After the prince left, Chu Huan told Zhang Yi what mu Yunshu meant and told her to proceed according to the original plan.

Zhang Yi looked at her with a deep look. "Chuhuan, if one day I'm not here, will you remember me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why are you not here? " Chu Huan asked, the words a bit more firm, "whether you are in or not, I have your place in my heart."

Zhang Yi showed a happy smile and gently kisses her on the forehead, "remember what you said."

"Where are you going?"

Chu Huan takes his arm, and Zhang Yi slowly pushes her away and turns away.

After Zhang Yi left, she had no news of Zhang Yi for several days. She wanted to leave and was stopped by the prince's people, so she could only be imprisoned in this place.

Song Qing held her hand. "Cousin, don't worry. He will be OK."

That said, how could she not worry?

Half a month later, the crown prince came to see them. Chu Huan kept Song Qing behind him for fear that the crown prince would do something harmful to Song Qing and said, "what do you want to do?"

"I just want to have a few words with her." The prince's eyes fell on Song Qing through her, "can you come out to chat with me?"

Song Qing came out from behind Chu Huan and said to Chu Huan, "don't worry, I'll be OK."

She sat outside and couldn't keep her eyes open.

A familiar figure appeared in front of her, which was mu Yunshu.

She immediately stood up, mu Yunshu quickly solved the guard at the door, she rushed to Mu Yunshu's arms, crying can't themselves, "you finally come."

"It's all over." Mu Yunshu stroked her head, and her voice softened a little, "we will never separate again."

Chu Huan's eyes looked behind him. He did not see Zhang Yi's figure. He raised his heart to his throat and said eagerly, "what about Zhang Yi? Why didn't he come with you? "


Mu Yunshu silent down, Chu Huan heart emerged an ominous premonition, trembling: "he is not an accident?"

Mu Yunshu nodded, "Zhang Yi stole the second brother's token and mobilized the guards. Then I was able to escape from the imperial palace. After the second brother found out, he sent people to hunt him down and hang his body on the wall..."

Tears blurred Chu Huan's eyes. She held Mu Yun Shu's hand and kept shaking, "he Where is his body? "

"I have his body removed from the wall and placed in a coffin, and I will take you to him now."

"No, I can't go yet. Song Qing is still in the hands of the prince." Chu Huan thought of this and ran back to the garden.

Zhang Yi is gone. Song Qing can't have any more accidents.

When she came to the imperial garden, Song Qing looked at a pool of blood and cried. Chu Huan ran to her and comforted her: "it's OK. It's OK."

"But the prince is..." Song Qing sobbed, "the prince died, he died in front of my eyes, into a pool of blood."

Chu Huan some do not understand her words in the meaning, also is not good to ask, afraid to stimulate Song Qing again, will her up, "here is not safe, let's go."

Song Qing shook his head and squatted on the ground without meaning to get up. He looked a little more painful. "Cousin, the prince said he loves me. I want to accompany him more here. Maybe in this life, I will never meet a person who is so kind to me."

Chu Huan want to refuse, but look at her appearance, words to the mouth and swallow back, "OK."

Chu Huan asks mu Yunshu to send several people to protect Song Qing. She and mu Yunshu go to find Zhang Yi. She wants to send Zhang Yi the last leg.