Chapter 174: Liu Erlong vs Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 174: Liu Erlong vs Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan (1)

As fate would have it, the next to match up with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan was none other than the Spirit Academy.

Although others would blame luck, as the faction with the greatest control over the match-up, it wasn't unknown for Bibi Dong to use some sly methods. Their goal was winning the match and raking benefits. Taking down the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan when it is already wounded was in terms with Bibi Dong's practices.

"Alright, these are all the requests. The highest rewarding faction is the Heaven Dou Empire itself. The Emperor wants to bet a relic. It's an ancient relic that the Imperial Clan received from the Yu Clan and for this important relic, they want the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan to return the Swan Staff granted to them."

Bibi Dong read through all the requests. As the facilitator of the bet, the Spirit Hall will gain many precious items from the vaults of the Empire and even a contract for the production of an armory. The Spirit City didn't have any particular interest in the clan. Ja Sun, too, only added another exotic, unusable spirit essence tool to study and gain more understanding of the art. Just the subsequent techniques gained from Heaven's Carving Technique were amazing.

Bibi Dong then, as usual, proceeded to bet various resources through other teams. Even if they lose, there was simply too much to gain and after 13 days, the strength of almost all the teams was pretty much recorded allowing various factions to fully understand the odds before betting. Today, aside from a few pieces of knowledge from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, Bibi Dong collaborated with the Godwind Academy, the Blazing Academy, the Diamond Mammoth Sect, and the Wind Sword Sect. Meanwhile, four other teams approached their team for resources from the Dragon Clan.

Once the deal was settled, everyone gathered around her table. Sighing deeply, Bibi Dong looked at Liu Erlong, "Like I said before. If I let you face all of them alone... it would defeat the purpose of this competition for us. We can surely win, but nobody will bet against us. This will isolate us from all the resources being exchanged."

Still not willing to give up on her dream to utterly humiliate the clan in front of the entire continent, Liu Erlong scoffed, "What if it was Ka-ul? When we finally have a match against the White Tiger Clan, what if he wants to tackle them alone?"

"Oh," Ja Sun nodded, "This is actually a good point. If my injury is healed, I want to defeat Dai Taiyin alone once again."

Bibi Dong rubbed her forehead. This was the disadvantage of teammates being too fierce.

"You're not helping," she groaned as Ja Sun shrugged. He wasn't here to help but find his fortunes. To him, aside from Hint of Evil, The Star Luo Imperial Clan has brought him one of the greatest missions and rewards. If possible, he wanted the two arm bones again so that he can try and push them over to the 100000-years of cultivation.

"Liu Erlong... there is only one way for you to have your wish and also from keeping our weary reputation destroyed," Oscar suddenly proposed, "What if... you defeat most of their teammates only to lose in the end. Say, leaving only 2 members of the opposing team standing. We are not betting anything too great since the hall is not particularly interested in the Clan's resources.

The only ones to lose will be the other factions adding to the bet. Brother Ka-ul can remove his bet, too. This way, the news that the formerly exiled member of the clan almost defeating the entire team of the clan would undermine their reputation achieving your goal. And your 'eventual' loss after giving your all and incurring injuries will also serve the team's collective purpose for the future bet."

Oscar's words made Ja Sun nod as he grinned, "But for that, you will need to create the cause of such conflict. You will need to take the initiative starting from now... a friend of mine is well-capable of spreading rumors. This endeavor is certainly possible."

Although there may be good things hidden behind the gates of the Dragon Clan, Ja Sun himself wanted to see Liu Erlong letting it all out. After her martial soul had evolved to Infernal Dragon King, she had only kept herself in check and control.

Having Ja Sun's and Oscar's support, Bibi Dong finally gave it a thought. This was risky... too much. In fact, after this match, she wagered that Liu Erlong must disappear for the next three matches at least. That meant three days. And even after that, she must not go overboard and blow her cover.


"Liu Erlong! You dare spread slanders!"

"I'll tear you from limbs to limbs!"

"You insulted our clan and our families!"

Seven men, including Yu Shandian, glared at Liu Erlong coldly.

"Hey, did you hear that? All of them are angry... maybe it is true after all..." The audience began to whisper.

"Yeah, it is said that before leaving her clan, Liu Erlong actually ruined many wives for their husbands!" An astonished gasp rang out and Ja Sun continued to fan the flames even more eagerly.

"Not only that, Liu Erlong still holds the evidence!"

"Whoo... I wanna see that!"

On the stage, meanwhile, Liu Erlong's body shuddering. She felt deeply ashamed. But hearing Ja Sun's compressed voice, she regained her composure.

It was clear by now that to actually add a reason for conflict, Ja Sun, along with Bibi Dong's network, began to spread rumors that in anger and need of vengeance, Liu Erlong slept with many elders and geniuses' wives, and mothers before leaving. It wouldn't have worked if Liu Erlong hadn't already solidified her demonic reputation and didn't have short hair. After all, it would take time for her raven hair to grow long again and as much as Ja Sun's previous world would disapprove to judge a book by its cover, this world was quick to judge.

Many wholly believed that Liu Erlong was capable of doing this.

Heaving a deep breath, Liu Erlong recalled all the lines and phrases Ja Sun jotted down for her. In his words this will push some buttons. But Ja Sun also made sure to state the fact that if she's dishing it out, she will have to take it, too. This will eventually lead to the conflict Liu Erlong is hoping for and give her the reason to fight alone in the eyes of many spectators.

Like usual, Erlong stood in front and sneered.

"Truths aren't slandering! Your fathers are so busy diving in the dragon's pond that they left their wives' unchecked! All I did was help drain a few of them," Liu Erlong scoffed and crossed her arm. Her tone loud and bold. There are simply too many spirit masters, especially the rogue ones, who have an open view on such things. To them, even consent is a luxury at times.

