Chapter 116: The Team

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 116: The Team

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Patre /Fanharem


"Oh? You will now suppress a woman by force? No wonder, no wonder. And to think Ka-ul even looks up to you..." Ah Yin shook her head.

Tang Hao's shoulders trembled and he waved his hand, shouting. His voice so loud that everyone felt their ears buzz.

"Stop this at once! Take those idiots back to the courtyard and treat them. Their punishment will come when they wake up."

Tang Hao glared at everyone and a domain similar to Bibi Dong flashed momentarily before his martial soul disappeared. That last bit truly suppressed everyone. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

"Now... you tell me what is this bit about. Ka-ul said that he looks up to me?"

Bibi Dong was speechless. Ah Yin acted a little too much.


With Tang Hao simply taking the charge, Bibi Dong also called out other students of her. Each of their presence startling Tang Xiao greatly and alerting him that their chance of winning the Nine-headed Giant's Torso Spirit Bone was falling further into the abyss.

They needed to come with plans because this time, brute strength will not earn them any merit even if they happened to be the number one sect of the continent. While others may easily take the title of their sect for granted, fully knowing of their history and understanding that their title derived from the strength of a single ancestor of theirs made Tang Xiao firmly believe that titles meant nothing to true strength and it is with this ideology he trained and tutored Tang Hao.

But it wasn't the right time. The group finally settled and only Oscar and Jun'er felt out of place not because of lack of strength. They were talented and strong enough but this was because of the lack of understanding of one another. Liu Erlong, Xie Xan, and Hu Lana didn't really start familiarising themselves with these two while Ah Yin, reluctantly, had to expand upon the lie carefully on what Ja Sun said that would equate to him looking up to Tang Hao.

This meant speaking good things about Ja Sun, too, something Ah Yin felt revolting, and strangely, these sweet lies sounded revolting to the entirety of Bibi Dong's group. They were more comfortable with the Ja Sun who happened to be an orderly yet chaotic wreck.

Almost an hour passed by this way. Bibi Dong cleverly interjected every now and then. Sometimes making the negotiations the focus of the conversation and sometimes idle chat. This meant that the conversation was going in circles and just when Dai Mu, the only individual to have caught the fact that Bibi Dong was stalling for some reason, exposed the situation, Ja Sun walked out of the living room without bothering to hide his face. His gloomy expression revealed that something had gone south and he did not achieve his goals.

As the Tang Siblings stood, expectations flickering in their faces, Ja Sun frowned the moment he saw Oscar and Jun'er. Surprised, yes. But it didn't change Ja Sun's mind. Silently shaking his head, he began, "I'm afraid that Sister Tang will need some time to digest the information. But it would seem that I'm unable to help her."

"What happened?" Bibi Dong frowned and inquired, her words simply took the words out of everyone else's mouths.

"These things aren't so easily explainable, teacher... Tang Hao, Brother Tang Xiao, Sister Tang has locked herself in her room. For her sake, do give her some time alone to process everything. If she wishes to share this knowledge with you, she can. I haven't restricted her in this regard. However, we must take our leave."

Tang Hao's lips quivered and he hurriedly grasped Ja Sun's shoulder. He suddenly felt strange and went into a daze before sighing softly and letting go of Ja Sun.

"Is there no way you can help her?"

Ja Sun shook his head, "In the end, a living being can only help itself."

"How can you speak such words?" Dai Mu stated harshly, "If Sister Tang could help herself, would we have sought your knowledge, however dubious it may be?"

"Princess Dai, every patient has unique circumstances. Medicines can be largely generalized for common ailments but not for metaphysical and spiritual ones. Sometimes, they cannot even be called ailments. I have indeed seen a case similar to hers and even helped Yu Xiaogang break past his limits. But the same cannot be said for Sister Tang."

Tang Xiao sat down weakly and Tang Hao clenched his fist.

"Fuck!" He stomped with a growl as his spirit energy swept out.

Ja Sun's hooded robe fluttered and Tang Hao also confirmed his other suspicions. He silently walked away as Tang Xiao stated, "Please don't mind Hao'er's manners. It is just that... Yuehua is precious to us. Seeing her in a weak state really... affects us. Sister Mu, please look after Hao'er."

