Chapter 14: Luss (2)

Chapter 14: Luss (2)Chis, wake up and have breakfast.

A voice was heard even in sleep.

After taking a break that felt like a nap, I opened my eyes.

It didnt look like I slept long. But the world outside was definitely brighter than before.


Get up soon. Now we should have a good time.

Luss was squatting by the bed, watching me.

'How long did you wait for me while I was taking a nap?'

I was very sorry that I selfishly slept after making an appointment with my friend.

Looking at the situation, it looked like she had plans till morning, just like Vienna.

I got up and felt one arm going numb.

When I stood up, Luss got up and went to get some food.

I did something like this. Sorry. I said in an apologetic voice.

No. Our leader looked tired, but this should be enough.

She said playfully.

I was slightly moved.

Meanwhile, she brought food.

Its nothing special But eat a lot. You must not have much time to eat with Vienna.

As if she were taking care of me, she served a few spoons of soup in a bowl and brought it to my bed.

Thank you.

I took it as it was, glanced at her, scooped a spoonful, and put it in my mouth.

It tasted even better because I fell asleep without eating dinner.

I told her with a slight smile.

It is delicious.


Luss laughed with delight.

After enjoying my reaction for a moment, she rose again and brought her own.

She also put a spoonful into her mouth and nodded.

It came out delicious.

I nodded as I continued to gorge on the soup.

I was eating like that for a long time, filling my hungry stomach when she suddenly asked.

That Didnt Lily ssi cook breakfast the other day?


Compared to what Lily ssi cooked for you, what tastes better?

She glanced at me with her head buried in the bowl.

I think Vienna also asked something like this when she made me a sandwich and asked me to compare it to Lily noonas food.

Was it a characteristic of women?

Should their food taste better than other peoples food?

But at that time, I told Vienna that her sandwiches were as delicious as Lilys noonas food. There was no reason to tell Luss anything less.

Of course, objectively, Lily Noona's food tasted better, but Luss waited for me while I slept and even prepared breakfast.

I think this tastes better. Its a secret from Lily Noona.

The eyes looking over the bowl widened.

She put her head into the bowl with a look of delight and continued to scoop up the soup.

In an instant, my soup ran out.

Would you like more?

Uh Will you please?

I was still hungry.

She got up and brought more.

Having just brought more soup, she handed over the bowl and asked again.

Oh, by the way, what did you do when you met Lily ssi a few days ago?

Ah then ?

I did many things throughout the day, but only one or two were memorable.

Uh we went shopping.

What shopping?

I took the soup she gave me and put it in my mouth.

Luss sat down again and finished her soup.

Noona bought me clothes. She said she wanted to see my boyfriend look, but since I didnt have any clothes, Noona decided to buy them for me.

Lusss actions stopped for a moment.

Then again, she spontaneously scooped up her soup.

Why did she want to see that all of a sudden? Does she like you?

Luss words reminded me of the argument I had with Lily Noona while parting ways: Noona resolutely said she didnt like me.

Ahaha What nonsense. Not that. She just wants me to do well when I have a lover.

Luss nodded her head.

Okay? Can you show me now?

Ah. They say it takes quite a while to make. I dont have any clothes yet.

Are these custom-made clothes?

Yes. I can get it in a few days... Most likely.

Then Lily ssi hasn't seen them yet either.

Hmm I tried on the lame example outfits, but of course, Lily noona hadnt seen the exclusive clothes that fit my size yet.Read latest chapters at Only


Then she continued to eat her soup and asked as if in passing.

Can you show me the clothes first?

What, those clothes?

But why?

It would be annoying if I set the order of things like this.

No, I don't think that'd be right.

I was curious too to see what would you wear when you have a lover. Also, shouldnt you get a confirmation from me and organize it a bit before showing it to Lily ssi?

Should I show it to Luss first, fix the problems and then show it to Lily? Good idea. I think Lily noona who bought the clothes would be more satisfied that way.

Right. Thats good. Okay then, when the clothes arrive, Ill show you first.

Hehe. Yes.

As she grinned and I was about to eat more of the soup, she called me again.

Oh, Chis. Then lets go shopping today.

Yeah, Luss also had a wish ticket. Well, even without that I didn't want to refuse Luss who was so considerate.

Shopping? What do you want to buy?

Not for me; if Lily bought you something, Ill buy you something too.

I waved my hand, flustered.

Ah, why is that!? It's not a competition!

No. This is a gift for you who have been through a lot. You are the leader.

I hesitated at the words, 'You must have been through a lot.'

Okay. Its been hard lately.

It would be nice to receive a little reward.

I really wont say no three times?

She laughed.

I will buy you something then. Lets go shopping.


Where she led me, everything sparkled with jewels and trinkets of various colors: It was a jewelry store.

I didnt expect this.

Uh Luss? Aren't you going a little overboard?