Hearing her words spread out, the expression of the seven men, the five backup teammates, their teacher, and the clan elders in the middle ring of the viewer's area, all changed!

"Ahhh! You slut! Just like your mom, you're the same!" A member shouted.

But with a cold glare, Liu Erlong snapped, "My mother was forced into prostitution from a young age. Your mother was a whore by choice!"

Ja Sun was especially proud of this one. It sounded righteous and insulting in a single phrase.

The youth's expression stiffened while Yu Shandian forcefully heaved in a deep breath.

"Liu Erlong, you have always been"

"And don't get me started on your mother, nay, mothers! The patriarch's two wives so empty and dry that I had to use there!" saying this, Liu Erlong spirit transformed and raised her two claw-like fingers as she waved them.

Yu Shandian's expression turned pale while also allowed to view the match, in the Spirit City, Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth.


The referee coldly remarked. The audience was already going wild. To them, the various members of the clans were celebrities, and what better entertainment than such slanderous calls?!

"But you all the Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan members are an eyesore! I'll defeat each and every one of you by myself. Everyone, please step down. They have insulted my mother for the last time," Liu Erlong turned around and cupped her fist while winking at her team.

Forcibly suppressing their smiles, Bibi Dong revealed a complicated expression before stepping down.

"Are they really going to let Liu Erlong fight a team of seven Spirit Emperors alone?"

Things she had to do to appease one man-child.

"After all, your mothers would jump at the chance of engaging me together!"

Ja Sun's loud laugh was drowned out by the thundering guffaw of the audience.

Ja Sun really wished to be the one to say all of this but he was satisfied. After all, these were his words. It didn't matter who delivered these lines as long as they did it well and Liu Erlong made Ja Sun overjoyed.

Silent, the laughing and clapping of the audience constantly hammering down at their hearts as their breathing turned short and shallow, Yu Shandian finally hissed softly.


But Liu Erlong only smirked. Her fourth spirit ring brightening. However, this time, others acted instantly.

"Attack! Fuck the rules! We'll kill her today!"


"Lightning Lance!"

"Ahh! Never insult my mom! She's dead!"

Screams rang as the phantom of the giant Infernal Dragon King appeared behind Liu Erlong. By now, those who have fought against Liu Erlong in the previous matches were feeling a little better. They could have never expected for Liu Erlong to hold back so much. In fact, as they observed, they realized that most of her attacks are as lethal to her teammates as they are to her opponents and this is one of the reasons why Bibi Dong finally agreed on this kind of compromise.

"Infernal Dragon's Roar!" Liu Erlong yelled and the shadow of the Infernal Dragon King roared. It felt silent to others but those around Liu Erlong instantly looked shocked as their attacks made of lightning wavered and... caught fire!

Lightning caught fire! They all caught fire!

The stage, too, instantly erupted in flames.

Ja Sun's eyes widened. He recalled this technique when he first defeated Liu Erlong but now...

'And here I thought I'd never get to use my sixth spirit ability...' He heaved a sigh of relief. Now he fully believed that Liu Erlong is the only one to have gained the greatest benefit from absorbing their Immortal Herbs. Right now, in their team, only Hu Lana and Tang Yuehua were left.

"Activate your third skill!"

Yu Shandian shouted and lightning covered him completely. His skin was already at the point of charring and his clothes reduced to ashes.

"Ah, perverted mothers sire perverted children... but not too impressive, heh," Liu Erlong cackled and didn't give her opponents a chance.

She instantly clawed at the nearest member. Lightning instantly sizzled on her crimson scales, threatening to break them into bloody pieces but Liu Erlong's attack directly tore into the opponent's chest. Compared to these individuals, the dragon that Yu Xiaogang summoned was simply far mightier! At least, it managed to injure her.

The youth screamed desperately while Liu Erlong proceeded to kick him. The force traveled fiercely and the injured youth instantly fell out. Under Qian Xunji's directive, medics were already present and they hurried to take care of the youth. They couldn't remove the Ultimate Fire. Even Qian Xunji couldn't. This was something that Liu Erlong had to do after the match and the healing-type spirit masters could only stabilize the injured youth's situation.

"Yu Jun!" with a bloody scream, the youth next to Liu Erlong used his sixth spirit skill.

Thundercloud formed above the stage only a few meters away and Liu Erlong looked up with a deeply exciting gaze!

"Thunder-- Clap!!"

The youth screamed, a large bolt of lightning instantly striking Liu Erlong. Her eyes widened as piercing pain made her shudder. Her short hair stood to its ends and she glared at the youth.

"Is that it?" She remarked coldly as she saw the thundercloud already dispersing after one attack. It was evident that the sixth spirit ring didn't even come close to the level of 20000 years of cultivation.

"Everyone, begin the lightning formation!" Yu Shandian bit his lips, revealing his trump card. The lightning around him turned purple as his right claw suddenly got encased in a purplish metallic luster.

Seeing this, every viewer gasped

Spirit Bone!

This was the first time a spirit bone is being used in the match. After all, revealing a spirit bone meant having a target on one's back since it can be robbed over one's corpse.

The remaining five men instantly surrounded Liu Erlong, their fourth spirit ring brightening.

"Lightning Shackles!"

They shouted as chains of lightning shot out from their naked chests. Although Ultimate Fire burned on their skin, they gritted their teeth and bore everything.

The shackles moved at the speed of lightning and gave Liu Erlong no chance to dodge.

Chains coiled around the body as she growled while Yu Shandian pointed at Liu Erlong "Die!" He roared!


Shout out to Adrian Chow!

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