few steps, raised its hoof beside Zhang Yi and passed him. The wind was blowing in Zhang Yi's ear, and the man was gone.

Zhang Yi said to the Yamen in the post station, "go and bring me a horse."

The Yamen soldiers looked at each other and stood still. Zhang Yi roared: "didn't you hear what I said?"

"This..." The steward came up to him and said, "it's not that we don't want to, but the fourth Prince's command. If anyone dares to lead the horse for you, he will kill us. You have a lot of adults. Don't worry about us. "

Zhang Yi's eyes showed a sense of obliteration. He said coldly, "what a mu Yunshu, it's very good to do things."

He pushed aside the long yamen servant and stumbled into it. He rode out of the stable a reddish Red Pony. The horse was not tall, bright in color, and not gentle. When he was led out by Zhang Yi, he made a neighing sound and retreated.

Zhang Yi drew out the dagger from his waist and stretched it to the horse's face. "If you don't follow me, this dagger will pierce your heart."

The steward hurried to stop him, "Mr. Zhang, don't do this. We have something to say."

"Go away!" Zhang Yi vomited the word, turned over and mounted the horse. The horse was the most difficult to train. The dagger in Zhang Yi's hand didn't stop. He stabbed at the horse and sprayed blood on the man in charge. The horse began to kick and kick around in pain. The steward touched the blood on his face with his hand and retreated several steps in fear.

Zhang Yi raised his dagger and said to the horse, "can't we go?"

Ma is much more honest this time. He doesn't dare to be willful again. He does what Zhang Yi says.

The red horse generally ran out and soon disappeared.

The steward, wiping the sweat on his forehead, called the Yamen over and said eagerly, "send a message to the fourth Prince's flying pigeon, saying that Zhang Yi has gone after him. Let them be careful."

Mu Yunshu and Chu Huan did not take the official road, but took another road. They were afraid that Zhang Yi would catch up with him. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi still came.

He crumpled the note and threw it on the ground. As for the carrier pigeon, he winked at Chu Huan, "do you want to eat roast pigeon?""This is a carrier pigeon."

In ancient times, carrier pigeons were used to deliver messages. It is not easy to cultivate a carrier pigeon. How can it be eaten casually?

Chu Huan took the carrier pigeon from Mu Yun Shu's hand and said, "you don't lack food. What strength do you compare with a pigeon?"

"Are they not the stupid ones?" Mu Yunshu sighed, "as soon as the carrier pigeon arrives, Zhang Yi must have known that we are on that road and will soon catch up with him. I really don't want to see him. "

"Can't we turn around now?"

"It's too late." Mu Yun bibliographic light toward the front of a glance, counting the time, "less than half an hour he will arrive."

"He's stubborn." Chu Huan sighed.

"Do you regret it?"

"Why should I regret it?" Chu Huan shook his head. "It's boring to think that he goes on like this. At the beginning, he failed me, and now he makes this kind of passionate appearance, as if I was wrong."

"He just wanted to protect you."

"If his protection is to limit my freedom, I'd rather not." Chu Huan held Mu Yun Shu's hand. "I have been seeking love and freedom, you and gentleness. I have lost these two things. I have nothing to do with walking dead."

In the past, Chu Huan was not good at expressing his inner feelings, and occasionally was forced to say it by mu Yunshu.

The future is dangerous, and they have no way out. Maybe they will never have a future when they return to Beijing this time. So Chu Huan hopes to express his inner feelings in Mu Yun's written form so that he can understand them.

They were just talking. Not more than half an hour later, Zhang Yi appeared at the end of the road.

Chu Huan frowned tightly and his eyelids drooped. He seemed to have made some kind of decision in his heart, waiting for Zhang Yi to come over.