Gu Sirui angrily left home, directly driving the car impatiently to escape the place that made him extremely angry and helpless. The speed of the car keeps rising rapidly. It is like lightning whistling by. It seems that it's very dangerous to rush across the road.

Seems to be impulsive want to escape the cage of urgency, or to vent the heart of boredom. Wild speed full of wanton indulgence, and helpless, like rootless duckweed, can not find a foothold.

When Gu Sirui was called home, it was already off work time, so fortunately, the peak of off work has already passed at this point, otherwise he would have an accident in that minute if he was driving so fast without reason.

Fortunately, although Gu Sirui is in a bad mood, with years of education, there is still a trace of reason in his mind.

He can't and won't hurt others because of his emotions. When he is in urgent need of vent, he subconsciously knows that he can't be impulsive on the crowded road, so he directly drives the car to the mountain road with few people.

It's the best and most popular venue for car racing. It seems that it's to let him vent. There was no fierce car racing on the winding mountain road tonight.

When there is no car race, the road becomes very quiet and desolate, so quiet that it is almost lonely.

It's just this kind of solitude and desolation that fits Gu Sirui's mood at this time. Now he has no goal to go round and round on the Panshan Road, as if he wants to throw out the boredom and pain in his heart.

Gu Sirui doesn't have any feelings in his eyes. All he has left is emptiness and blankness. Under the light of the car, he feels chilly, as if he is no longer facing a living person, but a skin without feelings.

Gu Sirui seems to be running tirelessly. Now his heart is desolate and empty. He can't remember it and doesn't want to think about anything.

There was nothing in his ear except the roar of the engine, as if he had nothing of his own.

After venting for a long time, Gu Sirui's boredom finally dissipated, and the speed gradually decreased.

This is the first time that he indulges himself in such an unbridled way. In the rapid speed, he seems to divide himself into two parts. One half is a separate body with all the worries and pressures, and the other half is a carefree self.

In the high-speed driving, he can get rid of the half of himself who has all the negative emotions, leaving only the beautiful half. Even though he knows it is a short time, his heart is calm and happy.

Now he finally understands why so many people like extreme sports and extreme challenges. The stimulation of extreme can really release people from their troubles and get a moment of happiness. Even if it's just a short relaxation, it's also a rush.

Gu Sirui, who has been a little calm, stops his car on the hillside and calms his rapid heartbeat. Although it's very exciting when racing, compared with the exciting speed, people's mind is extremely calm and stable. Once the speed slows down and the stimulation stops, the heart will find its own frequency again, beating rapidly, as if in the aftertaste of the feeling of stimulation before nostalgia.

Gu Sirui casually wiped his forehead, didn't know when the sweat appeared, leaned on the driver's seat, feeling the rapid beating heart. On the empty and lonely mountain road, the sound of heart beating clearly reverberates in the quiet carriage, accompanied by heartbeat and slight gasping.

After Gu Sirui eased over, he stopped and began to walk downtown.

Far away from the mountain road, even if the flow of people in the urban area is not very much, it still makes people feel the breath of people, and makes people no longer lonely. It's like falling into the noisy world from the pure and cold sky.

Gu Sirui is driving slowly in the traffic, looking at the endless flow of vehicles and pedestrians on the road, his heart is more and more lonely and confused.

All the cars and pedestrians on the road, either in a hurry or walking slowly, are moving forward firmly and purposefully. They are all moving towards their destination.

But what about yourself?

He had no idea where he was going? Or where can I go? He couldn't find his way.

It is said that there is always a place to live in, and there will be a place everywhere. But he felt that he had lost his goal.

After waiting for the car to stop, he came back to find that he didn't know when he came to the place where Su Su lived before.

In Su Su's downstairs, Gu Sirui leans on his chair and looks at Su Su's floor. It's still dark, but strangely calms him down.

In the dim place where there is no light, there is a car, which occasionally flashes with bright lights. In the silent night, let passers-by accidentally see people are scared.

Gu Sirui is sitting in the car with half of the smoke in his left hand.

As there is no window, the smoke has been dangling in the car.Gu Sirui just sat quietly and watched. He didn't know what he was doing.

It seems that I thought of the time when I was with Su Su before, and I didn't think of anything. I just breathed the clouds, sat quietly, and enjoyed the peace that I haven't seen for a long time.

"Knock knock knock", the window was knocked, also interrupted Gu Sirui's thoughts, Gu Sirui turned his head and saw the security guard waiting for him outside the window.

Gu Sirui put out his cigarette and lowered the window. With the opening of the window, the smog on the car began to float out of the window actively, so as to escape from the stuffy space.

The security guard outside the window did not expect that he would be attacked by the oncoming smoke after the window was opened. The pungent and thick smoke made him cough, even the normal saline in the corner of his eyes.

The reason why the security guard came here was that he had noticed the car for a long time. He has been stopping here since he came in, and there has been no movement since he stopped. Even some residents have noticed and come up to him.

Just in case, the security guard decided to come to remind me and check it by the way. Now choked by the smoke, he began to suspect that the owner would not commit suicide in the car. The way to die was to suffocate himself.

Gu Sirui did not expect to have this one, slightly Leng for a while, a little embarrassed waiting for the security to slow down.

Finally, the security guard, who had enough cough, was serious again. He was just about to warn the seemingly suicidal car owner.