Chapter 258: In front of you

Is the enemy strong?

very powerful! Very powerful!

This war can be said to be the first such battle of such scale and strength that Tang En encountered, even surpassing the war with Wald.

Encountered by the sea, after several rounds of chasing and blocking, he made up his mind to go to Flavor Island, and when he arrived, he met the other party's guard.

In a short period of time, the 7158 fleet experienced many battles and lost troops.

It can only be said that it is indeed the Bigumar Pirates!

Tang En pulled out his double knives around his waist, his blades were bright, his figure turned into a phantom, he rushed into the group of pirates, and his long knife waved.


The air rushed at once, and the sharp blade was like cutting tofu, piercing the bodies of the pirates and spilling the blood. The neck and body are cut open easily, so that the surrounding pirates are all discolored.

Yes, the enemy is very powerful! In Tang En’s mind, the pressure is also unprecedented.

but! so what! !

The navy has always been advancing bravely and fearlessly!

He Tangen is also fearless!

However, the soldier who was falling every second made him grieve, let his heart be tightened, and let him burn a blazing flame.

That's anger, madness, and killing intent!

This murderous intention converged into endless power, which erupted from the inside of his body at this moment, spreading with his arms, and bursting through the two swords with amazing destructive power.


In the battlefield, an icy low drink suddenly sounded, alarming countless people, just like a barbarian beast that had come upon the long river of time roaring and roaring, proclaiming that it was about to charge.

Immediately afterwards, an amazing whirlwind swept up on the pirate ship, and a swift body stepped out, bringing a fluffy blood rain.

On the way, no one can stop this amazing power.

"It's that lieutenant general!"

"Stop him!"

"He's not dead yet!"

In the battle just before, the surviving Captain-class strongman was shocked, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart.

They are very clear about the destructive power of Tang En, and let the other party lay wild here, and they will lose the war!

In an instant, several figures gave up the enemy in front of them and ran directly to where Tang En was.





When Dunn appeared on the battlefield, letting go of the killing, Pat also quickly saw several figures coming to him. Everyone is a famous big pirate, who can't help but change color.

"Support Admiral!"

He shouted loudly.

But the battlefield was extremely chaotic, and the battlefield was also being compared at this time. The three pirate ships were fighting. In front of a number of strong players in 7158, they each have strong opponents, and they simply cannot divide their time and energy.

"No need to!"

Tang En also felt the person who rushed to himself in the first time, and he spit out coldly.

The two knives shook and the blades buzzed like a roar of a beast, shaking the soul.

The pace of his movement was also still at this moment, his knees bent slowly and stepped on the deck.

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes, seeing that the color expanded to the limit in an instant, and he could clearly observe the movement of everyone around him from a high angle.

He could clearly see the trajectory of blood dripping, the line of the long knife waving, and the vortex left by the shocked air when the bullet rotated.

Soon, he also saw the four figures flying towards him.

The two knives were put by his backhand, seemingly inserted in the air in front of him, forming a beast fangs form.


Afterwards, his eyes suddenly opened, and his dark eyes turned red, as if a flame was burning in it.

"Oh, yell!"

A series of red flames really started to burn, wrapping two long knives in it.

Behind him, the lines are also twisted quickly, quickly outlined into a winged tiger form, radiating a purple-red light, oppressing everything around.

"kill him!!"

"So oppressive, this lieutenant general is terrible!"

"How did he practice!"

The four captain-level strongmen who attacked changed color, but in a moment they stimulated their own fierceness, and the speed was faster.

"With all strength, the next move must be with all strength to kill him!"

The four roared, and in the blink of an eye, as the lightning flashed, they came to Tang En.

The left side, right side, air, and front are all strictly surrounded by the moment.

The four Pirates with a minimum bounty of 500 million will form an absolute package for Tang En, and then they will issue a thunder blow.

It was also at this moment that Tang En's long knife shuddered suddenly.

"Evil tigers are grim, evil spirits are invisible."

"There is Tao in the world, Sen Luo is in disgrace, Hell is Tao, the gods sing promises."

He murmured in his mouth, his eyes became blood red, and the wing tiger behind him opened his eyes, radiating a fierce and fierce light.


The long knife trembled, and Tang En's eyes flashed fiercely.

At the next moment, his figure moved.

It was like a nuclear explosion exploded in an instant, the flame above the long sword burst into the sky, fangs opened and closed, and swallowed forward, as if trying to bite everything in front of his eyes.

"Two swordsmanship, mystery!"

"Mori embers swallow!"


Along with the earth-shaking tiger roar, Tang En's figure burst out like a streamer.

In an instant, countless red streamers jumped into the sky and passed through the bodies of the four captains at a very fast speed, making them all stunned.

In the next moment, four attacks also hit Tang En directly.

The two sides completed the battle, each standing in a different place. The entire ship fell silent, and the pirates and navy felt at this moment that they could not move, as if their bodies were imprisoned.

After three or four breaths.


A circle of scarlet knife light flashed suddenly, spreading out quickly, and everything passing by on the way was cut by the knife light.


Then followed, the pirate ship cracked open, and countless knife marks appeared. When the knife marks appeared, flames emerged again, and the ship was wrapped in flames in a blink of an eye.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

A series of four voices of vomiting blood came out, and the four captain-level strong men had incredible eyes flashing softly. Someone was lying straight down, and there were several long marks on their front abdomen, and the body was also burning with flames.

A terrifying battle! It's almost impossible for ordinary people to believe.

But it's just a trick, the two sides have already divided the victory and defeat.


Tang En exhaled slowly, glancing at his right chest.

From there to the stomach, a wound up to eight centimeters in length appeared.

The only wound was caused by the man with an extremely long neck and a thin body. He was very strong.

He cut himself a knife and killed himself, which was a good deal.

Then he stepped out and continued to walk briskly towards the front.

There are two more ships, soon!

In one blow, he didn't need three minutes to be able to kill all the opponents.

Flavor Island is already here!