Chapter 242: Dissolving (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 242: Dissolving (1)

Ja Sun and Ah Yin walked with bleak expressions. Someone was speaking the entire time but it wasn't any of them. They traveled through the woods towards the Star Luo Empire's far eastern borders connected to the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Hmm, I don't understand. Why would you feel pleased if Ja Sun enter his penis into"

"Not another word!" Ah Yin snorted, a tinge of blush on her usually stoic but pretty face as she waved her hands, and the Yin-Yang Petals' Spirit Soul was forcefully pulled back.

"Aw..." Petals whined but stayed inside like an obedient child while Ah Yin gave Ja Sun a sidelong glance who couldn't stop himself from smiling any longer.

"Go on. Get over with it," she grumbled.

"Man! I want a kid like Petals!" Ja Sun exclaimed. His words instantly sent Ah Yin into a daze for she may have expected some depraved pun or a knock-knock joke. However... this? She did not. It was as if a few days of watching her interaction with Petals had changed him somewhat.

"You do?" Ah Yin inquired and Ja Sun nodded, "Of course. I think... it will be a refreshing experience. Besides, I think that my kids will show all the other kids how to be awesome as kids. Like a slap across their faces as they would fly off to the next park. Insulting others about their fat moms over a swing ride... yeah. I think I'd be a good father..." Ja Sun continued but as he did, Ah Yin's expression turned more shocked until it couldn't anymore and she became numb to the sheer amount of degradation in his words against the sacred art of parenting.

"What do you think?" Ja Sun looked at Ah Yin as she almost slapped the innocent expression off of his face, "I think that if we do have a child, you're not taking him or her alone for a single second!"

"Say... Ah Yin," Ja Sun grew curious as he didn't mind her reaction. After all, it would take a sage-like mind to comprehend the wisdom behind his actions.

"What?" Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

"Let's say, if you were still a tree and we wanted a child... would it be like planting a seed taken from you and fertilizing it with... my dried ejacu"

"That's it!" Ah Yin scowled, "We're traveling in without another word!"

"But I wanted to know, too..." Petals voice sounded as Ah Yin's voice boomed in her mental world as if heavens crashed onto the poor lass, "Don't make me come up there!" Ah Yin thundered.


The duo finally saw the first hint of lightning far away from their location. It was only momentary but the two gazed at the situation and then nodded to one another before picking up their pace.

The duo soon entered the deeper regions of the eastern section of the forest with a tall mountain already in their view. This location was strange. The mountain had a narrow base and almost looked like a tower that pierced through the clouds to reach far above.

However, the two set up a camp on the base of the mountain and rested for the evening.

"It's called the Sky Piercing Mountain rightly," Ah Yin sighed in admiration.

"You know what else can pierce the skies?" Ja Sun inquired with a lewd grin. It hardly mattered to him that a naive spirit soul viewed him as such as the duo barely made any attempts to hide it in the first place. Not to mention, Ah Yin understood the implications of a Spirit Soul in such a manner and agreed to it because of her slowly nurtured and thicker skin.

Scoffing a smile at Ja Sun's words, she felt a bit humored but then gazed at the mountain once again.

"Can you sense it?"

"Sense it? I can see it. Four spirit beasts... all of them probably stronger than your previous strength." Ja Sun replied.

"I'm stronger now," Ah Yin replied confidently. Her words would shock others due to the implications but Ja Sun had already achieved such a task when he was a spirit king. Reaching the strength of a Titled Douluo before reaching its rank was doable despite the achievement's rarity.

"Well, good luck," Ja Sun shrugged.

"Yeah," Ah Yin nodded. She was pretty clear about the situation. Ja Sun helped her get the Spirit Soul because this was one thing she couldn't do i.e. form a spirit soul. However, she didn't wish to depend on Ja Sun for all her growth. She had used his assistance once and that was during the evolution of her martial soul. But this debt was almost cleared as it allowed Ja Sun and Ah Yin to conveniently join the Spirit Hall.

This was the second boon of that very nature. Ah Yin wasn't a hypocrite enough to even say that all her growth was dependent on her achievement but what she could say is that she wanted to make the best use of her growth and test her limits. If Ja Sun is present, that objective wouldn't be fulfilled easily.

So, while Ja Sun stayed around, Ah Yin would finally begin preparing for the treasure Qian Daoliu enticed Bibi Dong with.

A Spirit Bone!


A loud crackling explosion of lightning echoed yet the bolt of lightning was not only extraordinarily short that it only lit the peak of the mountain, but it was also short-lived as it seemed to have disappeared.

