v2 Chapter 98: Suspected

"The search process is still the same, and if there is any new news, notify me immediately."

Tang En said quietly, and said softly.

Barrow nodded naturally, and he was very welcome to Tang En. A general is approaching the South China Sea and is a great deterrent to this whole sea area. In a sense, it will bring great convenience to his work.

Looking through Barrow, Downe glanced at the crowd in the distance. After a few glances, he didn't notice anything.

He frowned and took Dorens and others away.

Afterwards, soldiers led them to a temporary resting place. Tang En, as a general, is naturally the best treatment. The military base of Ruilangan Island has a European-style architectural style, like a small castle.

After walking in, Tang En also found out interestingly that the furnishings and decoration here are quite particular, giving people a feeling of authenticity from outside the island.

He didn't care whether the navy on the island was corrupt or not. It was a matter for the relevant departments. Only one sentence would need to be mentioned later, and someone will investigate.

It’s best if there’s no problem.

Tang En lives on the third floor of the castle, looking out the window, and can see most of the people in the town in front of him.

Ruilangan Island is not small, there is a small kingdom in the center, there are three cities. This is a port, a small town. The navy will lead to the main roads outside, all blocked, even a fly can't fly out. A lot of troops were dispatched, and almost a quarter of the entire South China Sea was taken away.

From this, it can be seen that the world government and the headquarters attach importance to Roger's personnel.

They are afraid of something and are afraid of something coming back.

Tang En's heart was clear, but he didn't care.

The opening of the era of great navigation symbolizes the end of an era, but at the same time, it also represents more opportunities.

The heart net circulated again, and Tang En easily covered the three cities of Relangaan Island. Most of the area on it was like a bird's-eye view formed by looking down, which was clearly seen by him. . The closer, see more clearly.

But always helpless, still unable to find Lu Jiu.

On an island, the information distribution of various foods is extremely complicated, and his heart net can cover such a large range, naturally there are limitations. That is, it is difficult to watch more than one fine target outside the town. More role seems to be for precision strikes, assisting the magic punishment skills of thunder fruit.

And the most used place is to fight, not to explore.

The farther away, the less detailed information is available.

He temporarily relaxed his mood. Lu Jiu should be right in the South China Sea. As the Navy continues to track, it should be able to get intelligence sooner or later.


Slowly exhaling, Tang En closed his eyes and immersed himself in cultivation.

Many things have happened in recent days, and his development of the Thunder Fruit has been much slower.

In the battle of White Beard, he became a lightning element, he felt a lot, and saw a farther future, but to master these forces, he still needs effort and time.

"Thunder Element."

Where his thoughts circulated, he seemed to see a burst of lines, flashing and twisting.

The background is like a dark sky, and it seems to be a deep cosmic starry sky. All kinds of experiences quickly rise to the heart, giving him the ability to control the thunder fruit, and improve it again.

The promotion of the fruits of nature is more focused on the power of its own elements, such as flame, which is to increase the temperature and range. The same is true for the thunder fruit. The more thorough the understanding of thunder and lightning, the stronger the spiritual power and the power of thunder and lightning It will be more scary.

Tang En's recent practice is to increase the power of thunder and lightning.

In addition, it is also comprehending the electromagnetic force. This new power can be continuously generated in thunder and lightning. As long as it gives a force to the strange field generated by the thunder and lightning, it can explode powerful power. If you intervene in materials such as metals, the resulting explosiveness can destroy everything.

He knows very well that this kind of power, if used well, can greatly enhance his strength.

The Magneto in Marvel, the power at his disposal, can destroy the world.

Several days have passed, and Tang En is practicing most of the time. The headquarters seems to be dealing with other things today, or because of what Kapu said, he was not recalled.

On the island of Relandan, the progress of the investigation and search of Roger's wife is also slow. At the beginning, Barrow was still worried that this would anger the young general. But after seeing it a few times, he realized that Tang En was not mindful at all, and he was relieved.

Work continues, and most of the troops, moving from the port town to the inland city.

The amount of engineering that follows is undoubtedly greater and also requires the cooperation of this small kingdom.

Half a month later, Lu Jiu still had no news. Tang En was immersed in cultivation, feeling that he was getting stronger every day. Although the amplitude was small, he still made him feel happy.

At his level, it is difficult to move one step further.

Such as Bai Huai, such age, such strength, it is almost impossible to go one step further, only after the passage of time, watching yourself step by step weak and old.

For Tang En, he doesn't need to consider the issue of age for the time being. He hasn't even reached his prime, which is the peak.

In a flash, a month later, Barrow had already waited for a large amount of troops to move to the inland capital city.

At the port, only a small number of troops are still here, and Tang En who has been immersed in cultivation all day.

"Is there still no gain?"

Tang En shook his head.

He realized that this trip might not be so easy. According to the original book, it was only after more than a year that Karp found Lujiu and took Ace to see it.

With his character, after agreeing to Roger, he will naturally not do his best.

This can also be seen from the side, Lu Jiu's ability to hide is extraordinary.

"Lu Jiu gave birth to Ace on Baturira Island, but that was more than a year later."

"Where is she now?"

Tang En had a headache.

He continued to wait, and four days later, Major General Barrow suddenly called him.

"We found a woman suspected of Roger's wife in the capital of Ruilangan."

"She also brought a newborn child!"

After Tang En heard it, he patted his forehead helplessly.

"Confirm carefully, don't catch the wrong person!"

He knew very well that the suspected woman was definitely caught by mistake. Ace, this will be far from the sound, but it is still far away!

"Yes, general, we investigated very carefully, and based on various clues, she was the most suspect!"

Tang En secretly probed, but nodded.

"Okay, I'll come and see it immediately."

When Tang En arrived in the capital of Ruilangan and saw the suspected woman, his eyes immediately froze.

"Really like it!"