v2 Chapter 97: trouble

But half a quarter of an hour, Tang En's warship, there were more scarred pirates.

When these pirates were brought in, they were apparently already convinced by Dorrence and Waldorf, with their heads down and a look of frustration.

Tang En did not pay much attention to them, and arresting these guys was just a stop in the road, even if they hit the gun.

The time soon reached twilight, and according to the soldier, there was a two-day journey from Relandan Island.

The night soon came, Tang En was facing the sea breeze, looking at the stars, his thoughts were clearer than ever.

But the mind is like a flying wild horse. At this moment, he started running around and could not pull it.

Taking Ohala scholars, building a library, and looking for Lu Jiu hiding everywhere, he seems to be gradually embarking on a position contrary to the navy and the world government. All of this made Tang En feel a little sense of urgency, which made him complicated. I thought a lot.

Even at a certain moment, he didn't know that he was right or wrong, and he seemed to question himself.

At dawn, Tang En breathed out slowly as he watched the first rise.

The answer to all of these is too difficult for him, or it is an unsolvable problem for anyone.

In an instant, the third day arrived.

The warship slowly docked at the port and stood on the bow. Tang En and others could already see the small island in front of him. Even the people on the island are continually under investigation, and a tense, stormy atmosphere permeates here.

His eyes narrowed, and Dunn and Dorence jumped off the warship.

"You are?"

Just after disembarking, a team of navies approached, led by a sergeant.

"Sergeant, this is General Tang En, code-named Wen Hu. On our ship, we caught some pirates when we arrived and immediately sent them to prison."

Dorans looked serious and stepped forward to negotiate.

He had the rank of colonel on his shoulders and had not yet been promoted for the time being, but naturally he wouldn't mind this kind of thing when he followed Tang En.

"General Tang En?"

The sergeant heard these four words, froze for a moment, then glanced at Tang En behind him, followed by a trembling of the whole body, and a nervous whole body trembling.

"Have seen General Tang En!"

In an instant, the whole team trembled as if struck by lightning.

"Do what Colonel Dorenz said, who is your highest chief here?"

Tang En said in a deep voice.

"It's Major Barrow!"

The sergeant answered quickly, looking at Tang En's eyes, full of awe.

"where is he?"

Don asked.

"Just in the center of the town, the inspection mission is being performed.

Sergeant Road.

Tang En jawed his head, and then stepped forward, followed by Dorons and others.

Along the way, he scanned the situation in the town and found that any newly married or 18-year-old woman had been summoned up and lined up for investigation in the streets. The navy’s search was undoubtedly blind, and they might just know that Roger had a wife.

But he is not sure whether he is pregnant or has the information. However, Lu Jiu's appearance and detailed information are unclear.

It can be seen that the corners and the main roads of all kinds of traffic have been mastered by the navy, and every soldier's eyes are searching for suspicious characters.

This is only a preliminary review, and the Navy will not overdo it. Most of them need to solicit opinions and permission from the public. But even so, civilians still complain a lot.

Ruilangan Island is not a small island. Even if the navy temporarily recruited a large number of navies, it was still quite time-consuming to investigate such difficult tasks. At present, this work is just beginning.

Major General Barrow is a serious military officer. He is also very old. He is more than 40 years old, and has grown Tang En for more than two rounds.

When seeing Tang En, Major General Barrow was surprised and very happy.

"General Tang En, I didn't expect you to come over."

"Lieutenant General Kapu said that I found Roger's remnants on Ruilangan Island. I happened to be in the South China Sea, so I stopped by."

Don nodded.

Behind Dorens and Waldorf looked at each other, they didn't say much, they all knew that their generals did not say so to Cap.

"It would be better to have General Tang En sitting here."

Barrow was very excited.

To be honest, he was under great pressure to let him take over this kind of work. It’s okay to find it, but if you can’t find it, blame it on the old guy, he has a headache.

The matter involves the wife and children of One Piece Roger, but the relationship is even greater, so he cannot be careful.

However, Tang En's arrival solved this trouble for him. With the arrival of the mainstay of the naval headquarters, his major general could only retreat to the second line. Even if there was nothing to gain from this operation, he would definitely not blame him.

Because Tang En is the person above, and can see everything in Relandan Island most intuitively.

"how is the situation?"

Don nodded and asked at random.

"Three days ago, we got Ruilangan Island, and there were clues about the news of Roger's wife, but the specific source has been unclear. It is estimated that the person who knows the details has been taken by some people."

Barrow said serious things, and he looked serious. At the end, he listened, but the meaning was obvious.

Squinting slightly, Tang En nodded.

It seems that someone is helping or protecting Lujiu in the dark, otherwise, it would be possible for a generation of female prostitutes to persist for so long under the arrest of the navy.

"So now, are you doing carpet search and investigation?"

Glancing at the people waiting in line in the distance, Tang En whispered.

"Yes, as soon as we got the news, we have blocked all exits in Relandan Island. If the other party is really here, we can't escape anyway!"

"Moreover, we judge that the other party is pregnant and will be physically present."

"Of course, all this is just suspicion, and only as the work progresses, can we get more accurate information."

Don nodded and listened silently.

Ruilangan Island is very large, and with the naval forces remaining here at this time, it takes at least a month to search the entire island in a carpet.

And Tang En, there was no way to do it at this time. After dispersing the heart net, he suddenly realized that he didn't even know what Lu Jiu looked like.

Roger didn't tell him that Karp might know, but he didn't mention it.

This was troublesome. He suddenly felt a headache. That is to say, he wanted to find Lujiu at this time, which was only like the navy, and his eyes were blacked out, all because of the specious clues.

"In the original book, Lujiu seemed to have blond hair and a rose-shaped hairpin on top of his head."

"All I know is this news."

"There is a big gap between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional worlds. It is not at all clear whether she is disguised at this moment."

"But there is no choice but to try to find."

Tang En said helplessly.