"The 5th one," Ah Yin and Ja Sun spoke simultaneously.

"Walk away. As a spirit beast, I may understand your choice of becoming a human but do not interfere with the work of our king."

A cold, ruthless voice boomed. The platform of the blue silver vines trembled and Ah Yin narrowed her eyes.

Unlike humans, Spirit Beasts, especially above 100000 years of cultivation, can almost always single out a spirit beast turned human. This time was no different as Ah Yin continued to observe the strange flashes of white lightning.

"Can you make out what kind of spirit beast is that?" Ah Yin internally questioned Petals. This was the benefit of having a cooperative spirit soul. Unlike Ja Sun, whose spirit souls were either a newborn or a suicidal model, or Bibi Dong, whose spirit soul had its consciousness reconstructed, essentially having a newborn spirit soul again, Ah Yin's was an exception and could assist her aside from reducing the toll of skills and a greater control of them, too.

As a demi-divine Spirit Beast, Petals' consciousness was amazingly sturdy and her range of perception was something that could only be matched by Ja Sun before the augmentation of the Fiery Golden Pupils.

"It's a white-feathered Condor with black mane and a black lightning pattern on his head," Petals replied almost instantly and Ah Yin pondered for a moment.

"Did you not hear me?" the warning sounded again while Ah Yin coordinated with Petals to pinpoint the location of the Condor who thought he was safe.


The mountain's surface suddenly vibrated as multiple vines shot out from near the surface where the condor continued to fly around. Each flap of his wings generated a sparkle of white lightning around his wings.


A loud screech sounded as Ah Yin's expression turned sadistic. Her martial soul had gotten extremely resistant to various elements due to the Yin-Yang Pure Core that nurtured her spirit and martial soul. The arcs of lightning did tear most of her vines but the sheer energy Ah Yin put into her domain and her first spirit skill Growth made all the resistance futile. But this came at a cost of the expenditure of her own energy to almost her limits for she did not have seemingly unlimited storage of energy similar to Ja Sun.

The vines suddenly dug into the mountain, quickly forming a cave as Ah Yin shifted the skill from Growth to her fourth spirit skill Solid Strike onto her domain. After all, every blade of grass can use one of her skills within the domain. With the solid strike, every vine turned sturdy and sharp, and given the sheer number of vines, Ah Yin dug out a cave large enough to

"Wake up!"

Petals shriek sounded as Ah Yin's eyes snapped open. Her body was charred as she continued to plunge downwards at a quick pace.

"Huh?" Ah Yin's mind overworked.

An Illusion? How?

Ah Yin suddenly recalled the first 'warning' shot and quickly had her Blue Silver Goddess coil around her arms as she punched into the surface of the mountain, stopping her free fall.

"That's a... Ghost Lightning Condor," Ah Yin frowned. Even though cooked, her body was still functioning with how much vitality she proclaimed.

"Hehe, So easy! So Easy!" The mysterious beast cawed as bolts of white lightning began to arc around the mist as it surrounded Ah Yin from all the sides.

Ah Yin's expression turned gloomy. She discreetly glanced in one of the locations higher from here with baleful eyes.

What truly made Ah Yin feel annoyed was that her consumption of spirit energy was true yet her attacks never reached her opponent.

Scoffing, Ah Yin's left foot suddenly encased itself in a dark blue devil-like wooden leg guard. It extended to a sharp heel that Ah Yin stabbed into the mountain.

This was her first spirit bone gained from the Spirit Hall The Devil's Bark Left Foot. Unlike other spirit bones that used a lot of spirit energy, this spirit bone was the opposite. It extracted spirit energy from her surroundings but for that, Ah Yin had to stay in the single location as the heel of the spirit bone would act like an actual root of a plant and intake nutrients from the surroundings.

The spirit energy extracted couldn't be kept within the body due to its low quality and lack of refinement and could only be used in battle yet with the Yin Yang Pure Core as her spirit core that boasts peak level refinement, this wasn't a problem for Ah Yin.

Now 'standing' on the mountain with her other leg held by Blue Silver Goddess, Ah Yin observed the arcs of lightning.

She wasn't quick enough to avoid these so Ah Yin's domain simply expanded while vines of blue silver emperor began to form a protective dome around her.


"Wake me up quickly!" Ah Yin roared internally as she was zapped many times yet after each zap, Ah Yin's mental world and consciousness would receive a painful impact from Petals. Though naive and sweet, Petals was still a spirit beast through and through. Understanding that it was not a time to feel suppressed, she did what was necessary and continued to keep Ah Yin conscious while the dome successfully covered her.


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