Chapter 598 Undead

Name:Poison God's Heritage Author:
598 Undead

I couldn't begin to fathom the sheer size of knowledge that was hidden in plain sight. Right behind that inconspicuous looking shelve was a whole other world with an incredible amount of knowledge that I never knew about.

The library behind me was vast and grand, but it wasn't comparable to a drop in the bucket if you pit it against this sea of information.

From the right were books and manuals about cultivation methods, some that were surprisingly familiar and similar to ones I've seen in the Vast Expanse, and some that were incredibly mysterious and mystical. noVe)lb/1n

Then alchemy books, explaining and details sets and assets of the Beyond, herbs and plants and heavenly treasures that I've never seen before or even knew existed. New poisons, new antidots, new formulas and new alchemy methods.

Then on the far end were manuals about law and inscription, and manuals about the territory of the beyond, its beasts and monsters, the humans that lived in it. The mortal life, the cultivation life, and even the life of the mundane and the mythic from the smallest of worms, to the mightiest of phoenixes and dragons.

There was so much knowledge packed here that I felt at a complete loss at first unable to even start.

I shook my head and laughed and decided that I didn't need to be greedy. I began looking for the section that had the maps of the beyond, and I found it rather easily. The whole of the beyond was mapped in here as there were hundreds upon hundreds of scrolls and books that detailed maps of the entire beyond.

And among all the regions, the portion which had the Demon Sea was categorized under, "Forbidden Region."

At first I didn't understand what forbidden region meant, but from seeing that there were other regions under the same category and after a quick skim through the content, I realized what it means.

A forbidden region is a region that is fraught with danger and hadn't been fully explored.

Though it surprised me that something as old as the Beyond hasn't been fully explored especially when they have people like the eight Suns who are the peak lifeform of the beyond, if they themselves didn't dare and explore this region then there must be a valid reason for it.

And I came to realize it rather fast.

In one of the maps, the one that detailed more about the Sea of Demons especially was one of the reasons why this area isn't fully explored.

After all, we're in a city at the peripheries of the Sea of Demons, this city we're in is just one of many that are sprinkled around the edge of the Sea of Demons as not even a tenth of it had been explored. And the reason is the following.

Whoever recorded this, made detailed records of the inner region of the Sea of Demons. Which is frankly strange, as if they had done so, shouldn't the exploration rate of the forbidden Region be far higher than it is?

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of the Walkers, we've had many incidents where walkers were found roaming the city. And thus, to reduce the risk of infection and death we ordered martial law during the night. Only the soldiers of the generals are allowed to survey and patrol during the night. Anyone who is found wandering out will be immediately arrested," Dwei said.

I shrugged they were overly cautious but it's clear that if they found walkers with walls this thick and high, it's obvious that they've gotten smuggled in. One of the generals was probably in on it, but I wasn't about to accuse one of the generals of treason, after all it's just an assumption.

Soon we arrived to the western wall, and it was there that I saw the general standing up high on top of the wall.

Dwei then flew up and gestured to us to follow.

All of us stood atop the bone wall and only then was I able to witness what the general was talking about.

Across the entirety of this dimly lit, gray looking and dreary sand desert were sprinkles of people.

Or as close to people as one might think, no. They had skin as plae as ash, and their skin was tightly sticking to their bones. Their ribs the parts that weren't exposed from being eroded and corroded were visible under their skin. Their faces had no eyes and they had no lips or hair. Their teeth were not that of humans but more like those of a shark. Nothing but razor sharp looking fangs decorated their mouths.

Some of them were huge in size, almost ten feet tall, and some were not even the size of a man's arm.

They wandered the desert, without any target or goal in sight. They just moved about, bumping in each other and moving about rather erratically.

Every once in a while, you could hear one of them groan and that would alert the closest batch of walkers to it. But none of the walkers acted up on it or tried to explore the source of this sound after hearing it the first time.

"What do you think?" asked the general.

"Classic Zombie case," I said.

"What is that?" he asked, curious of the word I used.

"A corpse... made with reviving the body of a dead man. It has no mind of its own but that of the one controlling and commanding, it follows orders and is loyal to boot. It knows no fear for death hunger or exhaustion. That's an Undead." I said.