CHAPTER 35 – All-Master is Cheating.

Name:Primordial Soul's Rebirth Author:
35 CHAPTER 35 – All-Master is Cheating.

Alex continued looking in the direction of the hut where he could see the Orc chief. After all, how could Alex's view be obstructed by mere dust?

At first, he was a little surprised when he saw the Orc chief as she held a large Black Greatsword, unlike normal Orcs.

And yes, the Orc chief was a female and from the looks of it, she seemed really angry. The same expression could be seen on the male orcs that were standing with her. What some of you might be thinking is true, it is a reverse harem. Well, what would you expect from a strength-supreme race? The strongest rules over others.

Alex had already seen one of the Orcs that had been observing his fight with the Mid-bosses. The way it was standing at the door of the chief's hut was likely informing the chief about the events taking place.

"HUMAN!!! YOU DIE!!!" The Orc chief shouted while lifting her right hand along with the Greatsword, pointing it at Alex. She was lifting that 1.5m tall sword as if it were a normal wooden sword.

The shout from the Orc chief brought the three raiders out of their thoughts, though now they had surprised looks on their faces. It was in no way normal for an A-rank monster to be able to speak, so, their surprise was not uncalled for.

"She has an Incomplete Mana core," Alex spoke making Alice and Ann grow more shocked. However, if someone looked closely then they would be able to see excitement hidden in their eyes.

They were excited because an A-rank monster can never develop a Mana core, be it partial or complete. This only meant a single thing – A special case, which could also be seen as a thing called 'Juicy reward'. Anything special or unique within the gates has always proved to be generously rewarding.

If it were an S-rank monster then they would not be excited, instead, they would have had a grim expression. After all, neither Alice nor Ann had the power to defeat a special monster of S-rank (If we don't take Alex into consideration), however, it was different right now. They were in an A-rank gate and Alice alone could be able to defeat the Orc chief, not to mention Alex. That was also the reason they didn't move when they saw Alex running towards the chief, instead, they ran towards the mobs in the surroundings.

"H-hey, Alice," Ann suddenly spoke in an unsure voice as she saw Alex's smile which somehow matched the smile he showed when they told him about the duel with Frank.

Alice turned to her friend-cum-secretary with a confused look when she heard her voice.

"He removed his restrictions......, right?" Alice's steps came to a halt when she heard Ann's words. She snapped her head towards Alex only to see his smile as he was standing in front of the Orc chief. "No..." Ann only heard a low despairing voice of Alice before she saw her friend running towards Alex.

Realizing the reason Ann also ran towards Alex's direction when she saw the Orc chief's Greatsword descending on Alex's simple sword.

Their worries were not unfounded, they knew Alex was strong, undoubtedly so. But still, right now he had his physical stats limited to A-rank while trying to confront a special case Boss-rank monster. They thought that maybe Alex didn't know how abnormal the special cases were, or how hard they were to deal with.

They even thought that maybe Alex became overconfident just by defeating the Mid-bosses. However, right now, all they wanted was to save him as they could scold him or reprimand him all they wanted later.

She knew that her enemy this time was strong and a strong enemy means danger. She knew that she needed to have full focus or she might lose her life, her instincts told her that.

Wild instincts are rarely ever wrong, so, she believed in her instincts and calmed herself, regaining her focus. The Orcs who got a little intimidated when they saw their chief's attack being blocked also calmed down when they saw their chief.

Calm, collected, and a strong worrier, these were the characteristics of their chief, so, they knew that the fight was just starting. Their chief didn't even use her powers, the human just blocked a simple wave of her sword.

As for Alice and Ann, they had also calmed down. They also thought that they should do something about their habit of thinking that the impossible even exists for Alex. In the end, they just sighed helplessly while nodding to each other. They knew that rather than focusing on Alex's situation, they should take care of the things on their plate.

However, they were still going to give Alex peace of mind for making them worry without a reason. "Go. Kill." The Orc chief spoke to her subordinates and they nodded their heads but before they could move, they heard a relaxed voice in front of them.

"And who told you that you could move?"


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