Chapter 216: Swift Karma; Arachnid's Corruption (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 216: Swift Karma; Arachnid's Corruption (2)

Shout-out to Ken Nguyen!

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Ah Yin would have never seen herself enjoying this moment of helplessness as she was unable to rouse any spirit energy. She was stunned for sure, but she was also greatly surprised by Ja Sun creating this, more so than inventing condoms able to inflate almost 50 times their current size.

But she wouldn't project her thoughts and she glared at Bibi Dong. She was fooled. She had considered Bibi Dong a 'junior' and despite having no hard feelings for Bibi Dong, Ah Yin had the innate thought of showing rather than saying who was the 'boss' in the relationship. But she had been naive. In her own competing mindset, Ah Yin momentarily failed to realize the simple calculation of value. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

There are two sets of breasts and only one pair of family jewels...

Which one will be more valuable in this scenario?

In fact, Ah Yin felt she should have already colluded with Ja Sun if she wanted to show Bibi Dong how things get done but clearly, she should not have overestimated herself and underestimated Bibi Dong when she showed no weakness in the first place aside from her embarrassment from the shameless version of Ja Sun when put into the mood.

Ja Sun hadn't grown overboard with bondage itself. Ah Yin simply had her hands tied behind her back. Why not legs? Because Ja Sun planned to spread them and it would prove a hassle that way.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Ah Yin growled but easily made herself comfortable on Bibi Dong's bed as she stared daggers in the remaining duo's direction. Ja Sun, however, placed his hands behind his back and coughed.

"Dong Dong," the name he called Bibi Dong with instantly placed her in a foul mood, but his subsequent words made her gulp with a feeling of blazing thirst birthing in her heart, "I'm sure your Master, Supreme Pontiff, never did teach you the hidden workings behind closed doors, right?" He avoided the distasteful bits of the situation and diverted further, "And Lana must have filled your mind with her stupid kinks... again, not kink-shaming, but she's just too perverted... lucky bastard that Xie Xan is..." grumbling the last bits he added with a firm expression, "I shall teach you what you lack. To repay the favor of teaching us back in the day."

Ja Sun gave a sense of honor and valor. With his arms behind his back, he looked a bit heroic. No doubt he looked better after going through so many refinements. Due to the war god's essence now refined within him through the Vajra Gauntlets, Ja Sun had a rugged charm and his focused eyes would make many succumb... should he actually use these means. However, history and aching cheeks... northern and southern, has stated otherwise.

"What do you mean?" Bibi Dong inquired but shocking Ah Yin and the pinkette was a very suspicious act.

A pair of twinkling blue and shocked pink pupils gazed at the increasingly growing bulge in Ja Sun's pants as he kept his hand behind with a stoic expression still covering his face. The fabric... failed. It would, of course. Their clothes get torn off during spars, scuffles, and life and death battles. Their bodies are also enhanced enough that any restraint to the point that fabric not reinforced by spiritual materials would hardly survive even a bit of force pushed through a body as cultivated as Ja Sun's is.


The slight sound of the fabric ripping echoed and Ja SUn sighed in relief internally since he himself wasn't sure if it would work or even be as impactful as he hoped should it work. Observing the shock in Bibi Dong's eyes, Ja Sun continued without losing his calm to obvious glee.

"Do you now understand the leagues you have just entered?"

"Y-y-you! Your pants!" Bibi Dong stuttered as Ja Sun looked down at his impressive erection and did not feel narcissistic at all to call it impressive. Why would he lie? The fabric of his pants had slight tears around the crotch area.

"Wait... then why are you here?" Ja Sun looked back.

"Yeah?" Ah Yin questioned, too. For a moment, the opposing camps had reconciled tacitly to secure their own satisfaction.

"I..." Bibi Dong was at a loss for words.

"You know... tying you up might be a bust," Ja Sun mumbled thoughtfully before he shook his head, "She needs hand-to-hand guidance."

Ah Yin nodded.

Ja Sun flipped Ah Yin on her front and untied her. His actions were swift and the moment he undid her ties, the entire room began to carpet over by blue silver variants. However, Ah Yin wasn't quick to restrain any of them even if Bibi Dong had turned cautious.

"What do you plan to do?" She took a step back and Ja Sun coughed.

"As I said... I will be teaching you... meet your senior. She will be explaining the more common... motions that you will be getting familiar with today," Ja Sun was shameless enough to change camps himself. Bibi Dong instantly realized the situation and only had a bitter expression as she let the sense of defeat sink in.

But seeing this, Ja Sun only shook his head. A carefree smile touched his lips as he chuckled, "I think... we've played around enough and gotten used to the situation a bit. Again, I wouldn't want to force you to do anything. It's not my style."

"I bet you would force out benefits though," Bibi Dong muttered under her breath.

"That's different. And against opponents, rivals, and enemies. I genuinely like you, Bibi Dong. I don't know what else to say at this point."

"What about me?" Ah Yin frowned.

"Oh, you're my bitch."


Ja Sun let the vine strike him. He fully deserved it and the spank was a welcomed experience.

"See?" Ja Sun pointed with a smirk, "The situation is weird enough. But if we can get through this... I think there is a real possibility to welcome a few more!"

"A few more?!" Bibi Dong and Ah Yin instantly raised their voices in surprise and dissatisfaction when Ja Sun blinked.


He grinned. He only had the thought of teasing them and seeing Bibi Dong more than consensual to the idea of covering a few bases even if not consummating for Hu Lana's and Xie Xan's marriage with Ja Sun instead, he didn't play shy anymore and pulled her close while Ja Sun and Ah Yin didn't need to convey their thoughts aloud as she got busy, too.

It was all about finding the right position in a threesome and even if Bibi Dong was having her first real experience, it wouldn't stop Ja Sun and Ah Yin to try new things before they scare away the relatively innocent and career-driven Bibi Dong... or pull her into a world of debauchery.