Chapter 15: I have a girlfriend

Chapter 15: I have a girlfriend Chapter 15 I have a girlfriend

- Wlough

I woke up with a nauseating feeling.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and vomited.

I stayed there for a while, gagging endlessly.

I became covered with tears and mucus.

My head was dizzy.

Usually, when I vomited after drinking too much alcohol, the dizziness caused by the alcohol often subsided, but today this was not the case.

The effects of alcohol were as it was before, and the feeling of nausea tormented me as well.

After a while it seemed to calm down a little, so I got up, but suddenly the feeling of vomiting came back.

After struggling like that for a while, I seemed to have calmed down a bit, so I went out of the bathroom.

I looked around.

My room was still messy.

Drinking glasses and bottles were lying around.

And Luss was on my bed.

Everything was a mess.

'How much did I drink?'

I couldn't even remember how much alcohol I drank.

I was not like this with alcohol, so I was not able to understand why I was like this.

I didn't normally drink like this.

'I wonder when I started to drink a lot without remorse.'

As I was trying to think, the world started spinning around.

- Whoh

I grabbed the wall and supported myself.

The first thing that came to my mind was that I needed to rest a little longer.


I already expected it, but it was a long-lasting hangover.

Even when I went to the bathroom frequently, I felt sick to my stomach.

I had a cold sweat and a headache.

It was a kind of hangover that made me want to die dozens of times.

What the heck did I eat yesterday, or was it because I drank too much?

It was to the point where I began to resent Luss, who wanted to drink for some reason.

Luss also worked hard all morning and came to her senses around lunchtime.

She even offered to make food to relieve my hangover, but I refused because I didnt think I would be able to eat food anyway.

It was so painful and difficult that I forced myself to sleep to endure it.

I kept begging for a long nights sleep, but I didnt want this type of sleep.

How much more did I sleep?

I slept for a long time, but my body was suffering, so I felt more tired.

My whole body was broken.

When I opened my eyes, the outside was colored orange.

It was evening.

Luss also hadnt gone home yet.

Is it over now?

The promise to Lily noona, Vienna, and even Luss was over and now it was my free time.

My throat was so dry.

However, if I drank water, I had a strange anxiety that I will vomit again.

So, I only wet my lips.

The last day off was coming to an end, and I still had work to do.

I needed to get a commission for tomorrow.

If I wanted to spend the little time left for me, I had to go out quickly

'I have to accept the request and come back home.'

But my damn body was tired and didnt want to move.

I sighed.

'I have to do it.'

I simply washed up in the bathroom, changed my clothes, and headed outside.


Ah, you are here. Starchis.

A short, bespectacled male receptionist greeted me.

In response to him, I smiled and asked.

How are you doing?

What I do is only sitting down. Mr. Starchis Are you okay?

He looked at me with a concerned expression.

What are you talking about ?

Your face doesnt look good Im worried.

At his words, I laughed. Because it was understandable that he was worried.

Receptionists saw deaths frequently.

If a party entered into a dungeon, there was a chance they will not be able to return.

In that case, the receptionist will hear about the death of the party through the words Request Failed.

No matter how businesslike they tried to treat each other, they constantly saw each others faces and had frequent conversations, and even if they didn't want to know, they learned the other persons information and built intimacy, and through death, they learned the cruelty of the dungeon.

This receptionist also saw my expression and was worried that I might die.

Its because of the hangover. Dont worry.

Upon hearing my answer, he asked with a relaxed expression.

What, did you have a drink because you were worried?

Its not like that. Well, thats no big deal, can you show me some requests?

Oh, wait.

It was not like I didn't want or like his concerns, but it was an uncomfortable topic to talk about.

At my words, the receptionist rummaged through the papers.

C-class party Maenbal, reliability 6th grade. Now, these are some possible requests.

He handed over the list of requests to me.

Naturally, I took the list and scanned it with my eyes.

I pondered for a while and returned the documents to him.

Um Ill have to do this. Tiwit scorpion venom. We will bring this.

The Tiwit Scorpion was a type of giant scorpion that appeared in dungeons. It also had dangerous poison that could lead to death if not treated properly when stung by the tail.

It was also used as a medicinal herb and had many other uses too.

The amount to be brought was roughly The amount that would come out after catching three.

It was a monster I was not used to yet, but I thought it would be okay when I thought about the strength of the party.

The receptionist hesitated to receive the documents.

He seemed to have something to say.

That Mr. Starchis. I may be a bit presumptuous, but


How about taking a slightly safer request? Ah! Of course, other things are also dangerous, but the tiwit scorpion is a little

His cautious expression contained deep concern and a warm heart.

Ive been collecting them before, are you worried?

That Ah, no, then. Actually, what do I know? Mr. Starchis would know better.

Then, hastily, he withdrew his advice and dipped the quill in ink. But I had a quick change of heart as well.

There was nothing wrong with trusting the receptionist's intuition.

No. This time I'll do as you say. Next to this... Ill take the King boars Horn request. Was it six horns?

His expression brightened.

Yes.. six. Initially, I was hesitant to say this because the pay was going down, but I feel very comfortable now that you listened to my request.

Is there something that bothers you?

When I asked, he looked at me carefully and nodded.

Yes. There is. Anyway, I wish everyone in the party good luck.


When I returned home, it was already nighttime.

After eating dinner, I thought of taking a good rest until lunch when I would meet the party members the next day.

The scars of the hangover were still there.



As I was thinking about that, suddenly I felt the presence of people in my room.

So I silently opened the door and entered.

It was the sound of someone cooking.

Soon there was the sound of someone running from the kitchen.

