Chapter 241: Domination—Infatuation

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 241: Domination—Infatuation

{A/N: For those who don't know, Firebird Douluo is shown in the Douluo Dalu anime and is one of the titled Douluo elders who would siege the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.}

The Spirit City is as bustling as ever. The disappearance of the Supreme Pontiff only cast a momentary shadow on the lower rings of the factions. The Spirit Academy continued to bring in various talents and many strong spirit masters were dispatched to the various spirit temples spread across the continent singing the praises of the 'Angel God' Qian Xunji who ascended during the attack from the Hint of Evil after the competition.

Of course, thanks to Redstar and Ja Sun, Bibi Dong's sight was cleared up and she knew that everything happened because her master wanted it this way. Everything fell under his plan and thinking about this, Bibi Dong felt humbled, terrified, and awestruck at the same time. It wasn't even complicated to think about it. She just pushed the circumstances in the back of her head since Bibi Dong knew...

To actually be able to move forward, she would need to confront her master. Not even fight if it can be avoided. Just confronting him, questioning him, and clearing the air so that she can progress steadily in her career.

After all, she didn't care about a mother she never met and a father her master betrayed. What she was worried about is going through the same thing as her biological parents. Her master had taken care of her well... but how could Bibi Dong not doubt his integrity at this moment? She wasn't blind and neither a fool. She had to make sure to avoid the same fate and if her master barely groomed her for his own use... well, she was growing strong just to keep any malicious intent away from her and her teammates who could practically be considered her only family at this point.

Bibi Dong had already prepared documents of verification in someone else's name so as to not cause a ruckus while discreetly entering the Spirit City. It could be said that her team was already being proclaimed as a legend in the Spirit City and its associated territories. However, Bibi Dong failed to find any use of this particular reputation aside from the initial recruitment of personnel for the Giant's Fortress. After all, simply their talent wouldn't work since their team cannot be absorbed by other internal factions. Thus, the Spirit Hall judged them by the level of contribution and the business that was brought in and even more quickly depleted related to the Giant's Fortress caused Bibi Dong quite the trouble.

Stepping out of the carriage, wearing a violet hooded robe threaded with golden patterns, Bibi Dong cast a glance towards the street filled with various spirit masters. The Spirit City was basically home to the vast majority of the spirit masters of the continent.

Soon, Bibi Dong reached the gates of the Spirit Academy. She was once a teacher in this location but that job was held only for a little while until she took her 'disciples' for an adventure only for all of them to almost reach her level, too. Of course, the moment she start filling spirit rings on her second martial soul, the gap would widen to a mind-blowing level. Well, for everyone except Ja Sun who had an evil-attributed martial soul, too.

Already far superior to the guards and even ordinary Spirit Douluo while almost closing in on the rank herself, Bibi Dong easily snuck into the spirit academy and felt how much Ja Sun's talent with an array was convenient to increase the protection of their surroundings. For a moment, a smile touched her lips yet she didn't let herself get distracted.

She only had one motive To finally tackle a Titled Douluo not based on merit but something far more primal and necessary.


Firebird Douluo is the overseer of the Spirit Academy. She is relatively younger when compared to an average Titled Douluo and is also expected to enter the Elder's Hall in time since she has quite a great chance to break through rank 95. Although, many elders speculated that it might just take her more than 30 years to achieve that. When it comes to the level after rank 90, each rank needs spirit energy far greater than the accumulation of all the previous ranks! This is one of the reasons why mental and internal energy is also cultivated at this rank by a few talented spirit masters since they now have the time to divert their attention since the growth of their spirit rank will take quite long already.

Once Bibi Dong entered the Spirit Academy, she quickly made her way to one of the most familiar locations to her. This is the location where she would frequent most of the time because this region was once occupied by Qian Xunji as his office until he finally moved to the Supreme Pontiff Palace after its construction.

Even after Firebird Douluo took over this location, there weren't too many changes. Probably out of respect for the Supreme Pontiff. Of course, being a Titled Douluo, Firebird did not have guards but peons. The two spirit masters standing dutifully in front of her door quickly noticed the strange figure but just as they regained their composure, the two spirit masters had colors drain from their faces and quickly fell down on their knees.

"We greet the Elder of the Spirit Hall!"

They gasped.

In Bibi Dong's hand was a beautiful token. This was indeed the Supreme Pontiff's Writ that Ja Sun got from Bibi Dong but no longer needed now the two were in a relationship itself, causing the token to land in Bibi Dong's hand once again.

"Hmm, leave," Bibi Dong stated casually and walked past them.

The moment she touched the handle of the door, Bibi Dong felt an overbearing pressure fall upon her. Its intent was simple. The owner of the intent wanted Bibi Dong to bend her knee in front of the door.


Bibi Dong's pink pupils turned crimson physically as maddening and almost irrational killing intent burst out of her being. Bibi Dong was now in tune with her killing intent so she could control it easily. This also allowed her to understand her true self. She is a bit irrational and obsessive. Her need for the title of the Supreme Pontiff was already a testament to it. Right now, Bibi Dong had the potential and path to surpass this chair but she wanted it. If not for personal satisfaction then to rub it in the faces of the elders who constantly obstructed her and talentless losers of war who think that an accidental fortune from her man would allow them to surpass her.

It was laughable.

