Chapter 260: No such waste

The development of the Pigumam Pirates Group to the present has more power than a single Pirate Group can tell.

The large Totolan, the territory of more than ten islands, and the possession of a sea area, let them be in no way inferior to a country in terms of scale. Moreover, under the deliberate guidance of Bigumam, he is more like a country.

Many pirates have their own attachments and dreams. For example, White Beard wants to build a big family, while Bigu Mamu wants to build a utopian country.

It can accommodate all ethnic groups into it, and then live together peacefully and live happily.

I have to say that Bigu Mamu's ambition is very high, and her country is also developing in this direction.

This result naturally led to the majority of pirates' relatives on the island. Many kinsmen and relatives are scattered on different islands.

The fleet is very large, but the relatives of these pirates on the island of flavor are also not lacking.

Faced with the threat of Tang En, they were furious, but they dared not act lightly.

"Navy, dare to threaten the great Bigummar Pirates, you will not end well!!"

A cold voice came from the Pirate Fleet.

Tang En just smiled coldly and ignored it.

After turning around, his complexion had become more solemn.

The dangers are imminent as the soldiers approach the city and destroy it. What he needs now is time! As long as he is ready to leave from Flavor Island, he will never miss it.

Today, threats seem to be very effective, but for a long time, when the other party makes a decision, or has a solution, the risk factor will multiply.

A moment later, Tang En, who was standing on the tower, saw Li Desen, who had been taken over.

The Minister of Flavor Island, with a disappointed look at this time, was full of despair in his eyes.

After a frown glance, Tang En waved: "Bring Waldford."

Only when he heard his son's name did Li Desen recover, and his eyes flashed with anger.

It was all the **** who caused such a big incident and made the flavor islands fall. He can imagine that even if this matter is over, the Navy will not kill him, but he will definitely not end well. Because of the character of Bigumam, such mistakes will not be tolerated.

"Father, save me!"

Within a few moments, Waldford yelled and was taken over.

When he was on the warship, he saw this naval battle from beginning to end, and all three views collapsed. This group of navy forces is beyond his imagination, especially the young lieutenant general, it is almost like a god, no, devil!


Liderson saw Waldford, roared, excited, and jumped up to clear the portal, but was pressed by the navy behind him, kneeling on the ground.

"be quiet."

Tang En said lightly, his eyes were cold, and when they touched the two, they were both trembling.

"Flavor Island, now owned by our navy, so I hope you cooperate well."

After a pause, he said again.

"Of course, you can also not cooperate. Look at the opposite side, the fleet of Bigumam has arrived."

Liderson's body shook, and there was excitement on Waldford's face, so he had to jump up and watch.

"If you think they can save you, you can try to be tougher."

Tang En's bland voice came, letting Li Desen shake his hand.

"Master, rest assured, I will do my best to cooperate with you."

Being able to be a minister, Li Desen is naturally not stupid. He clearly judged that in the current situation, he will definitely not have a good ending, obey, and suffer less.

"Hahahaha, MoM's fleet has already arrived, and the acquaintance will soon release us, otherwise."

Waldorf yelled, full of irony.

But he hadn't finished his words yet. Dorans was kicking him in the mouth.


With his teeth detached, his jaw was kicked off directly, and blood was flowing, Waldford screamed constantly, and he couldn't say a word.

"You are very smart, but the born son does not seem to be with you, which is a pity."

Tang shook his head and waved at the navy behind Waldorf.

Seeing the coldness in Tangn's eyes, the soldier nodded deliberately and pulled Waldful out. A moment later, bursts of screams came.

"You have not been well educated, I will educate him once for you, maybe, there will be no chance in the future!"

Tang En said lightly.

Li Desen pursed his lips and said nothing.

The tower was calm, and Tang En seemed to be thinking about something.

"Adult, what do you need me to do with you?"

"doing what?"

Tang En blinked, then said.

"Give orders to the people on this island to let them do what they should do, not to be influenced by us."

"Others, just wait here."


Li Desen was stunned.

He couldn't quite figure out what the young lieutenant was thinking in his mind. Bigumam's fleet was not far away, and countless artillery was aiming at the island, and he was so calm.

Time passed slowly, Tang En took the opportunity to rest.

Looking at the undulating sea ahead and the dense fleet, a ray of confusion flashed in his eyes.

What will the future look like? At this moment, he could not see clearly.

Only by being in this era and experiencing everything deeply can we understand the hugeness of this world. He thought his strength was strong enough, but now it seems that it is not enough!

"Will it live? Will it die?"


The navy is on alert on the flavor island, forming a line of defense. On the other side, dozens of navies are sweating and moving supplies to the ship one by one, preparing for leaving here. Their bodies are very tired, but they can't rest at all. The time is very urgent. Earlier, they can get more chances of survival.

The fleet docked on the opposite side of the island suddenly rioted.

"Just wait like this? What a joke? More than forty ships, destroyed by this batch of navies!"

"This kind of failure has not been seen since the establishment of the Bigum Pirate Group!"

"We also have people on the flavor island, just watched them kidnapped?"

"We must act!"

On the fleet, the cadres looked ugly and quarreled with each other.

"These navies, unlike anyone we've seen before, are very powerful."

"You must be cautious, otherwise people on the flavor island will also sacrifice."

"Wait for MoM to come, wait for her order."

The pirates had different opinions, and for a time, they dared not act rashly.

At the same time, it is far away from the Totland waters and has penetrated into an unknown sea area in the second half of the fairway.

"What are you talking about? Tang En's fleet has fought against Bigumam Pirates?"

"He was trapped on a flavor island? Facing the siege of the Bigumam fleet?"

Kapp heard the news and immediately changed his color. His face was full of worry, and his two fists were tight.

"Damn it, boy Tang En, you must live!"

"Bigumam, if you dare to hurt Don, the old man will never let you go!"

Suddenly hearing this news, the impact on Karp is not too small. He is now in a bad situation, and he can be called a sing.

Golden Lion, Roger, White Beard, and the Pirates are his enemies.

Totland waters, a huge pirate ship.

"Flavor Island, occupied by the navy?"

"Is Li Desen waste? Bass let me down too much!"

A sensuous voice came out, and the surrounding pirates were chilling. They watched the huge body stuff a handful of sweets into it, and then said again.

"Actually asked me whether to attack? What a cowardly question!"

"It's just an island, it's gone, just grab it again."

"Let them attack immediately, and I will pass right away!"

After a pause, the figure was again.

"The wastes on the island are all solved."

"My Big Gurm Pirates, no such waste!"

The heard pirates shook their hearts and changed their colors.