Chapter 214: Sisters Before Ass Kissers (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 214: Sisters Before Ass Kissers (2)

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"Would you look at that..." Xie Xan whispered softly as Oscar and Ja Sun nodded with a dazed expression. Right now, all the attention that the groom and his friends had instantly shifted onto the six women walking side-by-side. They were young and from the spirit energy that only a few of them gave off unconsciously, they were no doubt talented.

Young, talented, and with enviable backgrounds. Only one of them was married and three of them were rumored to be in a relationship so Liu Erlong and Tang Yuehua gained the most obvious looks from potential suitors.

"Now remember, play it cool," Hu Lana's words were compressed and her voice was heard by the remaining girls. She and Xie Xan are the hosts, so, of course, now Xie Xan couldn't laze as he walked up with a wide smile, taking Hu Lana's hands and Oscar did the same with Jun'er, not willing to have any troublesome act of filtering through men just to get his girlfriend.

Ja Sun was walking beside them but he began to see things.

'Am I still adapting?' He murmured internally as he saw a very faint phantom of a giant blue tree behind Ah Yin. This was the first time this happened and it instantly stunned him but not for long as he suddenly felt movement behind.

One of the many blonde youths present in the banquet wearing an ornate purple robe with his hair tucked back slickly walked out with a confident expression. Ja Sun knew him well. The youth was Elder Ci Xue, the Porcupinefish Douluo's Grandson Ci Gin, a rank 42 Spirit Ancestor. His movement seemed to have caused some form of a trigger as many other youths began feeling restless and eyed each other with open and discreet hostility and the Elders in the banquet seemed to be reminiscing fond memories of their youthful times when their expression froze in shock.

The upper society of this world placed more value on benefits and the remaining girls, well, of course aside from Bibi Dong and Ah Yin whose status was even higher than some elders, meant benefits to the various elders of the factions. They would task their youths to try and interact with better parties and the same thing was meant to happen today.

But seeing Ja Sun smiling, easily slipping in between Bibi Dong and Yuehua as his hands sneaked onto their backs, leading all the four women away without an ounce of discomfort by the incredulous gazes around him... well, it was something. Ah Yin was next to Bibi Dong and she couldn't be clearer by the sheer intensity of pleasure Ja Sun was feeling by smacking everyone on the face.

He had status. His strength publicly known to be even greater than other Spirit Douluos and his personal achievements political and martial alongside the intensity hidden behind his eyes and the strange third-eye tattoo on his forehead proved to be a wall greater than any youth his age could try and jump over.

The rumors that he had stronger spirit bones and his personal wealth that could shame even the elders made sure that the Elders themselves didn't step forward to try and ease the situation since that would only lower their stock.

"Feeling pleased with yourself, Brother Ka-ul?" Yuehua gave the man walking next to her a sidelong glance as the mischief in his eyes only deepened, "Come on, I just wanted to see the look on everyone's faces. Play along, please?"

His voice was heard by the four and Erlong pursed her lips. The others were the same. They could certainly play along.

"So... are you planning on walking with us around the entire hall? It would feel like you're compensating for something," Ah Yin retorted as Ja Sun considered her proposal, "How about... we eat?"

"I see."


"Of course."

Bibi Dong hesitated for a moment. This was a great opportunity, the likes she wouldn't have missed previously since the possibility of interacting with many Titled Douluos still under MIA Qian Xunji would prove useful against her competitors, most prominent of them being Yu Xiaogang, however, she recalled her own complaints as to how she felt left out and Hu Lana's advice was simple on the matter.

"Of course, you're gonna feel left out. To not feel left out... try doing stuff together... not paperwork!"

Ja Sun nodded, "Then good luck. I'm going to chat around."

His words made others' expressions freeze before he chuckled and leaned back on his chair, "You all make it too easy!"

His words instantly earned glares but seeing Ja Sun having such a rapport with them... he simply earned glares from many corners. Not that he bothered. He only felt pleased to be able to annoy others. It was an accomplishment, after all, and he knew it well.

Soon, realizing that they would be swarmed no matter how much they try, Oscar and Jun'er joined the group of five to relieve themselves of the other seekers of their attention and after making sure to have met other elders and accepting their words of congratulations, Xie Xan and Hu Lana joined in later, too.

The banquet wasn't only for them to interact with others. It was a massive banquet, so of course, even if the group of nine attracted attention, there were still many Titled Douluo level elders and even if none of them were from the fabled Elder's Hall, the news of the level of strength Spirit Hall holds, at least, half of it, will be made public to many smaller organizations because with everything said and done, the Giant's Fortress, although independent, was surrounded by the Clear Sky Sect's Territory and they had their men in many key locations.

After two hours, the group left the banquet to be managed by their subordinates, and then Xie Xan and Hu Lana left the group, returning to their residence and being with their son currently with Ja Sun's clone who left once the couple arrived.

Honestly, the things he learned by taking care of Xie Yue were more interesting to Ja Sun compared to the banquet but he wouldn't miss the chance to have Bibi Dong and Ah Yin, too. Good thing clones were a thing, right?

Jun'er and Oscar were the next to leave. With the things Ja Sun had unintentionally intruded upon today... he feared Oscar's and Jun'er's health and envied it enough to have his own thoughts as he continued to sneak glances in Ah Yin's and Bibi Dong's direction, something that was caught by all four of them.

Ja Sun, however, had already begun walking towards Bibi Dong's residence since he would be staying here. Since he hadn't voiced out any farewell, the other two girls awkwardly followed, not knowing what to say until he stood by the door and glanced at them strangely.

"Um... do you guys still need something?" He looked at Yuehua and Erlong.

"Huh?" Erlong frowned.

"I mean, I wanted to spend time with them," He gestured in Ah Yin's and Bibi Dong's direction, "But... you guys kept following us so... what's up?"

"Nothing," Yuehua groaned in frustration. Now she wasn't even sure if this was a deliberate prank or not. Then again, after coming out of the banquet Ja Sun didn't do anything remotely 'wrong' except suggestively glancing at Bibi Dong and Ah Yin, which, technically, wasn't really wrong.

Seeing the surroundings turning awkward, tensions turning thick enough to be easily cut by a knife, Ah Yin shrugged, "Well, off you go then."

Bibi Dong and Ja Sun rolled their eyes while Liu Erlong huffed a snort, catching Yuehua's wrist and then pulling her away.

Entering Bibi Dong's residence, Bibi Dong finally couldn't help but voice her doubts with a sour tone.

"Did you do that on purpose?"

She was well-versed with the concept of greed that extends to partners more than one already has. By a greater outlook, it's the same as one's ambition for power. A spirit master sets goals, and then after achieving these goals, he or she sets more and demands more of themselves but still thinking that Ja Sun would want more while having two rather capable women by his side put Bibi Dong in a tense mood.

"Did what?" Ja Sun inquired.

"Lead them here," Ah Yin continued. Her support for Bibi Dong at this moment strangely made him feel excited.

"No," Ja Sun shrugged, stating the truth, if he had done it, he would have enjoyed the awkwardness, which he didn't.

But when Bibi Dong was feeling a hit suspicious, a skill learned naturally after years of delving in politics, Ah Yin shrugged. Ja Sun did not lie to her and if there was something he could not say, instead of lying, he simply doesn't speak on that topic even with her questions.

"Then strip."

"That's not how you court a man. I want to be thoroughly pampered!" Ja Sun crossed his arms. Their conservation already leaving the scope of Bibi Dong's imagination.

'Just how much do I need to catch up for?' She finally realized how different her starting point was due to focusing on her work after arriving here and constructing the Giant's Fortress.