Chapter 205: Pushed Boundaries

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 205: Pushed Boundaries

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An odd but deliberate flow of energy suddenly escaped Ja Sun's body that startled the girls around him. His fur momentarily flashed and the three of his eyes finally opened. Without waiting, Ja Sun hurriedly pumped his fist and then collected a small manual that seemed to have formed from the glow emerging from his third eye which was stored in his storage ring.

Rank 70

He was quite confident in reaching this realm because the mission itself was C-ranked.

The manual was a small piece of knowledge on the path of spirit cultivation, a portion of which Ja Sun was already aware of. He let out a soft grunt and stretched his arms. By now Ja Sun was quite comfortable with this form. His talent made sure that the spirit transformation doesn't consume more spirit energy other than the initial cost of transformation, too. So this may as well be his natural form since he could have a greater defense. Not to mention the fact that once he obtains his third spirit soul, he only needed to cultivate peacefully and become a Titled Douluo.

However Peace was never an option.

Ja Sun vanished from his spot, tearing out from the back of the tent when a large explosion suddenly impacted the area he was sitting on previously.

Everything burnt to ashes as Ja Sun glanced at Rank 64 Liu Erlong.

She had caught up. When she absorbed her spirit ring, she had already entered rank 61, and using the momentum, Liu Erlong decided to absorb the two spirit bones. The spine of Dragon's Child and the Exploding Mantis Left Leg Bone that Ja Sun had acquired from Ground Devil caused her to shoot straight to the peak of rank 64!

"You got what you wanted. Silent cultivation until you breakthrough. Time to test our strength" Before Liu Erlong could end with her usual mad cackle, her body brimming with a strange sense of vitality despite the sheer bloodlust which made her look more competent in Ja Sun's eye, a talon clenched into a fist covered by golden gauntlet struck her jaws, sending her flying.

The 'Ja Sun' in front of Liu Erlong faded while the real one scoffed with an impudent smile now standing in the sea of flames without a shred of fear, "You think only you have spirit bones? Exploding Mantis Left Leg Bone with the ability of explosion can add range to your third spirit skill Ultimate Bombardment, and even allow you to focus your explosion... a match made in heaven...

But your dumbass needs to realize who you're facing." nove(l)bi(n.)com

It was as Ja Sun said. Liu Erlong hadn't used her explosion skill with splash effect all around her body. Her third skill and the explosion skill of the spirit bone both were concentrated and channeled through her left feet as she had kicked down on the tent.

Dizzied by the punch, Liu Erlong shook her head, struggling to stand.

"Oh, my, is that it? That low of an endurance will not satisfy any man, Erlong. You need to be spunkier. Almost fainting by a single shot... what a pathetic excuse," Ja Sun mocked, not holding back punches in any form. She had grown from her most recent experience and thus, she needed his undivided attention during a battle. Her Ultimate Fire is simply too troublesome to deal with... thought the man standing within the said flames.

"Ouch, that would have hurt," Ah Yin cringed.

"The punch or the words?" Yuehua looked at her. Both of them sat on a chair far away. They were in the isolated and outer ring of the forest so they could go crazy with Ah Yin working her domain.

"Both," Ah Yin mumbled as she looked at Liu Erlong. Flames lit her clothes and even in her moment of daze, Erlong didn't want to give any chances. Her burnt clothes revealed her body to be covered by streamlined crimson scales that accentuated the entirety of her figure with two large leathery wings forming over her back. Two wings!

But this wasn't the complete effect of the dragonification once Liu Erlong reached rank 60. Her greatest weakness in this form, her head, now formed an outline of crimson flesh that framed her face completely. Her ears grew out and turned scaly, too. Finally, the frame of crimson flesh began to move eerily around Erlong's face as it soon covered her entire facial region, leaving no orifice without strengthening. Her pupils turned red and vertical while her tender skin now looked dark crimson, almost like a demon. From the top side of the frame of flesh grew out tiny horns made of hardened flesh.