The moment the killing intent burst out, the two individuals lost their consciousness. Unlike Liu Erlong who desired blood for pleasure, Xie Xan who held bloodlust only to protect his own, and Ja Sun who would view things indifferently and rationally only to opt for things that interest him the most, Bibi Dong's killing intent only wanted one thing purely kill. Not for pleasure, protection, interest, or any other desire. It was like an innate need, as if breathing. To kill... just to live the next day not because the opponent is strong but the instinct to kill is as involuntary as the blinking of an eye or breathing. It is needed to function properly.


A soft grunt echoed and Bibi Dong opened the door with a calm expression. She saw a pale-skinned violet-haired woman leaning against the ordinary chair. There was a moment of exhaustion on her face. Meanwhile, a rather buff man was passed out near her chair. He was topless and his pants unbuckled.

Not saying anything or even giving Firebird Douluo a moment of attention and respect, Bibi Dong sat down on the chair in front of her simple desk and looked around the small office. A few things were changed. The walls were reinforced and the furniture was changed but aside from that, Bibi Dong felt quite at peace, if it wasn't for the unconscious boy toy.

"Are you done reeling from pleasure? Or is it fear? I'm told that I can look quite scary at times," Bibi Dong finally uttered while she pulled back the hood of her robe. Firebird Douluo could see the color of Bibi Dong's pupils reverting from crimson to soft pink.

"Although," Bibi Dong glanced at the man lying on the other side, "You need to try men who don't crumble but outperform in face of pressure." Her eyes narrowed, "It's exquisite."

As stated, the Twin Spider Goddess Summon had the ability to turn into spider-leg-like lances. The purple spider which corresponded to the Death Spider Emperor could directly amplify her toxins upto ten times and inject it upon contact. Meanwhile, the viridian green spider that corresponded to the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor could inflict an attack that directly injures the sea of spirit, causing it to temporarily lose its spirit energy as if punctured by something sharp. This attack was similar to what Ja Sun experienced against Asura but of course, Bibi Dong couldn't replicate the attack of a god. But who knows what may happen in the future?

Not only that, the durability of these two summons was astonishing.

"Firebird Douluo, your ambition was ignited the moment my master disappeared. Mine was nurtured from the very moment I stepped into the spirit hall.

Do you think that a woman of such a compromising nature can ever become a Supreme Pontiff?" Bibi Dong revoked her domain but Firebird could barely do anything. Of course, Bibi Dong didn't increase her already terrifying toxins by ten times. Just using her basic emotion-controlling venom increased by two times was enough to put Firebird into such an embarrassing spot.

"You're too arrogant!" Firebird hissed.

"And you're too stupid," Bibi Dong responded coldly. Her seventh spirit ring emerged as Firebird bit her lips, "Honey, I never even considered you my competition. Be like Elder Gui Mei and Yue Guan and come to your senses. I'm the next Supreme Pontiff. Take the Giant's Fortress. Take all my wealth, and take all my personnel, and still, I will become the Supreme Pontiff."

Bibi Dong stood up and walked towards Firebird who could barely sit up from the floor.

"What is it going to be, Firebird?" Bibi Dong inquired as he gazed at the woman from above. Killing intent seeping out from her crimson gaze once again.

"You can't kill me! The other elders"

"Will realize that I am a Spirit Sage capable of beheading a Titled Douluo just fine. It will force my title to that of an Elder and I won't have any need for you. Then again, you would be dead. Other elders would be carrying favors with me for a brighter future."

Bibi Dong ruthlessly smashed the cold reality of the political world on Firebird's mental world. Firebird felt helpless. It was true. Once dead, who would care about her? In fact, her own spirit bones will become Bibi Dong's possessions.

"I... fine! Bibi Dong, you shall have my support."

"Prove it," Bibi Dong stretched her foot outwards. The sole of her boots almost pressed against Firebird's lips.

Firebird's expression was bleak. Her eyes spewed flames. However, the longer things went, the greater the time it will take to recover from her injuries.

Firebird closed her eyes, pressing her lips against the tip of Bibi Dong's boots.

Smilingly, Bibi Dong stepped back and spoke up, "Deal with the Clear Sky Clan and cover for both of our losses. And I want a complete overview of the situation of the city. You have till tomorrow. Of course, if you have any other intentions," Bibi Dong leaned down, gently stroking Firebird's cheek as she whispered, "You won't live to see the next morning."

Firebird nodded with a somber expression. She had no doubt that Bibi Dong will have her ways of verifying the news and the fact that Yue Guan and Gui Mei had already submitted to Bibi Dong despite the fact that both of them could perform spirit fusion and were rather arrogant after Qian Xunji's disappearance made Firebird feel a little better.


The thought of licking Bibi Dong's boots with her cold stare pinning her down...

The more Firebird thought of it, the stranger she felt. Bibi Dong had left long ago. But Firebird's hips bucked against her fingers as her gaze revealed a level of infatuation that wasn't present before.

'Bibi Dong...!' Firebird's expression changed. Her eyes rolled up slightly. She was no longer affected by the poison once Bibi Dong revoked it yet the heat didn't mellow out. Instead, as her fingers grew wetter, so did Firebird's intensity!


A/N: Man, Bibi Dong would have ended Tang San if she could self spirit fusion in canon... which she should since the there is a woman with hell civet and white tiger that can do that in either dd3 or dd4


Shoutout to Coolguy and c d!

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