Zhang Yi dismounted from his horse and stood in front of Chu Huan. There were a lot of sweat on his forehead. When he saw Chu Huan, he had a smile on his face, "I've finally caught up with you."

He looked calm, as if the unpleasant things had not happened before.

Chu Huan looked at him without expression and said coldly, "Zhang Yi, is it that I didn't say it clearly enough? Or do you want to waste your time on me? Do you think I'll be moved by your affectionate manner? No, what I believe will not change. If you want to tangle with me again, we will not even be as good as strangers

Zhang Yi's mouth is still smiling, but her eyes are inexpressible sadness. Chu Huan knows that she is heavy this time, but if she doesn't say so, what can she do?

Zhang Yi is entangled with her and is not good to anyone. She really does not want to continue this relationship.

"Chu Huan, I just want to give you a ride and I won't stop you." Zhang Yi's voice is soft. No matter what Chu Huan says to him, he can't bear to say a heavy word.

"I don't need it." Chu Huan's voice doubled, with anger on his face, "do you know how much trouble you have caused me by doing this? I don't want to see you again. Why don't you understand?"

Zhang Yi's face sank, and Chu Huan continued: "you will only make me hate you more and more."

Then she ignored Zhang Yi and went to Mu Yunshu and said in a soft voice, "let's go."

Zhang Yi's eyes were a little more trance. He almost forgot how long Chu Huan hadn't shown that kind of smile to him. During this period of time, whenever they met, they were bound to be at daggers' end, and Chu Huan looked at him like an enemy.

Is it really wrong?

Zhang Yi asked himself, and couldn't get an answer for a long time.

After mu Yunshu got on the horse with Chu Huan in his arms, he waved to Zhang Yi, "I will protect Chu Huan, so I won't bother you."

He soon disappeared in front of Zhang Yi.

Along the way, Chu Huan didn't dare to look back for fear of seeing Zhang Yi again the next second.

After the horse slowed down, Chu huancai whispered, "is Zhang Yi still there?"

"It's strange that he can follow you when you say that to him." Mu Yunshu secluded Road, warm breath blowing to Chu Huan's ears, itching.

Chu Huan relaxed, "he can calculate to give up, otherwise I really don't know how to do."

Zhang Yi's stubbornness is beyond her imagination. Fortunately, Zhang Yi completely and completely stops Zhang Yi's idea. Otherwise, if Zhang Yi comes again, she will be forced to die.

"Are you worried about the danger of his coming? You still care about him in your heart, don't you? " Mu Yun Shu face salad down, angry like looking at her.

Chu Huan was amused by his appearance, "what? Do you eat this vinegar, too? People are all yours. What can you worry about? "

"Not only do I want people to be mine, I want your heart to be mine. I'm the only one in my eyes and heart. I'm not allowed to look at other men, nor care about other men. No one can do it, especially Zhang Yi. " Mu Yunshu tone overbearing, "or I will not be happy."

"Well, I promise you, from now on, you are the only one in my heart. Zhang Yi is in the past. I will draw a clear line with him. What's more, in the future, he will be in the county and we will not meet in the capital in this lifetime. Why do you care? "

"Do you think he will go back?"

"No?" Chu Huan was confused.

Zhang Yi is such a lonely and proud person. During this period, she has been trampling on Zhang Yi's self-esteem. This time, she has trampled Zhang Yi's self-esteem under her feet. As long as Zhang Yi is a bloody man, she will not be entangled with her.

Besides, Zhang Yi didn't follow.

Mu Yunshu did not speak again, rubbing Chu Huan's hair, "I like you like this."

Fortunately, Chu Huan has a firm attitude towards emotion. Love means love, and if you don't love, you don't love. Otherwise, he would really worry about Zhang Yi's pursuit, and Chu Huan would change his mind.

Chu Huan grabbed his hand and looked serious. "What do you mean by what you just said? Do you mean Zhang Yi will change the way to Beijing

Mu Yunshu can not tell, "you and Zhang Yi together for such a long time, do not know him? As long as it is what he believes, he will do it. Even if it's not for you, he will fight with me to make you understand that your choice is wrong. "

Chu Huan shook his head helplessly, "why does he have to?"

"Don't underestimate the possessiveness of men."

"We have nothing to do with separation, marriage and marriage. He married a beautiful girl, but I didn't say anything. Why did I want to find my own happiness, he stopped me and I didn't sell it to him." Chu Huan did not understand Zhang Yi's practice more and more.

She hesitated and said, "what would you do if Zhang Yi really wanted to compete with you in Beijing?"

Mu Yunshu shrugged, "what can I do if I am a person who can't protect myself? Don't you want me to see him walking around, instead of meeting him

Chu Huan really thought so, was asked by him, for a time did not know what to say.Mu Yunshu pinched her small face, "for you, I will not conflict with him, but if he deliberately provocation, it can not blame me."

With his words, Chu Huan was relieved.

But he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Zhang Yi would not go to the capital city, let alone meet them.

After a day's journey in the mountains, when the sun was about to set, they finally arrived at the capital, and they did not miss the time to enter the city.

These days, there are large-scale singing and dancing performances in the capital. All the buildings are looking for Huakui. The inns are fully reserved. There are no guest rooms. They can only play the floor if they want to live.

No one knows what the situation in the capital is like. You can't live in a post station. You can only shop in the Chaifang.

When he was in Chu's family, Chu Huan didn't live in any kind of place. Although the firewood room was simple and crude, it was also clean. He had everything he should have, because he had just cleaned it up.

It was the draughty window that made Chu Huan dissatisfied.

In order to show accommodation, the boss gave them two more quilts.

Chu Huan didn't care. Mu Yunshu frowned and said with a smile, "don't you get used to living?"

Mu Yunshu held her in his arms, "I am a big man who lives in the same place, but I wronged you. Four imperial concubines did not become, and ended up living in a wood house

"I will." Chu Huan a face does not matter, "I this person adapts the ability to be very strong, does not say is lives the firewood room, even if lets me live in the thatched cottage, I have no matter."

"You have a good taste." Mu Yunshu put his nose in disgust. "I'll have to stay away from you. I can't stand the smell on you."

Chu Huan cunningly looked at him, "good, you dare to despise me, see how I deal with you."

Just as he was about to do something to him, a woman's voice came from outside.