Dai Mu nodded and glared at Ja Sun before taking her leave. Meanwhile, Ja Sun once again bowed slightly. Compressing his voice, Ja Sun communicated with Bibi Dong.

"We need to leave. Right now."

Bibi Dong felt a little ominous. Something happened and what could happen when a man and a woman are left alone in an enclosed space? The more she thought, the horrified Bibi Dong grew. Not allowing her imagination to overpower her rationality, Bibi Dong stood up and decided to take her leave after a few other sentences of farewell, bringing along Oscar and Jun'er, too.

They didn't stop until they exited the city and began walking with Ah Yin taking the lead. In their group, there were two individuals who needed spirit rings: Ah Yin, and Liu Erlong. According to Ah Yin, they would be crossing the region where Xie Xan got his spirit ring and may be lucky enough to find a compatible spirit ring for Liu Erlong, too.

They only stopped after an hour of walking where Ah Yin made it clear to Jun'er and Oscar that they will talk once they find a secured spot to rest. If Olivia and Caihong were with them, then this would have been an easy matter but sadly, greatly intimidated by Ground Devil whose existence as a Spirit Beast and Human mutation truly traumatized the two owls, they left the group finally, unable to bear the constant pressure of viewing stronger predators by the day.

"Fine... but did you notice something? The last time we were beaten by father, we also ran into Ah Yin. This time we will be beaten once again, and we ran into her, too."

Tang Hao's lips twitched.

They failed to consider someone else. The true cause for the domestic violence unleashed on the two brothers: Ja Sun.


"I see... so you did leave quite a rare piece of information in the form of compensation while Yuehua explained the matters through her letter. Fair enough. But have you considered what would happen if you fail my test?"

Bibi Dong inquired and Ja Sun blinked before dodging Yuehua's gaze. Admittedly, he did use certain elements of deception in his persuasion.

Bibi Dong's students, aside from Ja Sun, didn't have any happy memory of this particular test.

Smilingly, Bibi Dong looked at the three of them.

"I have understood most of it. Oscar and Xiao Jun, you two have grievances against some members of the Spirit Hall. But I won't apologize for strangers even if we are in the same faction. Know this, however, I am not like them. In this group, aside from Ka-ul, nobody believes in insulting someone else to gain an advantage over others. I will revoke the bounties on the two of you personally. And if you pass my test, I will personally put my heart and soul into teaching you as I have done with others.

Tang Yuehua, the same goes for you. I am unable to hold back... for certain reasons."

Ja Sun smirked slightly and nudged Xie Xan's shoulders, "Wanna bet if they can pass the test?"

"With you?" Xie Xan gazed at Ja Sun derisively. It was certainly strange. Xie Xan didn't dare bet, but he still mocked Ja Sun rightly so.

"Ehm," Bibi Dong glared at the two of them sharply before continuing, "So? Do you wish to enter my tutelage?"

Jun'er and Oscar looked at each other hesitatingly. This time, Ja Sun spoke up, "You two should take the test to return the favor that you owe."

"What favor?" Oscar inquired curiously.

"Didn't you call me Brother from another mother? One spice and one tofu, I believe."

Oscar's eyes widened and he instantly hugged Ja Sun, "I didn't know we would ever meet again, Brother! Truly, truly! This is fate! Next time, I will rent the room for you when you wish to have an anniversary!"

The events of Balak city came rushing into Ah Yin's mind as she pursed her lips. Jun'er was surprised by the sudden outburst from someone like an Oscar but as he explained the reason quite openly, Xie Xan entered a fit of chuckles matched with Hu Lana's giggle. As a couple, they truly understood what kind of a favor this meant.

The ultimate kind!

Yuehua blushed slightly as Bibi Dong's lips twitched. With how her group was starting to form, she didn't like the perceived direction it may possibly grow into: A perverted one!


A/N: And this is the final team.

Poison/Control: Bibi Dong

Vitality Life/Control: Ah Yin

Fire/Attack: Liu Erlong

Illusion charm/Control: Hu Lana

Dark/Attack: Xiao Jun'er

Facesmack/Fearless: Ja Sun

Yin/Attack: Xie Xan

Food/Support: Oscar

??/??: Yuehua