v2 Chapter 90: He is strong

The two faced each other, standing on the street, and the momentum of their bodies suddenly let the people around them back away, giving them a place.

Moreover, one of them was Wen Hu, a young general in the Navy, which attracted the attention of outsiders.

Many people have begun to talk about it. Later, several people who arrived in Dorenth were curiously standing outside and watching here.

"That kid is going to challenge the general, and he is a swordsman with a sword."

"Amazing, this eagle-eyed guy dares to challenge the general."

"I only hope that after he is defeated by the general, he will not lose his fighting spirit."

Several people talked to each other and expressed their admiration for Hawkeye Mihawk.

You know, Tang En is so famous today, he is almost at the level of the world's highest fighting power. Mo said that the challenge is that ordinary people, even walking on the street and encountering Tang En, will be in awe, and will never have the courage to do it.

"So, let's get started!"

Tang En held the knife handle in his right hand, Shen Sheng said.

His face also became a little serious, and he must have the necessary respect for the world's largest swordsman in the future. Although for him at present, the other party is just a fledgling master.

"I'm coming!"

Mi Hawk's eyes condensed, and an awe-inspiring shock struck him, making him suddenly turn into an eagle at this moment.


The scabbard was rubbing, and it seemed that there was a spark in the void, causing the crowd to squint.

"This guy is a master!"

Dorrance said in amazement.

Just looking at each other's hands, it is many times stronger than ordinary people.

The knife light is getting brighter and brighter, and all people's eyes seem to have only one sharp, extremely fast light, and completely ignore the body of the eagle eye.

The wind suddenly rushed.

Tang En narrowed his eyes and held the knife handle in his right hand, pinching slightly at this moment.


When the blade of the long knife rubs against the scabbard, the scabbard is about to come out. This is the moment, which is extremely fierce, sensational, and overbearing. In the eyes of many people, there seemed to be a fierce dragon roaring and roaring where Dunn stood, even the sky was reflected in the red color.

Of course, this is just an illusion that the spiritual world perceives. Only when Kendo is a very strong player, will he form such a scene when he shoots.

Hawkeye sensed that the overbearing, tyrannical had already rushed into his mind in an instant, shaking him slightly, and the movement of the knife under his hand was a meal.

But at this time, his sword had been swung out, and the man had already reached Tang En's eyes.


Mihawk was shocked in his heart, and he was completely defeated by the opponent's kendo momentum, completely unable to resist.

And at this moment, he mentally sensed that the fierce dragon that rushed out was actually cut in half by a beam of light, and his pupils contracted at once.

"this is?!"

"Dragon Slashing Skill!"

Mihok's body paused and stood there. His consciousness had solidified, but under inertia, the knife was still slashing towards Dunn.

At the same time, Tang En's long sword has been half-cut, stunned, horrible sword, sweeping out of the mighty.

"Are you guys brainless? Dare to wave a knife to General Tang En, don't want to live anymore!!!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded, and the shouting man rushed at a very fast speed, hugged Mihawk's waist, and then slammed it.

The two of them flew out like balls, and rolled a few times on the ground until they hit a wall on one side before they stopped.

Everyone was stunned. At that moment, people's attention was attracted by Tang En's knife. No one noticed that someone could break through this mood and ran to the center belt where the two were at war.

"who are you?"

Mihawk froze, looking at the red-haired man in the straw hat in front of him.

He breathed a secret in his heart, knowing he was saved. Before the knife was even swung out, he could not contend with it. How can the huge mental pressure resist the huge and powerful blow!

"Shut up! I'm troubled by you, I'm done!"

The red-haired straw hat man's face was somber.

Not far away, Bucky hiding in the crowd covered his mouth.

"The fool, Shanks, saved the stupid guy, and it's finished, Tang En, he must have recognized him!"

For Shanks and Bucky, Dunn is simply their nightmare. During that encounter, the two were beaten and farted, and they could not compete with this powerful navy. But now, the opponent becomes a general, and his strength is bound to be stronger. Faced with Tang En, it was simply saying hello to death.

Standing in the middle of the street, Tang En froze a little, then closed the long knife he pulled out.

He turned and looked at the two figures sitting down on the wall, frowning.

"Shanks, why are you here?"

After Roger's execution ended, he was not in a mood to observe any more people on the island, so he closed his heart. I didn't expect to find each other here.

"Hey, Don, long time no see."

Shanks squeezed a smile, straightened his straw hat, patted the dust on his **** and stood up.

"We are not familiar. Strictly speaking, I should put you in prison at this time."

Tang En said coldly.

Shanks' voice was stagnant, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but soon, he reacted.

"Don, you can't do that. I'm not a pirate now!"

"I haven't formed my own Pirate Group yet!"

Tang En was amused by this statement: "Do you still want to be a pirate?"


Shanks just laughed.

"It's better not to, otherwise, we will meet again in the future."

Tang En shook his head, believing a word.

He glanced at the eagle's eyes and saw the future great swordsman. At this time, he seemed to be thinking about what he should have realized in the war just now.

"See you next time, I won't lose to you again, Down!"

Shanks shouted.

"While I haven't changed my mind now, go quickly."

"You know, you are a bad guy, Shanks!"

Tang En said lightly.

"See you then, Tang En."

Shanks immediately stood up, waved his hand with a smile, and then pulled up Mihawk, and the two quickly entered the crowd, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Before he ran away from the far away, Shanks took a breath.

"Fortunately, the guy didn't shoot, otherwise, you can't stand here completely."

"He is very strong."

Hawkeye nodded, dignified.

"Nonsense, that guy takes it seriously, you can't even take him a stroke."

Shanks sneered.

At this time, Bucky also followed, panting.

"Shanks, are you crazy? You actually saved this guy, you almost got yourself in."

Shanks waved his hand, just laughing.

"You two, played against him?"

Hawkeye heard something and asked doubtfully.

"Not long ago, he was not a general, but he already had terrifying power."

"The two of us joined forces and neither was his opponent."

Shanks said in a deep voice.

"That guy, although young."

"But strong!"

At the end, he thought of what seemed to happen, and added it again.

"Very strong, very strong!"