Chapter 215: Arachnid's Corruption (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 215: Arachnid's Corruption (1)

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"Ok, so how should we go about this situation?" Ah Yin questioned.

"How would I know? This is new for me, too." Ja Sun pondered. The two had troubles with each other during their first time, too, and it was hardly about fearing any pain but more about the awkwardness instead.

The trio silently sat on the couch for another few seconds and Bibi Dong finally pointed out, "Is it supposed to go like this?"

She meant about the situation and hearing her, Ja Sun and Ah Yin glanced at each other.

"Of course."


Why shouldn't the two geniuses pull the third one into their domain of irrational awkwardness?

Bibi Dong turned silent after this as she began to ponder the authenticity of both of their statements.

'Wait... why am I even believing the fact that both of them are good at it? Aside from the incident where Erlong accidentally eavesdropped on them, there is no evidence that they are good at this stuff... for what it's worth, both of them might just be creating noise to stick it to Lana...' This was the first time Bibi Dong had such a thought since she had subconsciously placed herself on a lower stage when compared to her two companions but now she wished to explore her doubt. It's not like she would have easily believed the duo's words in the first place.

'This will also fall under the umbrella of Lana's advice... although, her words were scandalous, to begin with...'

Bibi Dong discreetly glanced at the duo and coughed softly, "If this is how it usually is, consider me bored... I thought it would have been more... fun. Like..." her mind buzzed slightly as her objective was only to goad the couple... that she had become a part of and she knew how embarrassing her next phrase was going to be, "Like how you used to..."

It was harder than she thought it would be.

"Pinch your butt? Corner you to kiss you? Sometimes spank you playfully?" Ja Sun questioned with a curious expression, not knowing where Bibi Dong was going with it and seeing him exposing all these so easily, Bibi Dong blushed, feeling her control on herself slipping again and she sneaked a glance at Ah Yin to observe her reaction but seeing her equally curious expression made Bibi Dong snort, "I mean we did a lot of things! But this is boring." nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Come on, I already promised that if you help me, I'll follow your lead to suppress him..." Bibi Dong meanwhile suppressed her voice and prodded Ah Yin. The bluenette had indeed promised Bibi Dong to help smoothen the process but...

"This isn't a good time... something happened yesterday and I don't think... he's as simple as he used to be... so, I think it won't be as easy as I thought it to be." Ah Yin replied while Ja Sun rolled his eyes internally.

She was right. He wasn't the same and it wasn't going to be as easy unless...

Ja Sun fell into a thought.

'Giving the two a false sense of security as if they have me dancing to their whims only to find themselves being controlled because I'm enjoying the situation would be... amazing,' His heart shuddered in excitement.

Xie Xan pondered for a moment before shrugging, "Let's just check it out. Oscar heard it from Little Yin that after he returned from the forest, he seemed to have gained some kind of inspiration. Maybe it's his invention or some other strange device... or maybe..."

He didn't get to complete his words as Hu Lana had already bought out the present Ja Sun had wrapped up and tore down the restrictions in between her and the gift, revealing a roll of rope that was dark brown in color but made from sleek leather still warm to touch instead of the usual coolness.

On top of the rope was a small parchment of paper that Hu Lana and Xie Xan went over.

"This... should be used tactically... but why do I think that Ka-ul had other intentions?" Hu Lana murmured while Xie Xan's eyes glowed and he quickly took the rope.

"Ah, shit!" Hu Lana cussed, her hand grabbing at the empty space as she glared at Xie Xan indignantly, "You promised to follow my whims in the marriage! Let me tie you up!"

"And you promised to be mine. So, technically, I get the ropes, pun intended," Xie Xan narrowed his eyes as both of them fell into a stalemate.

Ja Sun had created a rope that was begging to tie someone up. Its functions were simple but what mattered was the debauched thoughts put into the creation of the item.

"How about... one hour each?" Hu Lana inquired somberly.

"Do you think it will be enough?" Xie Xan questioned. As for the meaning of his words, both of them understood tacitly.

"I think... it should be? Anyway, it's our marriage! Two hours isn't near enough!" Hu Lana hissed as her gaze glittered. Her charm seemed to be overflowing but with a sagely expression Xie Xan made his eyes crimson as he spoke lightly, "Charming wench, I only see the bloody lines of your veins. Your charm is useless to me, so I suggest to consider yourself tied and properly tucked in!"

Xie Xan snorted as his presence overpowered Hu Lana's easily. However, instead of feeling the least bit annoyed or even depressed, only a mischievous and expectant smile touched Lana's lips as she let Xie Xan push her down.

Not that she could have stopped him, and that's where she found her excitement in.

Meanwhile, in an unsuspecting room occurred hisses of indignation.

"Hmm, I've spread my mental awareness around the room to push away any inspections."

"What inspections?"

"Oh, I've had a breakthrough yesterday and found a few things about cultivation. Not that any of you will understand technically unless you reach this state... anyway, I was apprehensive that a certain someone could be bored enough to peek in on us but now it shouldn't be an issue."

"Stop ignoring me! You betrayed me! Both of you!"

"Oh, hush, you make it sound like I backstabbed you in real life or something. And... I would rather try things when I'm sure to be in control... Yin, I thank you in advance for volunteering to help me understand new things tonight."

"I didn't volunteer to anything! You both are traitorous sons of bitches! I hope your asses get drilled!"

"Not that you can anymore... hehe, my invention is crazy isn't it? You can't use your spirit energy anymore... you can't begin to fathom the cost but that's more on this being a new endeavor. I would need to optimize a few things and the cost will fall sooner or later."

"Um... is it usually like that? I mean, does he always get distracted privately?" Inquired the amateur.

"Not when I'm naked..." The suppressed one replied sourly but the ever-deepening flush on her cheeks indicated all her words were for nothing and it truly shocked the newcomer. She could never have considered being tied up to be a turn-on.

"How could I ever be distracted while you're naked... but... I should try creating clothes... for all of you... hehehe," the lewd chuckle almost motivated the newcomer to betray the current camp and assist her previous victim of betrayal but these thoughts were suppressed quickly. She didn't want to inappropriately interject something that the 'other' one of them was liking for sure...

However, isn't the entirety of the situation more than inappropriate already?

When did her bedroom turn into a sex dungeon?!