"Yeah, that's disgusting," Ja Sun stuck his tongue out, furthering Erlong's indignation as she recollected herself and stood up, "Why didn't you just finish it off?"

"I did finish it off. You started the first round and lost in the first move. I'm waiting for the next session now," Ja Sun chuckled, "That is if you can take more than one session before passing out."

"Stop with the double meaning!" The dragonification abomination shouted.

He replied somberly, taking care of the first problem with ease.

Ah Yin blinked.

"No, really. That was all... I didn't want others to hear us."

"Well, it would take four hours for this rune to dissipate. No point in forming a whole array for this, right?" Ja Sun smiled.

"You think it will hold out?" Ah Yin questioned and observed the rune. She wasn't adept in this art at all and frankly, Ah Yin felt that the only information now Ja Sun didn't reveal about himself would be related to his ability to find information from so many aspects of this world. It was strange but that is what her intuition told her yet aside from the plain curiosity, there was no other motivating factor for Ah Yin to trespass her lover's privacy when he even went out of his way to describe his previous life.

"Of course, it will," Ja Sun crossed his arms, "But... I just realized that... we have been doing each other in the wild more than in our room..."

Ah Yin frowned, "What's wrong with that? This place is far refreshing than the city and the Giant's Forest is simply filled with even more primal giants that would rather howl their groans in their moments of heat."

"Nothing wrong, of course, just making an observation," he shrugged.

The two fell silent and then smiled at each other.

"So? You think you can take me on this time?" Ja Sun grinned, tugging at the waistband of his pants with a more generous crotch so as to not make things more comfortable. This world really would be a paradise to perverts since spirit transformation opened a whole new world for them, Ja Sun included.

"What are you so arrogant about?" Ah Yin scoffed, "It's still human and not a lion's. A pathetic transformation, really."

"Wait... if my dick did turn similar to the Three-eyed Silver Lion's... do you think our kids will be human or lion mutants?"

"We're not having this conversation again. I just feel lucky that you don't have the personal 'tool' to test it out," Ah Yin narrowed her eyes as Ja Sun huffed slightly.

"No curiosity at all..." he shook his head.

Finally, he sat down, nay, he proceeded to lie down with his talons supporting his head. They were large enough in this transformation so Ja Sun could nuzzle the back of his head against the larger and softer region in the middle with his Vajra Gauntlets retreating.

"What are you doing?" Ah Yin inquired.

"Since I won the bet... doesn't make any sense for me to do the work, right?"

"So I am to"

"Follow my orders, yes," Ja Sun nodded.

"I'm not doing that," Ah Yin narrowed her eyes, "That wasn't the part of the bet. Just this act was... but if you're going to lie down, I think I can do this"

To his words, thick blue silver vines suddenly coiled around his upper and lower talons and tugged them away, making Ja Sun's head touch the cold tarp of the tent through which the Blue Silver Vines had torn out.

Now utterly defenseless, Ja Sun instead felt excited by that malevolent smile filled with devious intentions that hung on Ah Yin's lips.

'Should I tell her that tearing any part of the tent would make the silent rune useless? Nah... I should have my fun, too,' Ja Sun cackled internally.

"I'll make sure to keep you in check. You're really going all out with others... peeping, lewd remarks, and whatnot," Ah Yin stated coldly as she tugged her fingers against her pants as she slowly pulled them down.

"I thought you didn't care," Ja Sun retorted.

"Oh, then was that a fruitless endeavor to hog my attention?" Ah Yin narrowed her eyes.

"Well, a fruitless endeavor wouldn't merit such a reward," Ja Sun smiled.

"Then I will also make sure you don't consider a punishment as a reward," Ah Yin snorted but even she wasn't confident with this particular claim as she observed Ja Sun's expression turning more eager alongside the packed bulged in his pants.

'Tch' she clicked her tongue internally.