Judging from Starchis expression, it would be difficult to get another wish ticket in the future.

It meant that she didnt know when the opportunity to spend the night together would come again.

'So, it had to be today.'

If she succeeded today, she could tell Vienna and Lily not to come any closer, and that way she could give Starchis some leeway.

If Luss became his lover, she will never make it difficult for him.

Of course, if one asked her if she was breaking the Starchis Treaty, she wasn't.

Condition 1: Do not become Starchiss lover.

And condition 4: Do not secretly covet his lips or private parts.

However, condition 1 was just a faade.

Everyone who signed the treaty would break it if they got the chance, so she decided not to worry about that.

Condition 4 was a promise not to covet his private parts, but what if its not her who was coveting?

Theres no condition that she shouldnt let him covet her.

If he wanted to be in contact with her private parts, which one of the other two bi*ches could refuse?

So if she told them, Starchis wanted her first, they wont have anything to say.

Theyll probably tremble in anger.

She was already looking forward to it.

The important thing in this plan was that she must not take the initiative.

Because if she got him drunk and made a move first, Starchis might start avoiding her because it would look like she took advantage of him. Then it would be all over.

She would be estranged from Starchis, and she would also be pinned down by the other two for breaking the treaty.

But if he made a move first Drunk or whatever, the responsibility fell to him.

Starchis, who had a strong sense of responsibility, would have no choice but to love and marry her.

It was perfect.

Luss looked at him with slightly dizzy eyes as she repeated the plan in her head.

She had already made him drink so much that his eyes were red.

It had already been a long time since they started drinking. But she was holding on tight even though she was drunk too because she couldnt miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

Also, Starchis was getting drunk more easily than Luss thought.

She never imagined it would help that he was tired.

For the first time, she thanked Vienna and Lily with all her heart for making him tired.

Starchis murmured.

Hmm Luss? Will you drink more? Im drunk-


Instead of answering, she handed him a glass with his tongue hanging out.

He looked at her for a moment and drank the whole glass in one breath.


It was a strong drink.

Because she had asked for the strongest drink when she was buying alcohol.

It was as requested.

"Luss? I no longer-"


She filled the cup he was holding out immediately. As if by instinct he also brought the now-filled cup to his mouth and drank it.

But as the drink was too strong, and he had drunk a lot already, it must have burned his throat a little; he needed water.

Starchis was opening his mouth again with his eyes closed.

It was clear that he was not sober anymore.

The time had come...

"Chis, mm Ill get you some water"

Naturally, taking advantage of the situation where he seemed thirsty, she started her act.

She, too, pretended to be drunk and stumbled to her feet.


And as she passed him to bring water, she fell on him pretending it was a mistake.


Strep 1 of falling into his arms was done.

"Uh Luss? Are you okay? You must have drunk a lot"

His tongue-tied voice was so cute that she could barely contain herself from laughing.

Shall we just eat something and go to sleep? Are we done with the wish ticket?

He asked, but instead of answering, she looked up at him with the most relaxed eyes.

And then looking into his deep eyes, she said nothing.

It was something she had planned, but her heart was beating crazily.

Thankfully, her blushing face was covered by her already-drunk red face.

'Dont be ashamed of your face... Just dont avoid eye contact.'

For her goals, she tried to ignore the signals her body was giving her.

As Luss looked up at him, a reaction came.

For a long time, they looked at each other awkwardly without saying a word.

He seemed shy and averted his eyes.

-Thump thump!

'He is shy of me.'

She almost pounced on him at that moment, but she barely endured that.

Then she let out a big sigh. So that her breath could touch his face and remind him of their proximity.

As expected, he flinched as the breath touched him...Still, he did not move anymore.

She was impatient and helped out with a word.


She spoke in a dreamy voice as if to show how vulnerable she was.

Then, to make her look cute, she raised her hand slightly to cover her mouth and let out a gentle giggle.

But it didnt take long to realize it was a mistake.

Chis saw the 'friendship' ring on her hand and his eyes widened.

Then he spoke to her like someone who had just woken up.

Ah. Gee Sorry. I was drunk.

Then he picked her up and pushed her out of his arms.

Luss felt like her heart was pounding and falling when the target she thought had been caught slipped out of her grasp.

'Why did I make such a mistake'

She felt resentful of herself for raising her left hand.

But she couldnt back down from here. This was her only chance.

'Let's make him drink more, and the opportunity will come.'

One cup,

Two cups,

Three cups,




She continued to drink after him.

It seemed like she would lose her memory at this rate.

Just when Luss thought the opportunity was about to come again, Starchis dropped his glass.


Then he bent forward and fell from his chair, banging his head on the table.

-Bang! Dump.

The noise was so loud that she forgot to even act and got up to approach him.

Chis? Are you okay?

He was fast asleep... with a bump on his head.