Chapter 597 Library

Name:Poison God's Heritage Author:
597 Library

"You must have business coming here to the Sea of Demons, and I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Walkers," said the general.

"No, we're here to partake in the upcoming auction, we have something that we need to obtain from it," he said.

"I see. Dwei, come here," said the general, and soon the man who drove the carriage arrived to the hall and stood in front of us.

"Once the auction stars, you shall support our guests with the full power of the Western General, if they even want to buy out the entire auction, help them do so, the treasure room is all at their disposal," he said.

"As you command," said Dwei.

"There won't be a need for that. We just need the painting that's going to be auctioned there," I said.

"If it's just one item, I'll feel it too cheap for the life of my daughter, then, I'll tell you what, Dwei go to the general of the east, and get one of their Soul Flames, the Emerald Soul Flame, it shouldn't account for all the favor you have graced us with, but it is the least I can offer you." noVe)lb/1n

Old Fu nodded to me, and I accepted.

"If that's what the General of the west wishes for, then I shall kindly accept," I replied.

"Good. As for you, Master Fu. I believe that you're at the peak of the Void Shattering Stage," he said.

"Something like that," old Fu replied.

"Good, then would you be willing to help us?" he asked.

"To do what?" old Fu replied.

"After investigating what had occurred, we conclude that someone is accelerating the growth rate of the Walkers. We have a feeling that whoever is doing so wishes to harm our city. Or do something nefarious under the vestige of the assault from the Walkers. None of us four generals can leave the city unless expressed directly but the reigning emperor, otherwise I would have personally went and investigated." Said the general.

"And you want me to do this for you?" asked Old Fu.

"I won't hide it, as though it's shameful to ask for another favor from the people who helped my daughter, my hands are tied and I don't want to be caught off-guard when the Night falls." He said.

Old Fu thought for a moment and said, "I find no reason compelling me to help."

'Good one Fu, you're learning.' I nodded inwardly.

"Oh that's the reason I asked for your cultivation level. He then pulled a small golden box and placed it in front of old Fu.

Once Old Fu opened the box, a beautiful jade colored root was sitting comfortably in the box.

Old Fu frowned, "Bodhi roots... where did you get something like this," old Fu extended his hand to the box but the general lightly closed it.

"It will be yours once you help us, what do you think?" he asked.

"Because master never asked..."


"We'll excuse ourselves for now," said old Fu.

beautifully carved wood. And the whole room seemed to have an extravagance to it 11:16

that would put a king to shame.

"Dwei, take them to the honored guest residence, and go and procure the Soul Flame," he said.

"As you command," Dwei saluted and led the way for us to follow him.

He took us to a vast room where we were allowed in.

"Please enjoy your stay, if you need anything just ring that bell and servants will immediately arrive to accommodate all your needs," he said and then left after closing the door to the room.

Of anything I've seen in the palace, this room seemed to have the most decorative items in it, it actually felt like it belonged to a proper palace.

The carpet alone seemed to be intricately weaved. The walls and ceiling were made of beautifully carved wood. And the whole room seemed to have an extravagance to it that would put a king to shame.

"I guess they treat their guests better than they treat themselves," said old Fu.

"They're soldiers, they don't need all that fancy stuff, not that we need it. Old Fu, I'll need you to keep an eye out on me, I'll return shortly," I said.

"Are you leaving the perimeter of the palace?" he asked.

"No, I'll be here, just not here," I said.

He didn't understand much but the Automaton appeared and opened a portal for me to the Lord of Lords pagoda.

Once I stepped inside, I found myself in the same massive library of the Lord of Lords. I've spent years here and know every nook and cranny of this place, I have already read every book here.

"Follow me, master," said the automaton until we arrived to an inconspicuous corner of the library.

"Wave the Lord of Lords token here," he said.

And just as I did, the whole shelf fell down revealing a tunnel like entrance that led forward. Luminescent orbs were imbedded on the ceiling of this square walled tunnel that lit the way and on the other side of the tunnel there was light.

Just as I arrived to the other side, my eyes widened as I saw the real library of the Lord of Lords.
