Chapter 175: Liu Erlong vs Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 175: Liu Erlong vs Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan (2)

Arcs of purple lightning revealed a strangely sweet scent as a mesmerizing claw was formed midair. Everyone who saw the claw in the audience's seat held their breath as it quickly shot towards Liu Erlong. Seeing the zooming claw, Liu Erlong suddenly stopped struggling. Just like how the scales on Yu Shandian's right claw turned violet, the scales of Liu Erlong's left claw turned a brilliant red. Metallic. From the edges of the rhombus scale, lava-like glowing veins suddenly glowed and her entire aura was visibly different. Seeing this, Dai Taiyin shot up from his seat.


Every spirit master with certain strength knew that Liu Erlong was using her spirit bone. But only Dai Taiyin and the elders of the Imperial and White Tiger Clan knew that this spirit bone belonged to them! Or it used to until...

Dai Taiyin glared at Ja Sun who sat between Bibi Dong and Ah Yin.

On the other hand, Liu Erlong's fourth spirit and second spirit ring brightened. A large chunk of her spirit energy was instantly extinguished the moment she activated her spirit bone.

49000-year-old Lava Salamander Left Arm Bone.

It had only one skill like any other spirit bone under the realm of 100000 years.


Once activated, every skill will gulp even more spirit energy and increase the range and damage of an attack by 100% and add the element of fire to each attack. Or, if the attacks are already flame-attributed, then the increase of an attack's damage will be by 150%!

The Infernal Dragon King's Phantom behind Liu Erlong was evidently greater. It roared and the shackles instantly caught flames and broke away while every member of the team screamed loudly, their bodies set on fire again! The purple lightning claw, too, was affected but being a purely attacking skill and from a spirit bone no less, it didn't dissipate.

"You're arrogant! And your fate should not be any better than your mother!" Yu Shandian hollered as he hurriedly pulled back.

Her second spirit ring, meanwhile, assembled flame around her in the form of the Infernal Dragon King's giant and terrifying muzzle. It encased her and the attack finally struck this form of makeshift defense. The claw still broke. To be exact, Liu Erlong expertly lowered the force behind the attack and let it strike her. Her blood finally emerge as scales broke from her body. Her clothes were resistant to fire but now, they were in tatters and revealed every inch of her body covered in crimson scales.

Seeing the other members writhing on the ground with screams so desperate that the audience felt a chill, Liu Erlong shot towards Yu Shandian.

"And your fate will be just like your brother! And I will make sure to turn this as your father's fate, too!" Liu Erlong screamed. As if losing all semblance of sanity. Her eyes red, dripping with unholy murderous intentions that alarmed the referee who was already quite far away since he feared getting caught in Liu Erlong's attack.

"Referee, she is trying to kill Yu Shandian!" The elder from the Dragon clan instantly shouted but the referee only snorted coldly, "No murder has been committed yet!"

"Are you out of your mind?" Yu Shandian roared as Liu Erlong caught up. Her right wing allowed her to tilt easily as she directly landed a kick and her claws instantly drew blood from Yu Shandian's valiant-looking face.

"Yeah!" Liu Erlong affirmed to Yu Shandian's worst nightmare as she, alongside Shandian, shot out of the stage. Liu Erlong continued to smash her fist into Shandian's defenseless body. Unlike Erlong, Shandian still had quite a bit of spirit energy left. After all, Liu Erlong was limited by her rank and huge consumption. Shandian was not.

Still, the raw draconic aura made every reptile-type martial soul tremble. Liu Erlong wasn't playing now and Bibi Dong instantly stated coldly, "We lost! Stop already!" She revealed a dissatisfied expression as everyone else quickly pulled Liu Erlong away from the battered Yu Shandian.

As his bloodied body slid down from the cracked wall, Hu Lana produced a large cloak and covered Erlong's body. Ja Sun had already noted the lack of a good enough outfit but he himself had no way to stop his current research on energy guns. After all, he didn't like leaving a project unfinished if he is capable of finishing it.

On the other hand, the referee finally gave the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan the victory. Still, everyone only saw the seven members as failures. Liu Erlong sucked away all the flames and she finally left with Ah Yin and others.

As they left, thunderous applause only greeted the losing team.

The continent is brutal and the only enjoyment to them is when they watch people fighting each other. Liu Erlong provided them with the greatest entertainment as of this moment. Every man and woman had a ruddy expression as they clapped loudly.


"Huff... I really want to use my domain one of these days, too," Liu Erlong still expressed a dissatisfied expression. She had already freshened up and no injury could be seen on her.

"Domains are the best," Xie Xan nodded sagely. He had gotten one and he loved flaunting it.

The winner of this competition will be based on total victories. Right now, everyone except the Clear Sky Hammer's team and the White Tiger Clan had faced at least a single loss. Until these two teams suffer a loss from anybody else's hands or their own, Bibi Dong would not let their team lose anymore. A perfect victory would mean 33 wins.

Now Bibi Dong aimed for 32 wins.

If possible, she would have wanted an impeccable record, but she also needed to be mindful of her team. Now aside from her, only Liu Erlong had problems with the faction that raised her. If Bibi Dong didn't help Liu Erlong grow out of the confines of her past then she might as well hand over the position of the leader to someone else.

The situation didn't calm down outside, however. Although Bibi Dong was content with the support she had already provided, Ja Sun, through his clone controlled by the Death Astral Combatant, moved out of the arena as usual and began contacting the various organization. As he had claimed previously. He was intent on creating his fortune and he knew a reliable mission in this particular matter.

[Objective: Assist in the reduction of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan's prestige and pump your fist in a privately occupied enclosed space.

Mission Rank: Based on the completed objective.

