v2 Chapter 91: Rogue Township Affairs

Mi Hawk fell silent. He recalled the situation before he fought, and he was shocked by the strength that Tang En showed.

Like a high mountain, Tang Enming was standing right in front of his eyes, but all he could see was just the corner of the other party.

"You saved me."

After a long time, Mihawk said aloud.

Although his expression is serious, his eyes are full of gratitude.

That sword Tangen only pulled out a half, but the power he showed was already beyond his control. Once he pulled out all of them, Mihawk would be hurt and even lose his life.

In such a challenge, he will not naively think that the other party will be merciless.

Mihok was not afraid of injury or death, but Shanks' kindness was accepted.

"You are stupid, but the strength is still quite strong."

"Do you want to be my friend?"

Shanks laughed and lifted the straw hat above his head.

"A friend? You saved my life, of course it is my friend."

Mihawk thought deep and said in a low voice.

He still couldn't see any smile or joy on his face, and always looked serious.

Shanks was very happy to hear this. He extended his right hand and hugged Mihawk's neck.

"Nice to meet you, Mihawk, my name is Shanks, the future One Piece."

Mi Hawk stunned, and then looked at Shanks carefully: "Do you want to be one piece too?"

"Yes! I want to build the most powerful pirate group in the world, gather the most reliable partners, and then take the throne of Shanghai One Piece!"

Shanks said seriously, firmly.

Mihawk is silent, he is pleased with Shanks' ambition, but his goal is to become the world's largest swordsman.

"So, Mihawk, do you want to join me and become my partner?"

With a smile, Shanks reached out to Mihawk with a hand of friendship.

Blinking, Mihok shook his head altogether, and did not agree to this invitation because Shanks saved his grace.

"I reject."

He has his own plan and may also become a pirate, but this is not the way.

"Ah, that's a pity, you are a strong man!"

Shanks scratched his head.

"Bucky, do you want to think about it again?"

Bucky shook his head like a rattle, and made a contemptuous voice loudly: "I refuse!"

Shanks didn't mind, just laughed.

Mi Hawk watched the young man who saved him quietly. He gradually found the other person's temperament, his personality was very interesting, and he was a person worthy of a friend.

"Don En's kid didn't do anything today, which was beyond my expectations."

"However, we have to evacuate the island as soon as possible. If he changes his mind, we will be in trouble!"

Shanks quickly calmed down again, and said with a condensed voice.

Bucky heard that he was trembling, and he was really afraid of Tang En.

At the moment, the three joined together and left quickly towards the port.

The town of Rogge, inside the naval station.

"Did the temporarily stationed troops leave?"

Qin Yi sat in the office, sweeping through the orders one by one, putting a check on the no problem, signing his name, and then set aside.

"Basically all have been evacuated, leaving only three troops still preparing for logistics, and their reserves on board are running low."

Dorrance replied.

"Well, let them leave as soon as possible. Rogge is not where they should be."

Tang En casually said.

"I will inform you."

Dorons was like a housekeeper at this time, quietly following Down's orders, and then assisting in managing everything.

"The navy in the branch of Rog Town, the officer system is a bit confusing, it has to be changed!

As he browsed through the documents on the table, Tang En finally said.

"However, I am modifying the division's system without permission.

Dorrance hesitated.

"I'm the one from the headquarters."

Tang En said lightly.

Dolens was stunned, and then suddenly realized that he would not say anything.

"In a special period, the town of Rogge needs to mobilize troops. A school-level official can't play a role at all. I want a major general officer to be stationed here."

"The same is true of the headquarters, so he selected ten officers for me, all of whom are young and have considerable potential."

Tang En looked at the last document and said slowly.

"Seven people are already major general positions, military merit is very beautiful, three people are still colonels, but the strength is also very good, already qualified to become a major general."

"Of course, if one of these three colonels is selected, while taking office, his rank will naturally become a major general."

Dorans was stunned. He didn't understand what Dunn said.

But soon, he reacted.

"Is there any problem with the background of these ten officers?"

Under normal circumstances, the Department will not make such a difficult choice, but directly issue the letter of appointment. Now this scene is obviously some problems behind.

"There are eight, but not two."

There was a smile on Tang En's mouth.

"Among them, they are either fathers, grandpas, who have been promoted to lieutenant generals, or retired soldiers of the second and third generations. Or, they are government officials who look at the background and are clear, but can find out the source at a glance."

"On weekdays, the garrison generals in a town of Roga in the East Sea will not attract the attention of this group of people."

"It seems that many people have noticed that this town, as well as the headquarters' next plan!"

Shaking his head, Tang En's eyes were deep, and there was a trace of coldness in his mouth.

"What do you mean, General Tang?"

Seeing Dunn's expression, Dorons knew that the young general had made a decision.

"I have some background behind me, but I don't like guys with backgrounds."

"Moreover, I hate those who clearly have a background, but they hide the innocence like the white lotus."

"and so!"

From the ten pieces of information, he gently took one and placed it on the table.

The remaining nine pieces of light quickly flickered into the air after a flash of thunder flashed at the fingertips.

"It's him! Immediately issued an order to let this kid come to Rog Town."

"In this way, we can leave here earlier!"

"My business is a lot, and it's really tiring to drag here."

Tang En stretched his back and yawned.

Dorons stepped forward and saw the resume on the table, slightly stunned.

With a golden head, a beautiful face, and a neat military uniform, from the photo, this is a young officer with firm will and tough character. On his resume, his character background and personal information are recorded in detail. The young man was very pleasing, and Dorons only had a good impression of this man by looking at the photos.

After glancing at his personal resume, he also appreciated the young man.

"That's it, Dorrance, get this thing done as soon as possible."

Tang En finally said another sentence.

Without delay, Dorans immediately turned to give the order.