v3 Chapter 149: perhaps

"The second place is your captain, Munch D. Luffy, bounty 300 million berry."

"Third place Basil Hawkins, bounty 249 million berry."

"Fourth place, X. Drake, with a prize of 222 million. It is said that he was a navy before, and finally he was sentenced to the navy somehow and became a pirate."

"Fifth place, Trafalgar Rowe, bounty 200 million berry."

"Sixth place, Sculachman Appe, bounty 198 million berry."

"Seventh place, Kira, bounty 162 million berry."

"Eighth place, Joe Allie Pawnee, bounty 140 million berry."

"Ninth place, Capone Becky, bounty 138 million Berry."

"Tenth place, Roronoa Sauron, 120 million Berry."

"Eleventh place, Urki, 180 million berry."

The names spit out from Aunt Shao's mouth, making the straw hats' eyes wide and they could see that they were very excited.

Tang En also blinked, and then said with a smile: "It sounds like scary monsters!"

"Yes, they are all terrible characters."

Aunt Shao focused on him and gave him a blank look.

"In these years, there are really a lot of scary pirates!"

Tang En said.

"Forget to say that this era, known as the extremely evil generation, these eleven supernovas are also the most shining new stars in this era!"

Auntie Shao said again.

"A really chaotic era."

Tang En sighed again, but when he said this, his tone was a little low.

Aunt Shao's complexion changed, and he said nothing more.

She had always been worried, this guy suddenly shot, and the straw hat guys that Rayleigh had been paying attention to directly annihilated the whole army.

The guy in front of him is thinking about something, I'm afraid no one will know.

The Straw Hat Pirates are talking lively, but Aunt Shao is always observing Tang En, squeezing his hands, and finally, when he saw a smile on the other side, he was relieved.

"Can I ask curiously? Luffy, why do you want to be a pirate?"

At this moment, Tang En suddenly asked.

"Because of freedom, I want to be one piece and want to be a free man above the sea!"

Luffy replied without hesitation.

"I admire your unscrupulous courage, the blood of young people is always boiling."

Tang En applauded.

"If you just want to be free, you need to pay enough. Are you ready for this?"

It was another problem that left everyone present at a shock.

Aunt Shao changed her face even more. She stared at Tang En and shouted loudly: "Don't forget, you are now retired!"

Tang En waved his hand: "I just asked casually, but there was no interest in shooting them."

It wasn't until this time that the straw hat guys realized something, and Sauron grasped the long knife and stared closely at Tang En.

At this time, he also felt that the other party's face was familiar, but he still couldn't remember where he had seen each other.

"In order to become the One Piece and the freest person, I will pay for everything!"

Luffy said indifferently.

"Very simple, direct character reminds me of someone."

Don Enzan said.

Aunt Shao's face changed slightly, and she naturally knew who the other party was talking about. She suddenly wanted to sound, the young man in front of him was the one who arrested Roger One Piece.

"Since there is a dream, then work hard for it, I hope you will not regret it."

Tang En said with a faint smile.

Later, he stopped talking and disturbed the lively atmosphere of the straw hat gang.

Soon after, the group of people shouted about going to the amusement park and soon left.

Auntie Shao exhaled heavily at this moment, staring at Tang En: "I really don't understand, what are you doing here for?"

"Do you believe it or not, this group of people will soon provoke something serious?"

Tang En said suddenly.


Aunt Shao was startled.

"Twelve supernovas gathered together, all concentrated in the Shampoo Islands. Do you think they will spend their lives in safety and security, and will the Navy tolerate their peaceful departure?"

"This idea is too naive?"

Tang En said lightly.

Aunt Shao's face changed: "What action does the Navy do?"

"I don't know. I have been retired for many years, and now I've just emerged. I don't know anything about the Navy."

Tang En spread his hand.

"Now, all you can do is watch the play quietly."

"That's all!"

Aunt Shao changed his face, and finally sighed.

No matter what the navy is doing, Tang En is here, it is an invisible guarantee for the entire Shampoo Islands.

No pirate can turn any waves into his hands.

A minute and a second later, Aunt Shao's mood was very unstable.

Finally, at one moment, when there were rapid footsteps outside the bar, Auntie Shao's heart moved, and his face changed, looking at Tang En.

"I said that they will definitely be in trouble."

The faint tone was full of affirmation.

"The Navy has already acted. Will the straw hat gang be in danger?"

Asked Aunt Shao.

"What danger will the future One Piece encounter?"

Tang En asked back, making Aunt Shao stunned.

At the same time, the naval headquarters.

"Dragon is attacked? Is the evil guy Luffy the straw hat kid?"

The face of the Warring States changed and suddenly stood up.

Today, he looks a bit more old, and his temples have gray hair, but he is also a bit more majestic.

Standing in a high position, this marshal has adapted to his position and momentum.

"Let the old man go out and have a look, dare to start with the Tianlong people. This year's pirates, one by one, are really monsters!"

A lazy voice sounded, and the yellow ape stood up and walked out of the door.

"Then leave it to you, the yellow ape!"

Sengoku Shen Sheng said.

The yellow ape waved his hand, and his body had already shone with golden light, but it had disappeared here in an instant.

On the other side, outside the auction grounds of the Chambord Islands, they have been surrounded by large numbers of navies.

Luffy and other supernova pirates faced this large number of navies at this time.

"This island suddenly became chaotic!"

Tang En sighed, his eyes could not help looking out.

He slowly stood up and walked outside.

"What are you going to do?"

Aunt Shao quickly asked.

"Look at the scene outside."

Tang En waved his hand.

Then, a few steps walked to the door, and a large number of navies were quickly converging towards a certain place. Obviously, the incident on the Chambord Islands was not small at this moment, which almost alarmed the general garrison.

"What the **** did they do?"

Auntie Shao came out and asked in surprise.

"Perhaps, beating the Tianlong people, who knows?"

Tang En said at will.

"Beat the Sky Dragon?"

Aunt Shao was shocked.

In front of this guy, it seems that he once killed Tianlong.