Chapter 115: One? Three? (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 115: One? Three? (2)

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Patre /Fanharem


Dai Mu took a deep breath to forcefully calm herself down. Her expression has lost all its dignity from before and only cruel coldness flickered in the depths of her eyes which made Ja Sun giddy. Enemy and friends, to an ordinary individual, this would be the cycle of life. But for Ja Sun, both the aspects meant the same since he can derive benefits from his friends and even more from his enemies!

"I understand," Dai Mu snorted as Tang Yuehua took the chance to speak up, "If I may. I think that before even thinking of the payment as to my situation, we must find out what ails me."

Yuehua didn't look at Dai Mu but Ja Sun gazed at this certain opportunity somehow indirectly created by Tang Hao.

"How about this? We are truly short on time. I believe my teacher's judgment and same should be the case for Sister Tang regarding Tang Hao and Brother Tang, right?"

Specifically called out by name while his elder brother and younger sister were spoken to with honorifics made Tang Hao a little bitter. But he did lose the bet.

To Ja Sun's words, Tang Yuehua nodded naturally.

"Then, why don't we let them discuss the problem of compensation while I take the chance to inspect your Martial Soul? This way, both the parties save time."

Bibi Dong felt ominous. Not because she was leaving a beautiful girl alone with Ja Sun. But simply she trusted Ja Sun too much to leave him alone. She trusted a thief to steal and Ja Sun to cause havoc in his wake and her instincts alarmed her that somehow, this bald maniac was trying something unplanned and it would certainly bring great advantages but at the cost of great trouble, too.

"What do you think, Bibi Dong?" Tang Xiao inquired. In fact, he approved this method a lot. The quicker he pulled Dai Mu apart from Ja Sun the better. It was simply a stroke of luck that Dai Mu didn't blow her top at the first insult.

"Ka-ul's words hold their merit," Bibi Dong stated, hiding her reluctance expertly.

"I don't think it is right," Tang Hao frowned.

"Brother, I will be fine," Yuehua held Tang Hao's hand with a smile as he glared at Ja Sun.

"You try anything funny and I swear that I will plunge my hammer into your"

"Please do think again about what you're going to speak," Ja Sun smiled and cut Tang Hao off. The man blinked before frowning and then coughing.

"You two will stay here. Dai Mu, come, let's go out and discuss this in the yard," Tang Hao held Dai Mu's hand as she obediently followed Tang Hao while Bibi Dong and Tang Xiao nodded at each other and stood up simultaneously.

"Don't try to do anything too extreme... as long as it doesn't get outweighed by advantages. I trust your judgment," Bibi Dong's compressed voice came over to Ja Sun and he remained entirely calm.

"Would you like some tea?" Tang Yuehua inquired as Ja Sun smiled and nodded.

"I have to say, Brother Ka-ul, although the lack of facial hair really makes you look strange, it makes me sigh that I didn't see you without your mask in the Star Luo Palace."

Ja Sun nodded and sipped on the tea. "It's just a face, Sister Tang. Hair can always grow so this is certainly not my final impression."

'Did we just talk about hair?' Ja Sun suddenly realized the focus of the conversation and scowled momentarily. Growing a bit alert, he pulled himself together. The tea was affecting his performance a little bit and he finally placed his cup down.

"Please release your Martial Soul."

"Before that... can I ask you a few things about Spirit Masters? Although I have followed my elder brothers and witnessed much. I am distinctly aware of their efforts to shield me from the worst of this world."

Ja Sun thought for a moment before nodding, "What is it specifically that you wish to inquire?"

"Can I ask what is the worst thing you ever had to encounter?"

"The worst..." Ja Sun frowned. If he had to actually think of 'his' worst encounter then it wouldn't be Ground Devil. Ja Sun would always encounter his battle with Ground Devil as the peak of excitement. But his worst encounter happened to be this body's awakening under Qian Xunji's supervision. This body was traumatized due to this even at a very young age and despite its amazing martial souls, not to mention being an individual with Twin Spirits, this body simply did not cultivate out of fear for being found not only by Qian Xunji but that dreadful pitch-black Tiger.

