Chapter 259: Threaten

The scene of Tang En's strong beheading of the four captain-level strongmen clearly reflected in the eyes of all pirates and navy.

The two sides collided like fierce beasts, making everyone tremble and feel suffocated.

Meeting to divide life and death, without any trace of muddy water, for the pirates, the path that had originally become a demon in their hearts, this moment became more powerful, powerful and terrifying.

"He, he is the devil!!"

"How could it be so strong! Well, that's the four Captain class strongmen!"

"Before joining the MoM Pirates, they were all famous pirates."

The pirate's voice trembled and was completely frightened by the fighting power shown by Tang En.

Although he also suffered injuries, it seemed shocking, but it was nothing compared to the dead person.

The navies were so imposing, holding up their weapons and rushing to kill them more violently.


The shouting shook the sky, and the blood was even more brutal.

Tang En took a few steps forward and took the lead to charge. The double knives in his hands turned into spins, like a flower-like blade, easily harvesting the enemies in front of him.

"Victory is here!"

After a dozen breaths, the navy went down like a tiger, but it was not as brutal as it was, and it had already attacked the last pirate ship.

Facing the navy like a beast, the pirates changed their colors in horror. After barely resisting, the pirates were cut down to the ground.

After two minutes, the resistance became weaker and weaker. 7158 The remaining four pirate ships rammed and rammed past. When the last pirate ship was slashed openly by Pat, the navy was suddenly bright.

Not far away, they saw the port with the flag of the Pigum Group Pirates, the flag fluttering in the wind.

"Be prepared for everything, we have to rush over!"

Tang En stood at the bow of the ship, and the medical staff next to him helped him bandage his chest.

His eyes were bright, but his expression was cold, solemn with solemnity.

Turning around, you can see more and more people coming from the support of the Bigumar Pirates, a huge fleet that can shock the world and scare people. Even on the sea surface, due to the size of the opposing fleet, during the driving, thousands of layers of white waves were stirred up and clamoured.

It is impossible to fight such a huge fleet on the sea. Even if he uses overbearing domineering, it has no effect.

The only way to leave this area and get out of the area of ​​Bigumam Pirates is to rush to the flavor island and start from the new route on the back of the island.

This is their only chance and a way of life in desperation!

A moment later, the warship rammed into the port of Fangdao. The navy snarled and rushed off the ship, carrying precious supplies. Everyone was carrying a big package.

"Occupy the tower and deploy a simple military structure!"

Tang En stepped out of the boat and shouted in a deep voice.

Pat and other major generals moved quickly, and immediately led the navy to lay a solid military defense line at the port on the coast of Flavor Island.

With this line of defense, they can resist several times, or even dozens of times, their enemies as long as they stick to it. In the next period of time, they have more time to think about what to do and take a rest.

Dense footsteps sounded, and the navy took away the original guard of the flavor island and changed it for themselves.

Then, Dunn turned sharply again and sipped towards Dorons beside him.

"Enter the island immediately, capture the minister of the island, and control all the main personnel of the island."

"I want you to take the whole island in our hands."

Dorenz focused on his head, then turned suddenly, waved his hand, and rushed into the island with a hundred people.

The Bigumar Pirates, the guarding force of most islands, are mainly concentrated in the fleets off the sea, which is the best news for them. Because this means that the defensive force on the island is empty, as long as you board the island, you can occupy the island at the fastest speed and control everything on the island.

After a long period of contemplation, Tang En gave several orders to the personnel on both sides.

This includes exploring the back island route and leaving the port, as well as preparing to escape from ships and supplies.


After slowly exhaling, Tang En looked at the sea.

The dense black dots were moving towards here at a steady speed, which looked slow, but it brought heavy oppression.

Tang En's eyes were dignified, and he could easily recognize that the ships represented by these black dots were the Bigumam Pirates, the most elite fleet in this period. Their combat effectiveness can be imagined, if they encounter them on the sea, they can imagine the end.

Even if the backing of the flavor island is now established, a simple military defense line is established, if the other party's tough impact, the probability of survival is still very low.

"This time, it's really troublesome!"

Murmured, Tang En's eyes flashed in a cold light.

There is no doubt that the next moment will soon be a desperate time.

At this moment, the telephone bug rang and Tang En quickly connected.

"Admiral Lieutenant, the internal islands are already in control, Li Desen and other major internal figures, we are on the way to escort."

Dorrence's voice was quick and made Dunn nod.

"it is good!"

Then he hung up, but soon, the phone bug rang again.

"Admiral, we have checked out the ports and routes that left, and prepared the ship."

"Today, Flavor Island supplies are being used to fill ships."

Tang En nodded again, a ray of light appeared in his eyes.

As long as they are ready to leave quickly without panic, they still have hope.

"Do it as soon as possible, we are running out of time!"

He murmured at the phone.


The navy opposite paused and answered quickly.

The phone bug hung up again, this time, temporarily quieted down.

The sea breeze blew, and Dunn glanced at both sides. The navy was waiting for the next battle. Their brows were frozen, and there were still traces of dry blood pressure on their faces, and their eyes were cold.

Everyone was looking at the sea, where the black spots had disappeared, replaced by huge fleets of ships with dreadful skulls and flags on board.

While the fleet was driving, a gust of sea breeze blew the scent of gunpowder into the navy’s nose, suppressing their hearts.

"Navy!! You dare to occupy the flavor island, are you looking for death?"

Across the sea, a fierce voice came, shaking the sea water, with an overbearing and scowling breath, which made all the navy feel awkward.

Tang En narrowed his eyes and his face became serious.

"Overlord domineering!"

This breath is awe-inspiring.

The other party is deterring them.

"I advise you not to get too close, otherwise."

Tang En shook his body, and an overbearing overbearing domineering spirit also burst out, colliding with that breath fiercely, blocking that breath out.

Suddenly, he stared at him.

"I'm not sure, the people on your flavor island can still be safe!"

Threats, this is the threat of Chiguo Guo!

The pirates were furious, but they were very effective. They stopped at the place where the fleet was destroyed and stopped moving forward.