CHAPTER 37 – Gate clear and a spoiler.

Name:Primordial Soul's Rebirth Author:
37 CHAPTER 37 – Gate clear and a spoiler.

Alex, Alice, and Ann were walking together with Ann holding the sleeping Noctura in her hands.

Alice kept storing the magic crystals they came through as all of the magic crystals and drops were from the beasts that they had killed on their way in.

The beings killed by them had already disappeared leaving only magic crystals and drop/s (If any).

She was storing these things inside a storage ring, which is a rare drop item just like a disguise ring. However, the storage ring that Alice had was an A-rank storage ring with a capacity of 5m3, which is quite large. So, storing the loot was not a problem.

They were going towards the exit/entrance of the gate since the gate was considered clear after the boss monster was defeated. "Our work here is done, right?" Alex asked as they walked out of the gate. "Yes, they will take care of the rest," Alice spoke as she pointed towards the Raiders of Crimson Lotus that were standing right outside the gate, waiting for them to come out.

"Alright," Alex spoke as he stretched his arms which caused his shirt to lift up, showing his abbs. "..." Every girl in the area had their eyes attached to that exact thing. Be it Alice, Ann, or the ladies and girls in the group of Raiders from Crimson Lotus.

Alex also noticed that, but by that time he was already stretching, so, he ignored it. After all, how could he call himself a guy if he starts blushing like a girl would in this situation?

"Cough," A loud cough broke every girl out of whatever thoughts they were happening. But the girls glared at the guy who coughed.

Simon Weed, an A-rank hunter and also the group leader of the raid team from Crimson Lotus. He was the one who coughed when he saw the scene, but he almost peed in his pants when he felt Alice and Ann's glare.

He was fine with the glares of his teammates as he was going to work them extra hard but he couldn't do anything if Alice and Ann decided to beat him up, that too for an unjust reason.

"All right, let's go." However, Alex spoke before the guy could get his ass handled by Alice and Ann. Simon looked at Alex gratefully and Alex just nodded at him with a smile.

".... Yeah." X2

Alice and Ann spoke together, though they were still looking at Simon, which made the poor guy uneasy. Then he sighed in relief when he saw them turning towards Ann's car.

As they sat inside the car, Alex spoke.

None of the features of this figure was visible other than chilling blue eyes, that flashed for a second before returning to the same emotionless state as before.


The Gates do not just disappear after being cleared of the boss, it stays like that for a day or two. No one knows the reason, but no one actually thought much about it as it only brought profit to them.

How did it bring profit? They get to mine more things out of the gate. Although the things extracted, looted, or mined before the boss is killed were good and they bring profit, they are not everything the gate could give. If the Gate were to disappear just after the boss is defeated, then the owner of the gate would miss out on many things such as: - Rich minerals or any other resources that are in the proximity of the boss area, the loot that is kept in the Boss's treasury, the magic crystals dropped by the mobs during the boss fight, and some hidden chambers that store some hidden items. Before clearing the Boss layer, the workers can't enter the area near the Boss layer so as to not get targeted by the Boss.

But after the boss is dealt with, the workers can move around freely under the protection of some Raiders who are strong enough to deal with the remaining monsters.

Right now, Simon and his group were the ones who were given the duty to clear the gate of the remaining monsters while protecting the workers from any threats. The guilds also use the lower-ranked gates as a newbie training ground after the boss is dealt with. What is a better way to train newbies than providing them with practical experience? As the danger level of lower-ranked gates is very low, they serve as a perfect training ground.

Still, there are always exceptions, and one such exception was an E-rank gate in Green Country. However, no one knows that for now. Right now, there are some veteran C-rank Raiders of Smashers Guild who were merely leading a group of new recruits or newbies inside that exact gate while laughing and chatting with each other.

They were unaware of the fact the moment they entered the Gate; they were signing in for something they would never want to and it was – Death.


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