"Is it my worst encounter you are interested in or the worst spirit masters and situations you can encounter without the protection of your brothers?" Ja Sun inquired.

Seeing her thoughts seen through, Tang Yuehua nodded. Though excited, she didn't feel too rushed for this decision. She had waited for more than 20 years, what're a few more minutes, or days?

"Let's see. If I go by the bounties placed within the Spirit Hall, then the worst individual you can ever fall to is a spirit master with a lust of blood, organs, and women. That kind of person won't care about your background. He will not care for your dignity. And when his more base desires are fulfilled, he will use you to achieve more twisted needs of his. These are the individuals Spirit Hall categorizes as an Evil Spirit Master most often than not. Of course, the Spirit Hall can get a few bounties incorrect, too."

Tang Yuehua pursed her lips and placed her cup down.

"And these individuals... are a common sight."

"Given the condition of the continent... pain occurring in every other corner of the street, I would want to believe that Evil Spirit Masters are common but they strangely aren't. Even we have to specifically track them down and it may also end up leading to dead ends.

However, I have a piece of information that is even more alluring than the possibilities of the demise of a spirit master."

"Excuse me?" Tang Yuehua looked surprised.

"Your potential," Ja Sun smiled, "I have always made clear that your talent is no less than your brothers. And your potential maybe even more fearsome under the right conditions."

"My... potential? I don't think I have such a thing," Tang Yuehua smiled self-deprecatingly.

"I sense doubt," Ja Sun smiled.

"Based on very believable experiences."

"Sister Tang, have you heard the phrase most common among Spirit Masters: Every Spirit Master has the right to be selfish?"

"Yes, I remember when training Brother Hao, Eldest Brother would often say this in the past."

"Then do you understand what this selfishness means?"

Bibi Dong nodded and then began to calmly explain when Jun'er shouted from behind.

"Your Strength Clan only knows how to bring your bony ancestors! Yeah!"

Ah Yin grew quiet and looked back with a strange expression. Maybe it was just better to let Jun'er speak for herself.

"Somebody better tell me what's going on!" Tang Hao summoned his martial soul when he instantly felt cold. Three more senses locked onto him. Their intent was not much lower than his own even if their power felt quite a bit insufficient.

"I'll explain it," Oscar sighed and walked up when the expression of the remaining Strength Clan member who had arrived after sensing the commotion frowned.

"Young Master. I know these two. They are with that Zhao Wuji who killed Tai Qinji."

Tang Hao naturally did not know Tai Qinji and he looked at Tang Xiao. "Let the white-haired boy speak," The eldest spoke up. By now, the six white figures had formed a perimeter around the group.

"It's simple, really. Tai Qinji is the Spirit King of the Strength Clan and Tai Minji's father who wanted to kill the leader of our group because our boss, Zhao Wuji, beat Tai Minji for harassing Xiao Jun. Tai Qinji refused to believe his son would do such a thing and attacked even more furiously. His death was an accident."

"Liar! Tai Minji is an upstanding Spirit Master"

"Upstanding? None of you from the Strength Clan are upstanding. Brains bloated with muscles who even bring your elders into the matters of the young generation. I really fear one day you will be out of Ancestors and would beg an outsider to fight your battles. Some men you lot are. I've got more stones than you freaks can ever have and I'm a fucking woman!" Jun'er growled and lashed out.

Bibi Dong's and Ah Yin's eyes widened and the Tang Sibling's expression grew worse. There really was a certain reputation attached to the Strength Clan.

"What of these three?"

Tang Hao raised his hammed and pointed the flat of his hammerhead towards the unconscious men.

"They attacked Jun'er and Oscar," Ah Yin spoke up, "And... you look familiar. Have I rejected you somewhere?"