The person opened the door and welcomed me in.


Oh, Chis, are you here?

Why Why are you here?

'Didnt she go home?'

'What about my free time?'

Ah, since you were suffering from a hangover, I tried to make you something to eat. Are you okay now?

Looking at her blankly for a while, I silently nodded my head.

She also nodded brightly and led me into the room.

'II want to rest.'

It wasnt until midnight, but Luss finally went back.


- Bang!!!

A loud bang echoed throughout the area, as the head of the king boar collided with Starchis' body.

He flew backward and fell to the ground.



Ohh!! Starchis!!

The moment everyone thought it was over and Starchis was killed, the dust fumes cleared, and Vienna rushed to Starchis' side.

King Boar, on the other hand, looked for an opportunity to escape after being hit by Starchis.


However, King Boar lose its balance and fell to the ground.

Its front legs were flying in the air.

Lily gritted her teeth and attacked it.

You Dare Dare!!!

You cant die in peace.

Lily said as she approached the king boar that was lying down and whining.

It felt like something had snapped in her head, and she was about to inflict further torture on King Boar when Luss intervened and stabbed its throat.

Lily's eyes turned red with anger, and she glared at Luss.

However, Luss seemed uninterested.

Luss? What are you doing

Luss pushed Lily.

Without even thinking about retrieving the sword lodged in King Boars neck, she went to the place where Starchis had fallen with his eyes wide open.

Hey Chis!! Are you okay?

Lily was taken aback by her actions.

Thinking that the situation was over and that it was safe with nothing to threaten Starchis, she ran towards him, clutching her sobbing chest.

There were quite a few thin trees he knocked down.

However, Starchis was better than expected.

It wasnt that he had fainted or had any major injuries.

Lily let out her first sigh of relief.

Instead, Starchis sat there silently with both hands on his head, looking very remorseful.

Originally, he was supposed to reassure them that he was okay.

At that look...

No one could speak to him except Vienna, who was praying and treating minor wounds.

Everyone didnt know what to say.

It was because it was the first time Starchis looked like that.


'What is happing...?'

I kept thinking back and forth.

My eyes went dark and my body lost strength.

It was as if the process of fainting was vividly felt through my body.

The scene after that kept replaying in my mind.

The feeling of my weapon slipping out of my hand.

The dull pain and my flying body.

The surprised looks of my party members. Lily and Vienna breaking away from the battle line to stand in front of the monsters.

I clenched my hands.

My weapon fell from this very hand.

It was not my first time fighting, but I, who was trying to make a living with weapons, lost mine.

Don't worry. Everyone can make a mistake like that okay?

Vienna comforted me, but I still didn't feel at ease.

The opponent was King Boar, so it ended like this.

It was a monster that I had already faced several times, so it shouldn't have been this difficult.

But what if I hadn't listened to the receptionist yesterday?

What if it was a fight with a Tiwit scorpion?

Tiwit scorpion, unlike king boar, was warlike.

Instead of running away, they rush to kill the enemy standing in front of them.

What if I lose my weapon when fighting it?

I closed my eyes tightly.

The party would have been in crisis because of me.

On this floor where one mistake could kill, Can I unburden my heart with the excuse that it can happen to anyone?

The fact that the one standing in front of me was not a Tiwit scorpion but a King Boar... It all came down to luck and the help of the receptionist.

Once again I clenched my hands.

It shouldnt be like this.

Our party had now arrived at the entrance of the dungeon.

Now, if I only bring these horns of the King Boar, I can rest for another 5 days... Most likely.

But I continued to struggle.

Why did I have to experience this situation?

Because I was out of strength?

Why did I lose my strength?

Because I couldnt take care of my body.

Why couldnt I take care of my body?


I turned my head and looked at my party members.

Shouldn't I meet for two days this week? Didnt I see him only one day last week?

How can you be so bold? You know why, Lily!

I think it would be good if I, who had a little more influence on this quest, meet him more.


I couldnt help but burst into laughter.

Are you still doing this at this moment?

They shouldnt be like this I started to get a little angry.

If they are so worried for me, why don't they know that Im having a hard time?

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

I tried to hold back my anger over and over again.

But it didnt work out.


Thats all I had to do!!

I didn't know how would my brothers advice help me.

But I knew that this situation should not continue.

It was entirely my fault for missing the weapon, but they obviously had a share in overexerting my body.

Looking at the topic of conversation confirmed me that I was not only the problem.

And honestly, do I have to do this again next week?

Oh, no more.

I dont know how long I can lie without getting caught, but I will do it now.

I wont feel guilty.

If they are going to pout? Then let them be.

If this continued Ill die anyway.

Little by little I understood when my older brother said to leave them alone if they were upset.

How is it Chis? What do you think about it?

Are you meeting me for two days this week?

Ah That, Starchis. Im sorry about before. I wont insist on hanging out till late night, so will you meet me for two days?

They all leaned in together and asked me.

Ah, everyone. I actually have something to say.

I had a bright smile.

At my words, the three opened their eyes wide.

I dont think well be able to meet even one day this week.

All three made the same frown.

Why are you making such faces?

Its not like you like me or something.

Why does it matter whether you would meet me or not?

Chis, I think you should explain it straight.

You! Youre not sick! I checked!

Starchis!! Maybe its because of me? Dont be angry, I was wrong!

Vienna and Luss looked at Lily noona.

What else did you do?

Lily ssi, what have you done?

I waved my hand.

No, no, its not because of Lily noona.




I took a deep breath and opened my mouth-

With the determination to never get caught in a lie, as naturally as possible, and trusting my brother's word that everything would be good, I finally said:

I have a girlfriend.