Mission Rewards: Based on the completed objective.

Time Limit: 1 Day]

The last time he created such a mission, he ended up getting two spirit bones but he did not have that high of an expectation. This was an 'indirect' mission and there is only so much a single person can do to reduce one's prestige. Pressing Bibi Dong to help him in the matter would not make sense even for him so he didn't push his luck.

Meanwhile, everyone finally returned to their rooms. Even Ja Sun and Ah Yin separated inside their own rooms to cultivate/research. Time was a strict factor now and even if they didn't want to reveal it, everyone needed to be in their top condition.

As they continue to reveal their trump cards, opponents will be able to form better tactics.

But the next day, Bibi Dong couldn't help but sigh.

Their team was chosen. It was one of the weakest teams present in the competition. The Balak Academy.

Ordinarily, this group of geniuses would be flaunting their status in their kingdom but right now, they simply gave up instead of matching resources in vain.

But this was expected. As the completion will come to an end, the stronger team will soon be able to complete their matches unless they match against one of the stronger teams.

Days began to quickly go by.

16th match against Dragon Rising Academy Won.

17th match against the Thunderclap Academy, a subordinate faction to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan Won.

"Alright," Ja Sun hummed, "First of all, let me present what our team is willing to bet."

With that, Ja Sun took out four things.

The first item was an extremely thick book.

The second item was a rolled-up collection of parchments of which every paper was clear save one.

The third item was a light green scroll.

The fourth item was a jade case.

"What are these?" Dai Mu frowned.

"Patience, princess. I thought the lesson I taught to your brother about not being too fast would have set you straight, too," Ja Sun spoke gently and kindly.

Dai Mu's lips quivered as she snorted coldly.

"Enough," Tang Xiao frowned as Tang Hao could only smile wryly.

"Fine, these are the notes on everything I have refined. From alloys, to various arrays, to other blacksmithing techniques I have come into possession of and even the attributes of various rare metals. It also includes many incomplete designs that I am working on.

In essence, this is a complete Smithing Inheritance."

Ja Sun's words shocked Tang Hao.

"Even the complete method you used to refine your blood artifact?" Tang Hao inquired hastily.

"Everything," Ja Sun nodded.

"What do you want" Before Tang Hao could complete, Dai Mu elbowed him and Tang Xiao glared at him.

"Now, now, let me completely explain everything I have to offer," Ja Sun chuckled. Pointing at the parchments, he spoke up, "This is the total number of various construction techniques that Spirit Hall owns and are also in my possession. I have written only one of them, the rest is purely for an accurate display. This is what our team is willing to bet against the defense clan."

The eyes of the stocky and burly youths instantly brightened. Although many are unaware of Ja Sun's Smithing skills and what the first inheritance represented, the second item was popular. The construction of Spirit City was already a widely renowned feat of a miracle.

"This, right here, is a movement technique that I personally use. It should belong to a Titled Douluo and has the ability to change the momentum of one's movement without losing speed. Of course, I have only written down the first few points only. You can read it later."

This was a bait meant for the Speed Clan and seeing their expression, Ja Sun shrugged internally.

He finally looked at the attack clan.

Opening the jade case, Ja Sun revealed its empty contents which made others frown.

"I am curious about your Clan's technique in medicine. Before we propose a trade, may I know if you are aware of Origin silk immortal grass? Aromatic Silk Beauty? Beautiful Silk Tulip? Bloody Swan Kiss?"

As he spoke, the more excited the members of the Attack Clan grew.

"Where did you find these plants? Tell us!" They stated hastily.

"Well, our team came to procure an Aromatic Silk Beauty and a 5th Grade Violet Ginseng. We will only trade it to your clan for a core inheritance of medicine making and five basic recipes."

Before the troubled Attack Clan members could speak, Ja Sun continued, "In return for the movement technique, we wish to gain the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng from your clan. If you are unaware of it, contact your elders.

For the various construction techniques, we only require your stock of Diamond Iron from your mines. 8 tonne of it. And the powdered Red Coal. 5 tonne of it.

And for my smithing inheritance, something that Tang Hao will proclaim to hold great value, we want 1 tonne of Vajra Iron Ore from your clan. Again, this is a trade between the four attributes clan. Now, if your individual faction has something to gain from us, you may speak," Ja Sun's words were directed towards Dai Mu and Tang Xiao.

"Elder Hao, please allow me to go and contact the patriarch," one of the attack clan members spoke up.

Seeing him, others stood up, too. Ja Sun allowed them to take the collection of empty parchment and the severely incomplete movement technique but he didn't let anyone open the giant book which dissatisfied the members of the Strength Clan but hearing Tang Hao's candid words, one of them hurried out.

"The Imperial Clan has nothing to do here," Dai Mu spoke clearly.

"The Clear Sky Clan wishes to have trading rights of precious minerals inside Spirit City," Tang Xiao spoke up.

"That will not be possible," Bibi Dong shook her head. They had already received requests for trading rights many times by now. Tang Xiao shrugged hearing this.

"Oh, there's another matter. Father said that should you lose, you will have to give the matter that he discussed with you another thought," Tang Hao looked at Ja Sun curiously.

"Oh, that," Ja Sun nodded calmly without revealing any reason to be suspected, "Tell your father for me that I'm otherwise engaged."

He shrugged while Yuehua gulped.

Since there was no reason to stay, Ja Sun picked up his things and left. The others soon followed out. The entire time, the Clear Sky Clan youth's scorching gaze continued to make Hu Lana sigh internally. Her charm was so great that even Xie Xan had given up on glaring at others. It was simply not possible for Hu Lana to not have acquired a fanbase and thus, seeing her in Xie Xan's arms only made him a target.


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