CHAPTER 36 – Special Boss.

Name:Primordial Soul's Rebirth Author:
36 CHAPTER 36 – Special Boss.

"And who told you that you could move?" Alex's relaxed voice was heard clearly by everyone.

Alice and Ann just smiled lightly, turning to their targets while every orc's face turned into a scowl, even the Chief's.

"Human. Arrogant." The Orc chief spoke with a hint of anger but that was only for a second before she turned calm again.

She took her sword off her shoulder and pointed it towards Alex who was still standing relaxedly.

Then next second, her expression morphed into confusion as she saw Alex lifting his hand up in the air. The next second, however, her eyes widened as she felt a large amount of mana being used. Before she could move or say something, suddenly 10 Fire-thunder arrows were aimed at her and her subordinates. "Am I?" Alex spoke again with a smile as he lowered his hand, causing the arrows to move towards the Orcs at a very high speed.

Even though the Orc chief felt that she was being mocked, she knew that this attack was dangerous and she had to get serious. Alex's stats were limited to A+ but his skills were still active which meant he still had his instant regeneration active. This skill enabled him to continuously pump mana into the fire-thunder arrows, making them more destructive.

This continuous pumping of mana was something that was felt by the Orc chief, making her cautious. Alice and Ann were not surprised by this turn of events as Alex's previous show of power was still fresh in their minds.

However, if someone observed Alice clearly, they would be able to see the surprise Alice's eyes held, even though she tried to hide it with her calm exterior.

She knew how hard it was to be able to combine elements together. There was rarely anyone who could use two elements together, much less merge them. "RAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

The next second, however, something unexpected happened. The Orc chief shouted and the next second she waved her sword at the incoming fire-thunder arrows, breaking 5 of them.

But she was still unable to stop the other five as they pierced right through the orcs creating gaping holes in their stomach, hearts, necks, and heads respectively.

There was one thing that attracted most of the attention on the field right now and that was – the Orc chief. Her sword was glowing with faery red colour while radiating ground melting heat.

She was using her trump card, her ability that let her remain the Orc chief for as long as she could remember. It was called 'Infernal Sword Aura'. An ability she gained after she formed her incomplete mana core by chance.

Alex's All-master had given him the knowledge of the pinnacle of weapon mastery, so, it was not hard for him to create an elemental aura.

He looked at Alice and saw that his purpose of manifesting the flame was achieved – Which was actually letting Alice see the hidden potential she had. So, he decided to end the battle now. He looked at the sword descending towards him, and then he glanced at Alice. When he saw that she was not looking at him, he activated a skill that he had yet to use twice after acquiring.

'Temporal pause.' He spoke in his mind and everything stopped moving at least in a 70m radius with him in the centre, which included Alice and Ann's positions. Even for Alex, it was tiring to maintain the pause with Alice in it because even if he was strong the maximum mana he could use right now was A+ rank. For Alice who was a very strong S-rank Raider, it was basically impossible to be stopped by an A-rank raider's skill. Still, Alex being Alex, he could stop her for 3-4 seconds max, though that was only possible before her potential was locked. He knew that if he had to stop Alice with this Temporal pause after she unlocked her potential then he needed to be at least 1 whole rank ahead of her, even with his instant generation. That's how much potential she had. He would still be able to stop her for 3-4 seconds with the same ranked stats as her when she awakened her full potential, after all, he was not someone weak. But she would just be unable to move, she would still be aware of the time pause, unlike now.

Alex then turned towards the Orc chief. (Not even a second had passed till now, Alex turned directly towards the Orc chief after activating the skill. The above paras were just for the readers.)

Alex could see that the Orc chief was oblivious to the time pause as her expression still showed focus and well-hidden anger in her eyes. Alex felt it was a pity to kill such a talented warrior but he knew that there was no other way, so, he waved his sword right at her head, swiftly beheading her. This was the least he could do for her, giving her a swift death as she gave him some nice stats and a nice flame for him to use. He had selected only those two things to plunder after he killed.

He also deactivated the temporal pause, but when the orcs and the girls saw what had happened, the battle came to a halt again. No, one knew what happened, no one saw what happened, no one could feel what happened, but one thing was clear the Orc chief died before anyone could react. When the scene was finally registered in the minds of the beings on the field, there was chaos everywhere as the Orcs started panicking as they didn't have anyone to order them. The girls and Alex took advantage of the situation, killing Orcs as they fought like animals in the wild.

The matter of how Alex killed the Orc chief was ignored by everyone as it contributed to Alex's superb swordsmanship.

[She is a clever girl.] Sophia suddenly spoke.

'That she is, but she has a strong willpower as well' Alex also expressed his honest thoughts as both of them had noticed Ann looking at Alex with some confusion. When Alex activated temporal pause Ann had her face turned in Alex's direction. Just because of her strong will, she was able to resist some of the effects of Alex's skill which was literally impossible for any A-rank raider.

This fact surprised Alex and Sophia, but they also knew that Ann was just able to feel something amiss, unlike Alice. That in itself was a great feat, so, her suspecting that it was something related to Alex alone was enough for Sophia to complement her. ................

It took them close to 10 min to clear the Orcs in the area and till now the Orc chief had already disappeared leaving only the loot behind. Alice and Ann had their eyes wide open with a happy smile on their faces when they saw the reward dropped by the Boss.

Their surprise and happiness were not uncalled for since the reward was not something that could be taken lightly...
