The prince's eyes were deep and cold. Chu Huan felt flustered and said, "I just ask casually. Don't you look at me with this kind of eyes?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. You will be sent to the palace of hell." The prince's face was expressionless and his words were gloomy.

Chuhuan curled his lips and sat quietly in the carriage. After sitting for a while, he couldn't help saying, "I don't want to participate in the fight between your royal family. Can you let me go? Or, you send someone to find Zhang Yi. Now mu Yunshu has no hope. I have to find my next family. "

The prince's look changed slightly, and said contemptuously, "how can you be sure that the fourth brother has no hope until the end. Maybe he will become a winner in life and become emperor. "

Chu Huan pulled out a smile worse than crying, "according to you, I still have the life to be a queen?" Seeing the prince nodding, Chu Huan continued, "I don't have such lofty ideals and revenge. I just want to live a stable life. And even if he becomes a winner in life, how can he have my place in his heart? I don't want to gamble with my own future. "

The prince closed his eyes and ignored her.

She tugged at the prince's clothes with her hand and whispered, "are you listening to me?"

The prince raised his eyelids. "Do you really want to leave the capital with Zhang Yi?"

"Yes, I'm too tired for this period of time. This is not the life I want. I want to leave here and ask the crown prince to complete it."

"I'll let you go, but not now."

"When was that?" Chu Huan asked, unable to escape from the prince's palm, and could not see Zhang Yi. How to save mu Yunshu, his heart was a little anxious.

"This palace wants to marry Song Qing."

"What?" Chu Huan Jing's chin almost fell off, pointing to the prince and laughing, "don't be kidding. Song Qing doesn't like you again. Why should I marry you?"

The Prince did not answer her and continued to keep his eyes closed.

Back in the prince's house, the prince takes Chu Huan to see Song Qing. Not only Song Qing, but also the fifth Prince and Zhang Yi are here.

Chu Huan's heart a joy, really to come all without effort.

The prince went to Song Qing with a calm look and soft words, "how are you thinking?"

You won't marry a fool first

, "will she marry me? It has the final say." The prince ignored her, and his eyes remained on Song Qing.

Song Qing went to the prince and saluted slowly, "if I marry you, you will let them go."

"It's natural."

After getting the prince's affirmative reply, Song Qing said, "OK, I'll marry you, and the marriage date will be set."

The prince's face showed a satisfied smile, "you go with me to prepare for the wedding."

Chu Huan took Song Qing's hand and shook her head. "You don't like him. There's no need to marry him for them. It's not bad for us to live in the prince's house. It's good to have food and drink. "

Song Qing pushed her hand away and said with a smile, "he is the prince, the object of admiration of thousands of girls. I am no exception. It is the happiest thing in my life to marry him."

"I won't agree." Chu Huan didn't let go of her meaning. She took a step forward and blocked Song Qing's way. She said to the prince, "step back. Even if I agree, there are no three media and six hires. Is it too hasty for you to marry Song Qing like this?"