Chapter 27: Losers (4)

Chapter 27: Losers (4)

Luss' face went pale.

Until tomorrow..?

She repeated what he said with her own mouth As if the words would change.

So Starchis was saying that he would meet Elza now and that the meeting would not end until tomorrow

The gears in Luss' mind were working extremely fast, pondering the meaning of the word tomorrow.

If one stayed up all night with their friends, it could be assumed that they partied the whole night; either danced, drank, or just played some games.

If one stayed up all night with their family, it might be something because of a long, honest conversation.

But if one stayed up all night with their lover only one thing would come to anyone's mind;


Luss asked him again, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

So You mean youll be with your girlfriend until tomorrow?


Starchis couldnt look Luss in the eye. He felt like he was lying for no reason.

After all, it was not his girlfriend that he was going to meet, it was his older brother.

On the other hand, in Luss eyes, it seemed that Starchis was shy. The expectations for the first experience seemed to be visible at a glance.

Luss felt as if the needle was being stabbed deep into her heart over and over again.

"Haha. Chis, you dont have to lie like that just because its hard to spare me some time. I can meet you next time... Yeah, I think it must be something urgent, right?

No, Luss. As you always said, we are best friends. Why wouldn't I want to meet you? I'm really not lying; I honestly wont be home until tomorrow.

Starchis didnt want to give the impression that he hated Luss.

Luss, however, felt as if her legs would loosen at any moment; There was no way to misunderstand this time.

Even if she had comforted herself that his previous remark of my girlfriend was delicious was just a slip of tongue, this time, his words could not be interpreted otherwise.

Starchis looked at the sky anxiously. The evening sun, which had been orange, was getting darker little by little.

Hyung, please wait.

Anyway, thats it. Luss, Ill go. Its time for my appointment.

Hey, hold on!

Luss grabbed his arm as he tried to go again.

But she couldnt figure out what to say.

She didnt know what excuse she could make to stop him from going.

Starchis, who waited for a while with his arm held by Luss' unusually strong grip, spoke.

Luss? Tell me fast. I have to go.

Eventually, Luss decided to speak directly, without being able to find any good excuse.

That Chis Cant you just not go this once?


Starchis didnt understand what Luss was talking about. Actually, even Luss didnt know what she was talking about. It was just her mouth moving on its own.

What do you mean, Luss?

Just this once... Cant you break your promise just once and go home?

Luss knew that if she let him go now, he would have his first experience.

Consequently, If he left now, Luss dream to experience their first experience together would be shattered.

Give me one more chance.

Luss prayed fervently.

Yes? Okay, Chis? Please?

In her earnestness, Luss even showed aegyo to the best of her abilities that she normally never showed.

[Note: In South Korean Culture, aegyo means to act cute or the ability to look cuter.]

Just break my promise and go home?

Thats Yeah

Starchis was shaken by Luss desperate look, but he didnt want to follow her words to go home, especially when there was no apparent reason.

Also, the reason he couldnt hear Luss, in particular, was that this might be his last meeting with his brother before entering the B-class dungeon. And he was also looking forward to fishing.

As desperate as Luss was, Starchis didnt want to break his promise.

First, Starchis snapped his arm from Luss' strong grip and said:

Luss, you know that makes no sense, right? How can I just go home?

For Starchis, time was running out.

I dont know why you want me to go home, but I dont have time to talk now. Go in and rest. See you next time.


He patted Luss on the shoulder twice and smiled. Then he turned around and walked away without regret.

With hurried steps, he disappeared from Luss' view soon after.

Luss couldnt stop him.

She just stared at the back of Starchis as he left.

Luss couldnt believe he had left her so easily, even when she had put down her pride and begged him.

As the back of Starchiss head disappeared from view, her eyes widened in a daze.

'Starchis would now spend the whole night with another woman: he would not be the same,' Thinking that, whatever strength was holding her together in front of Starchis vanished from her body.

The reality that she was deprived of his first experience she had always dreamed of finally settled in Luss' mind.


I walked with hurried steps and then started running after a few moments.

It was because I knew I was already behind schedule when I left home, but meeting Luss made me even more late.

With quick steps, I ran hurriedly to the restaurant, while cross-checking its address which was written on the back of the note.





I called out to my brother loudly at an upscale restaurant where everyone was sitting politely.

Hyung jumped up from his seat and shouted too.

Hey man! Starchis! Why are you so late!

People were shocked and looked at us alternately.

Then, feeling the eyes on us, we lowered our heads here and there and apologized.

