v3 Chapter 150: You have the final say

"Boo babble babble!"

The sharp shells roared, rubbing the air and shaking everyone's ears.

Above the sea, above a warship, the yellow ape turned into a streamer, blinked and disappeared on the deck, and at the next moment, he had seen his feet close together, standing on the dark shells.

"It's a terrible group of monsters, even the Tianlong people dare to fight!"

He murmured in a whisper, the yellow ape robed his body, stepped on the shells, and flew quickly towards the Shampoo Islands.

The act of beating the Tianlong people is no longer bold, but is looking for death! After living for so long, this kind of thing, even the well-informed yellow ape, has only seen one or two times.

Only one person survived.

Tang En raised his head and saw the streamer passing through the air, with a smile in his eyes, and muttered, "I saw an acquaintance again!"

Aunt Shao also saw this scene, her pupils contracted.

"Navy General, Yellow Ape!"

"It even inspired the general to shoot?"

She was deeply worried about the straw hats. As a novice in the great channel, facing the powerful navy general, this group of people need not think much about the end.

"What the **** did they do?"

Deeply puzzled in my heart, is it really as Tang En said, beating the Tianlong people?

However, it didn't take long for the straw hat gang to come here in a hurry with the injured little eight.

Raleigh also followed, and his face was very calm.

After glancing at Tang En, he said to Aunt Shao: "Help Xiaoba deal with the injury."

"I'm fine, really fine!"

Little Eight waved his hands again and again.

Tang En looked aside and smiled: "Cause a big disaster? Aroused so many navies, you are in trouble!"

"Hahahaha, Uncle Raleigh, I'll trouble you to coat our ship."

Luffy laughed loudly and didn't care about the disaster just now.

"You saved Xiaoba, I can serve you for free."

Raleigh said with a smile on his face.

"That's great!"

Luffy and others cried in excitement.

Later, in a short conversation, Luffy and others learned that Raleigh was the deputy captain of One Piece Roger, and was surprised.

"As soon as you come to the Shampoo Islands, dare to beat the Flying Dragon, you are really a group of bold people!"

Tang En squinted and smiled.

"They are too much!"

Luffy said loudly.

"I agree with you. Some Tianlong people are really excessive."

Don nodded in favor.

Lu Fei laughed straight, he looked at Tang En, with a sense of identity in his eyes, but Nami hit him hard at this time.

"This is a big disaster! Think about it, how to get through this level first!"

Raleigh said at the moment: "You are hiding in a nearby town for a while. When I finish coating your ship, I will leave as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

Luffy and others responded at the same time.

Fighting the Tianlong people attracted so many navies, and the straw hat group also realized the seriousness of the incident.

After a while, Rayleigh turned to look at Don.

"So what are you planning?"

Tang En smiled: "It's enough to have a yellow ape."

"Really? The yellow ape has come here!"

Raleigh frowned.

"It's just that I am more interested in the wicked people mentioned in this session!"

Tang En said suddenly.

Rayleigh's face narrowed: "Are you going to shoot?"

"Just want to try this so-called Pirate Age, whether there is such an exaggerated rumor."

"By the way, give them a lesson so that some of them will know that the world is not ruled by evil!"

Tang En stood up and walked out of the door, his right hand raised and waved.

Rayleigh's eyes flickered, his expression uncertain, staring at Don's back until he disappeared.

"Is he going to shoot?"

Aunt Shao asked in a deep voice.

"This guy hasn't appeared in years. Now, since he chose to shoot."

Rayleigh looked dignified.

"I'm afraid the next world will not be calm!"

When I was a kid, I was in the navy shampoo island station.

"Is Waldorf?"

Tang En asked aloud in front of the Navy in front of him.

"Chief Wardford is here, are you?"

The young navy didn't know Downe, but he was very clingy to Wardford, who was the chief officer in charge of the affairs of the Shampoo Islands.

"Let him come to see me."

Tang En sat in the parlor and glanced, then said lightly.

This indifferent momentum, and the aura at the top, made the Navy dare not resist.

"Please wait a moment, I will report it!"

But for a moment, Waldorf wore a heavy face, and strode out: "Who is looking for me? Didn't even know the identity? How did you do it?"

"The guy with the yellow ape came to the Chambord Islands without saying anything, and inserted his hand into the chassis I was in charge of. This is not taking me seriously! It's awful!"

Talking non-stop, Wardford couldn't help looking at the person on the sofa.

In recent years, his status in the navy has gradually risen. As an officer of the Tang En line, his relationship network is also very complicated. Even in the face of the three men who are generals, there will be no slightest sigh.

Suddenly, Waldorf stunned, his pupils contracted, and then he suddenly raised his hand and wiped his hands, a shocked look on his face.

"Can't you recognize me? Waldorf?"

Tang En said lightly.


Waldorf shouted in shock.

The loud sound made the surrounding navy stunned.

Boss? Their highest chief, and the boss? So, who is called the boss?

Immediately following, they even saw a startling scene. The military officer, who had always been serious and irritable, burst into tears at the next moment.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

"I'm suffering all these years!"

"Sakaski, Polusalino, Cuzan, they are bullying me, and the people under your hands are being suppressed everywhere!"

"Especially that Sakhaski, it's too much!"

Waldford howled, complained and complained.

The navy next to him is almost dumbfounded. Such words are spoken by the general public. Is it really okay?

"Admiral, this is a public place, be careful of the walls and ears."

Someone looked embarrassed and stooped in Wordford's ear.

"What are you afraid of? My boss is back! How can they treat me?"

Waldorf shouted loudly.

Tang En slapped on Waldford's head with a slap: "What's crying? How old are you?"

Waldorf grinned, then wondered: "Boss, why are you younger than me. Wasn't it about to hang?"

Tang En turned black and slapped the other person on the ground with a slap.

"Don't talk nonsense, go and prepare a suit for me."

"what clothes?"

Waldoff got up and said blankly.

"Navy suit!"

"Since you said that the Chambord Islands is your chassis, then the guy in Prusalino wants to get shot, you have to get your permission."

Down Road said.

"Yes! Boss, you are right!"

Waldorf shouted.

"I don't need it, so, next."

"Here, I have the final say!"

Tang En narrowed his eyes and said lightly.

"Boss, what are you talking about?"

Waldorf laughed.