At this time, Gu Sirui is very angry. Why do he want to consolidate Gu Shi's marriage? And the object of marriage is the one who is determined to marry her brother one second and listens to her parents the next. If so, how can he be worthy of Su Su, who has been in love for so many years, and he won't fall in love with Shu Xiaoxiao or even like her? Thanks to the truth that he saw her before, Bo no complaints to take care of his brother, the original is to pave the way for today.

Mrs. Gu looks at the two parents in law of the calligrapher's face turning black. She also looks at Shu Xiaoxiao's obedience. She is clever, weak and Gu Sirui's out of control. Her language is excited. She has no gentlemanly demeanor and aggressive attitude. Shu Xiaoxiao and Gu Sirui form a very sharp contrast. Then she looks at her son Gu Sirui in this way and looks at her future daughter-in-law Shu Xiaoxiao From now on, your wife can only be Xiaoxiao, not someone else, your heart can only be filled with Xiaoxiao, you see Xiaoxiao so clever, so kind, she is your wife, that is you don't know how many years of previous life to cultivate the blessing, and ah, you don't like your brother, looking for a no background, no lining My family. You see, now that Susu, your brother is lying in the hospital in an accident, did she come? You see, I tell you, Si Nian must not know what medicine she had given and was fascinated by her, so she would love her so much. Su Su is a fox spirit. You see, now that brother has an accident, she'll abandon your brother immediately, and she doesn't even see a shadow of her. Your brother told me before that they were both in love. I see, Susu's money was for your brother, that is, for our family. Now that Sinian has an accident, she runs away. The so-called love is fake. And now I think that Sophie has something good, because of her, your brother will lie in the hospital. If I meet her, I will scold her well, she is so ruthless. I will teach her a good lesson. While Mrs. Gu was angry, she saw that Shu Xiaoxiao, who had just the opposite reaction to Gu Sirui, was very shy and said it in a very weak way. She only listened to her parents, which made her even more angry. Pointing at Gu Sirui, he looks angry.

When Shu Xiaoxiao's parents see that Mrs. Gu scolds Gu Sirui for her daughter's sake, they are very proud of their daughter, and their faces become better. After all, even though Gu Sirui doesn't like her daughter, he still has to listen to old lady Gu. Once their daughter marries Gu Sirui, it's the future wife of the chairman. It's also good for their family's business. Let's see who dares to look down on them in the future. Moreover, their status is getting higher and higher. The envious eyes of the roadside people are focused on them, and they have more superiority than others. The most important point is who will think too much money. Of course, the more money, the better. This is the common idea of the calligrapher's parents. In addition, Shu Xiaoxiao's mother's idea is that she will be an important member of the social celebrities. With the relationship between her daughter and Gu Sirui, she is afraid that no one will flatter her and treat her respectfully. Shu Xiaoxiao's mother is beautiful, but she can't show it. At the same time, Shu Xiaoxiao's father thought silently in his heart that in addition to what he had just thought, he would have a better business in the future. And it's Gu Shi's in laws. If they encounter any trouble in the future, others will look at Gu's face more or less and give him some face. At the thought of this, his heart is also very happy.

Looking at the book, Xiaoxiao's mother makes eye contact, which makes her unable to show her mood at this time. These two of them can be said to know each other. However, the calligrapher's parents still think of one thing. In the future, they should teach their daughter to hold on to Gu Sirui's heart. In front of Mrs. Gu, they should look like a good wife and mother. Don't let Mrs. Gu see her nature. Moreover, compared with their daughters, they are easy to catch. And their daughter knows to abandon Gu Sinian at the right time. And even if Mrs. Gu can see it, even if Mrs. Gu can see the purpose of their marriage reform, Mrs. Gu will still agree. They are for their own purposes, but the more they see their daughter, the more satisfied they are with what they are doing at this time. They feel their daughter's intelligence. They also said to Gu Sirui with a smile that they should take good care of their baby daughter and never bully her. (although I know that Gu Sirui won't like their daughter now, it's not sure what will happen in the future. Who knows the future. )Mrs. Gu talked and laughed with the calligrapher's parents about Shu Xiaoxiao and him. She didn't know how happy she would be.

Gu Sirui doesn't know how disgusting it is for them to look like fake orangutans, but he still bears it. He is waiting for his brother to wake up, and he has to go to Su Su. He believes that he has found Su Su and brought Su Su Su to his brother to wake him up, and let Su Su Su talk about their good memories of love and their future in front of his brother every day Plan. But, Su Su, it's up to you to find it. On the way to find her, he felt that nothing could stop him from finding Su Su. If his brother wakes up, the scene may change now, and he has to find out whether Shu Xiaoxiao and his brother have ever had sex, because Shu Xiaoxiao's attitude of agreeing to remarry makes him doubt. If they haven't slept together, then everything will be solved, and there will be no so-called remarriage. If Shu Xiaoxiao really didn't have sex with his brother, he won't let Shu Xiaoxiao go. His brother won't let Shu Xiaoxiao go when he wakes up. His grandmother will see the real face of Shu Xiaoxiao and the purpose of the calligrapher to care for his family. How wonderful it will be at that time. Gu Sirui always thinks that his brother will wake up and Su Su will live happily. Gu Sirui is for Su Su, Gu Sinian and himself. He wants to go to Su Su first to investigate his brother and Shu Xiaoxiao. As soon as he thinks of this, he wants to start immediately. Then Gu Sirui saw these people and walked away angrily.