As an individual soaked with Ja Sun's venom, Ah Yin was as sharp of a tongue as they came.

Tang Hao's kips quivered and Bibi Dong frowned. This was turning too chaotic, too quickly.

"I think these two may happen to fit your teaching criteria," Ah Yin compressed her voice and informed Bibi Dong who finally grew a bit serious. Ah Yin wouldn't make such claims loosely so there would be merit to her words. Gazing at the couple, Bibi Dong spoke up, "Let go of the Spirit Masters from the Strength Clan. This is just a misunderstanding that does need to continue muddy our thoughts."


"I did not ask you, did I?" Bibi Dong glared at the remaining Strength Clan member as he instantly pursed his lips.

"What about them?" Tang Xiao spoke up and looked at Oscar and Jun'er with a slightly gloomy expression. He also needed to think of his side. The morale of the Strength Clan would definitely take a hit and they are supposed to be their participants for the competition yet they lost so easily to Ah Yin, who happened to be under Bibi Dong's teachings. First Ja Sun and now Ah Yin... Tang Xiao felt quite dispirited now.

"I will see to them later," Bibi Dong replied calmly while Ah Yin let down the Strength Clan spirit masters.

"I'm afraid that won't do either," Tang Xiao frowned.

"You're saying that if I kill a member of your strength clan, instead of me, you will hunt every member of Spirit Hall?" Bibi Dong questioned. By now, Dai Mu emerged, too. The members of the Attack Clan guarded the courtyard while the members of the defense clan began filtering the area, too.

Bibi Dong's words directly challenged Tang Xiao.

Even Ah Yin was sighing. Maybe she should have never gotten rid of her screening to faze away potential troublemakers but what was done cannot be reversed. She had just manhandled quite burly men and this is something she cannot take back.

"Young Master..." Tang Xiao heard others arriving and frowned.

"What were these three doing here?" Tang Xiao inquired the last of the four Strength Clan member.

"I asked them to purchase a few ores for our usual smithing practice," The man replied dutifully as Ah Yin suddenly laughed.

"What is it?" Tang Hao frowned and Ah Yin coughed.

"I'm sorry for my loss of composure... I just..."

'Surprisingly thought that Ja Sun might have said: Let the pounding begin.'

"... remembered a friend of mine saying something funny."

Ah Yin now realized how much of a proficient individual in the art of mockery she had become that she could practically image a Ja Sun inside her filling her with nonsense.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong had a thought.

Their main reason for helping Tang Yuehua was also to persuade her to enter their group. Right now, Ja Sun needed as much time as possible to persuade Ah Yin well enough and even if it doesn't work, Ah Yin had found some rather capable individuals from how she has been acting. This way, even if Ja Sun fails to persuade Tang Yuehua, her group finally will have enough members to participate in the competition and that's that. They can finally train in 'peace' and without distractions.

But that doesn't mean they couldn't have it all.

Instead of one teammate, they could be going in seclusion for good with three new teammates.


Bibi Dong instantly instructed Ah Yin to act accordingly and even signaled her other teammates waiting in various corners.

Ah Yin thought for a moment and agreed to follow Bibi Dong's instructions. She didn't understand the reasoning behind it because the longer a compressed voice message is, the easier it is to invade, but Ah Yin trusted Bibi Dong enough to follow the word and then sneered.

"Ores? So it must be me seeing things incorrectly. I have met the two of you before, so I take that your underlings are like you. The moment these three saw me, they must have thought of me as an ore, too, right? The way they talked as if I was an object."

It was a lie. But Ah Yin knew from experience that a woman crying crocodile tears about sexual harassment is often effective. Even Jun'er and Oscar gaped, revealing their lack of acting skills, which Bibi Dong swore to correct if these two would truly meet her requirements.

"What?! They would never do it!" the burly man instantly unleashed his spirit transformation as fur appeared all over his body and his jaws widened. Five Spirit Rings appeared around him and he seemed ready to attack.