Chapter 204: Demon's Solace

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 204: Demon's Solace

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{A/N: First, I wanted to give Liu Erlong an external spirit bone in the form of nails but then I realized that I don't need to spam external spirit bones. There are already two of them Xie Xan eyeballs and Bibi Dong's wings.} Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)


Despite her experience with the fifth spirit ring, Erlong still struggled during her breakthrough. The beast might have gotten ambushed and could never recover from the attack but that didn't mean it wouldn't exact vengeance. With Ah Yin channeling mental energy constantly through her domain into Erlong, she took almost four hours to conquer her demons this time. It took additional two hours to complete the process as six spirit rings soon floated around her Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple, Black, and Black.

Only after confirming a few things did Ah Yin retract the tent made of vines to reveal a perfectly clothed Erlong. She had cleaned herself up, naturally and stood up with a slightly strained sigh. When approached, she even looked a bit unresponsive. The entirety of her suppressed cultivation had caused her to achieve consecutive breakthroughs even if the energy from the spirit ring wasn't noteworthy yet no joy could be seen on her face.

"There aren't any spirit bones, I checked," Liu Erlong stated before growing silent altogether. She had given her quiet confirmation as Ja Sun stored yet another corpse into his storage ring.


"I feel like I should say something," Ja Sun looked towards Ah Yin with an earnest expression. The day had ended fruitfully. After such a long period, Liu Erlong had finally managed to find a satisfying spirit ring yet when she should be feeling gleeful, drinking with others across the fire and laughing and cheering, she sat on her chair with an inexplicable gloom covering her expression.

"No, you'll make things worst," Ah Yin shot him a reproachful glance.

"I didn't mean for them... If I don't let it out, I will feel bad tomorrow for the entire day... it's for my joy," Ja Sun chortled.

"If you think that's what you really want for Erlong... then go ahead. Who am I to stop you?" Ah Yin relented as Ja Sun fell silent altogether himself.

"Man... at times like this, you should be cheering me up," Ja Sun finally sighed in defeat. He had many ways to cheer up a teammate in the gloom but all of it required the charm of a leader that disregarded the concerns of a subordinate and already having removed that kind of burden and enjoying his life, for the most part, Ja Sun didn't want to change it for a single event which could easily be solved if any one of the affected party spoke up.

"Oh, I'm sure I can cheer you up, in three more days," Ah Yin smiled, not particularly shy when it came to teasing her significant other, "Or, you could spend my night cheering you up now~!" She leaned towards Ja Sun and sighed somewhat hotly as Ja Sun scoffed, "Begone, harlot! You shall not distract me from my breakthrough and when I do..."

"All this fur will be mine. I win either way," Ah Yin squinted comfortably as she nuzzled against his furry shoulders. Being the transformation of the top-grade spirit beast, Ja Sun's fur was definitely top-tier, too.

"Just buzz off into your rooms!" Liu Erlong finally snorted.


Ja Sun picked Ah Yin up before disappearing into their tent and zipped the entrance close.

Only Liu Erlong and Yuehua remained now.


The fire continued to let out gentle crackling noise as it burnt through the wood. Erlong would sometimes toss in a stick or two just to see them burn once again while Yuehua felt more stifled every passing moment.

"E-Erlong" Yuehua finally gathered her nerve. By now, the two realized that it was nobody's fault. Erlong loved carnage and Yuehua couldn't simply stomach it. The only thing that made them feel this moment of crushing awkwardness was the fact that they had grown closer over this period of contact. Yuehua was the one to generally reign in Erlong in the Southern Entrance of the Giant's Forest. They made a pretty good team of brains and brawns, too.

"Ugh, I'm going to vomit," Liu Erlong made a 'yuck' face, making Yuehua snort a chuckle, "Fine, my point is... if your mother was still alive, she wouldn't want you stuck up on a declining clan at all."

"Oh, that's... actually right, yeah," Erlong nodded with a hint of cold aloofness, "But she's not here. The clan that led to her demise is. Anyway, I can always move on when the clan has been snuffed out, right?

Still... I get that I shouldn't screw our team over because of my anger. It's personal... so I will keep my calm, I guess. You can take over."

Next, Yuehua calmly responded without giving too many answers but properly relaying that they did not even see Yuanzhen at all.


"That day... when you told my mom would have wanted me to move on... and I acted like a bitter jerk... it was because, for a moment, I thought of you as my mother," Liu Erlong smiled sadly.

"I truly didn't mean to" Yuehua mumbled with a guilty expression.

"Do you think if my mother was alive and saw me like that, she would be the same? Throw her stomach out just after seeing what her daughter had become?" Liu Erlong inquired.

This was the source of her troubles. Would her mother react the same way?

The thought of it frightened the woman.

"I... don't know," Yuehua shook her head. She seemed to have understood Erlong's thoughts, too. While she was wallowing in her own guilt, it was clear that Erlong was going through terrible thoughts, too.

The duo fell silent again.

"I don't think she would throw up," Yuehua suddenly spoke up.

Liu Erlong silently looked at Yuehua as the woman smiled gently while gazing at the flickering fire, basking in its glow as her eyes narrowed down with a peaceful expression touching her face, "I think... she would have been annoyed to see her daughter burn her clothes up in the presence of a shameless man. I think... she would have chided you for getting so dirty after every battle.

I also think she would be worried sick about your marriage. You're a lot to deal with, after all, I would know," Yuehua's tone shook as her eyes slowly turned glazed and her view seem to blur.

A tear, however, escaped Erlong's left eye as she had trouble containing her shuddering breaths.

"Oh, and also, she would have taught you cooking. I wanted to learn cooking from my mother, after all," Yuehua tilted her head while gazing at the flames, her smile now momentarily sad.

"You're lying," Liu Erlong finally coughed and spoke, "I've become a demon..."

"A demon that we all adore. Ask anyone. Including Brother Ka-ul. He would probably cock a fist to your face for asking a stupid question in the first place...

And your mom would not only love you. She would be so proud of you... I know that we all are."


Liu Erlong had her head lowered while she nodded as Yuehua chuckled, "Is the demon really crying? That's not very demon-like at all."

Tilting her head sideways, Liu Erlong glared at Yuehua. But seeing that even Yuehua had tears flowing down her face... a bit offended that there was no snot, Erlong hicked, "Shut up!"

"I won't," Yuehua chortled as they both sunk into silence, only their sobs filling the surroundings. Soon, they sat on the ground, their shoulders leaning against each other until they fell asleep while blue silver vines silently crept around them to form a protective and warm bubble-shaped wrap where they could sleep in the same position.

"Are you seriously crying?" Ah Yin inquired, dumbstruck.

"Shut up! I have no such weaknesses!" Hissed the tearful devil while Ah Yin silently hugged the man and patted his back with a smile.

"Looks like you do."