Then, I approached my brothers seat and spoke to him in a voice that matched the atmosphere of the place.

Sorry, I ran into Luss on the way

That old friend?

He paused for a second.

A sweet voice suddenly interrupted Hyung's words. My eyes followed the source of the voice and saw the silhouette of a woman in the dimly lit place. She was peeking out her pouting face from behind Hian.

What are you doing, Dad?

Rose..! I told you to wait!

A bewildered voice came out of Hians mouth. Dignity disappeared like an illusion, and only gentleness remained on his face.

It was like watching my Hyung: Dignified in front of others, but a fun brother in front of me.

And that woman also seemed to be Hian's family member, perhaps his daughter. Glancing at her


My eyes widened.

Pink hair, pink eyes, moderate breasts, moderate height. Objectively, she might be slightly less in terms of appearance than Luss, Vienna, or Lily Noona, but she had a cute charm, which was unique to her.

Id seen girls with pink hair and pink eyes several times, but this was the first time Id ever seen someone who fit the Elza of my imagination so well.

Above all, this figure

I remembered it: It was the figure of the noble lady who came to visit the inn I lived in a few days ago to enjoy the common peoples food.

I turned to Hyung in shock, who also rolled his eyes and glanced at me in bewilderment.

We then talked with just eye gestures.

Starchis, isn't she the same as the imaginary girlfriend you made up?

Hyung, your expressions...


Hyung changed his expression to a blunt one again.

Hey, Hian. Who is behind?

Then he asked with a low dignified voice.


Hian let out a moan as if Hyung had just discovered his hidden treasure, then let out a deep sigh.

My daughter.

He finished his speech briefly, but suddenly his daughter introduced herself.

Hello! My name is Rose Nisty!

She looked very cheerful person.

The stiff atmosphere collapsed in an instant.

Rose..! Be quiet!

But Hian berated her.

We didnt know how to react.

I was a bit embarrassed for no reason.

I felt like my lies had come true and it stabbed my conscience. It was a bit of an exaggeration, but it felt like I was lying about this woman in front of me - Rose Nisty - that she was my girlfriend. I couldn't help after all; she resembled my imaginary girlfriend so much.

Hian said hastily.

That said goodbye, well not disturb you anymore then. Oh, before that.

This time he looked at me.

It was nice to meet you too. Did Stion say you were his younger brother?

When he held out his hand, I shook it and answered.

Yes, I'm Starchis.

Nice to meet you, Starchis.

Rose also naturally offered me a hand to shake. But Hian grabbed Roses arm.

I finally understood what those two big bodyguards meant when they said the master is overprotective about the young day when Rose Nisty came to the inn that day.

Seeing our confused faces, Hian quickly came to his senses.

Ah, that Im sorry. Its because my daughter is weak. Its hard for her to touch anyone as she gets sick pretty quickly.

Even though he said that Rose looked quite healthy.

Well leave now. Well then, have a good time.

Hian spoke hastily and quickly fled, dragging his daughter with him. But even as Rose Nisty was being dragged along, she waved at us.

No, it was more like she was waving her hand specifically at me Or was I misunderstanding?


I came out of my thoughts at my brother's sigh.

You didnt make 'Elza' after seeing her, did you?

I sighed too.

Hyung should know that's not true.

The fortunate thing was that even though she looked the same as my imaginary Elza, the name was different...?

I wondered if such a coincidence even made sense.

'But if she also had 'Elza' as her name, I would have been in big trouble.'

I didn't even want to imagine what would have happened then.

Shaking my head, I asked Hyung about the question that was lingering in my mind from the start.

Ah, Hyung. But he is a count, so can you speak so plainly? What if he thinks its rude?

Hyung was looking at the place where Count Nisty and Rose Nisty stood a few minutes ago, but at my question, he turned to me.

Hmm you dont know, but your Hyung has a higher social status than that of a count.


Just think about it, whose number would be more in this country; Nobles with Count as their status or A-class party leaders?

Besides, how precious would my power be to a country that relies heavily on gathering goods from the dungeons.

Was Hyung such a great person?

Hyung, then youre saying that you can talk to the nobles that way and it's normal?

Even if you just become a member of an A-class party, you have such privileges. And I am the leader.

Then he suddenly laughed mischievously. It was as if he was saying, This is how you brag.


Luss finally stopped.

Luss, who had let Starchis go away and was dragged unknowingly by her legs, was sad, half-dazed, and had no idea where she was going.

And now her legs had stopped.

She raised her head slowly to see where her legs had brought her to.

And in front of her eyes, Luss could see the door to Starchis inn.


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