Chapter 243: Dissolving (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 243: Dissolving (2)

A/N: Sorry for yesterday, caught cold.


Even if a 100000-year-old spirit beast, the Ghost Lightning Condor's specialty was it illusion-attributed white lightning. The greater the frequency of lightning strikes in a region, the stronger the illusion to the point that even a 1000000-year-old Yin-Yang Petals had to ruthlessly strike Ah Yin's mind while she protected herself. But for this absolute affinity with illusion and lightning speed came at a cost of general endurance and physical strength. While stronger than most spirit masters physically due to the virtue of being a spirit beast, Ghost Lightning Condor is weaker than most 100000-year-old spirit beasts when it comes to physical qualities. That's why even with such an advantage, the spirit beast hadn't revealed itself.

Now that Ah Yin's domain was spreading with the infusion of spirit energy from the Devil's Bark Left Foot spirit bone, she considered her options. She could use her sixth spirit ring but then she won't be able to utilize it again in 12 hours and even if the illusion is countered and struck the condor, who's to say it's going to be an absolute attack? As a master of illusions, the Ghost Lightning Condor is also extremely resistant to such mental plays and sheer lightning strikes only increase its overall combat ability. So, the terrain was also in the beast's favor.

"Get lost! Get lost!" The condor screeched, its wings constantly generating static shocks that collected into arcs of white lightning that struck Ah Yin's dome of the blue silver vine in an instant. As the vines charred, more and more vines bunched up over the destroyed one.

"While it's showing a lack of patience, it's shrewd enough to pull me into an illusion during a warning attack. This act of impatience may just be to bait me into a trap," Ah Yin narrowed her eyes. But she also feared that if the remaining three spirit beasts decided to descend then even escaping would be a task on its own.

A severe time constraint was recognized in an instant.

"What would Ja Sun do?" Ah Yin thought briefly. She could imagine Ja Sun directly intruding upon the three spirit beasts instead with the Ghost Lightning Condor chasing since illusions didn't work on him.

This caused Ah Yin to track another line of thought, "What would Ja Sun do if he had my resources and spirit skills?"

First thing, Ah Yin realized, Ja Sun would totally feel gleeful at the prospect of another 100000-year-old spirit bone due to the word losing not even in his stream of vulgar speech. Aside from the spirit bone, the condor's corpse could be useful, too. Again, unlike Ja Sun, Ah Yin wouldn't just hoard the things she didn't find any benefit from. After all, she easily shared her half of their immortal herbs and this spirit bone had a great chance of being given to others from her team. Probably Hu Lana. As for the corpse, she wouldn't gift it to Ja Sun but trade it since he has the necessary resources for that level of the transaction.

'It's certainly doable... the might of a million-year-old spirit ring is not something a 100000-year-old spirit beast can easily defend against, especially the physically weaker ones.'

Ah Yin ignored the constant screeches from the outside and began to think of various ways. Even though she can fatally wound the spirit beast, she needed to have absolute precision to not destroy the body of the Condor too much so that it can be used later on. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

If the Ghost Lightning Condor could hear Ah Yin's words, he would have absolutely gotten enraged!


"Her domain keeps on expanding," Ghost Lightning Condor remained under the assumption that the growth of the blue silver plants indicated the reach of Ah Yin's domain. The Condor continued to flap his wings but felt innately suppressed when under the enemy's domain. Although the suppressive effect of Ah Yin's domain wasn't its greatest factor, it was still present. The condor glared sharply in Ah Yin's direction before reconsidering his approach.

No spirit beast at this level wouldn't be smart, especially the Ghost Lightning Condor who has had to rely more on its smartness than his physical strength to survive and grow until now.

Seeing that Ah Yin's vitality was mind-boggling and his major life-threatening attacks came from the subsequent mind plays once his lightning made contact, the Condor instantly decided to return and notify the other spirit beasts keeping guard.

With a single flap of its wings, the condor ascended yet its pace came to a screeching and painful stop.


The Condor's head tilted and it saw crimson blood dripping from multiple tiny holes from its wings. Due to the constantly dripping blood, the condor failed to notice that the size of the puncture wounds over its wings happened to be petal-shaped.

'When was I attacked? From where?' The condor looked around cautiously but didn't move again. If he couldn't see the attack and there was no indication of it then it only meant that the owner of the attack went out of her way to hide it.

'Hidden... and I was injured the moment I moved. Not to mention her domain...' the more the condor thought, the greater the fear growing in his heart. This may just be a trick from his opponent. After all, even if a spirit beast turned human, the opponent should not have the level of strength that can harm a 100000-year-old spirit beast. So, if this attack really was a trick then it must directly counter his traits and the only way to get out of it safely was by figuring out the trick.

At this moment, the condor saw from afar and through the mist that the dome Ah Yin had covered herself in was slowly blooming, soon revealing her figure as she still stood horizontally with her left foot stabbed into the mountain.

What came next was something that isn't technically common knowledge. The death of the 100000-year-old spirit beast caused a forcefield to erupt that would keep any other human or Spirit beast away but Ah Yin wasn't interested in the treasure of the spirit world and simply acquired his body, gaining a core and a spirit bone alongside a rather unbroken corpse.

Not staying in one spot any longer, Ah Yin quickly dig out a cave using her vines and then concentrated her camouflage in a discreet corner as Petals continued to scout their surroundings. Of course, the dissolving demise of the Ghost Lightning Condor would attract the attention of the remaining three beasts but this would also give Ah Yin the chance to understand her opponents. As long as she remains in the dark while her opponents are in the light, she would have a higher ground. After all, her seventh spirit skill was a true trump card that directly threatened any 100000-year-old spirit beast if used correctly.


"She's doing so well..." Ja Sun muttered and then looked at the tumor-like flesh once again before resolving himself.

A million-year-old external bone... Ja Sun wanted to see what would become of it and if it really just caused him to grow tumor out of some part of the body then so be it. A large amount of energy will also be fully stored within his Immortal Buddha King Core to upgrade his rank efficiently later so it will be worthwhile.

Not waiting a single moment longer, Ja Sun spread his spirit energy and interacted with the strange spirit bone. The moment his spirit bone crawled over to the ball of flesh, it suddenly moved and expanded violently. But as it expanded, Ja Sun could feel its size being compensated by hollowing out from within yet what surprised him was the thin tendril of purplish flesh suddenly latched onto this index finger.


Even with a demi-divine physique, Ja Sun's skin began to melt at a pace visible to the naked eyes.


He was being skinned alive as the terrible, toxic flesh began to cover more and more of Ja Sun. His expression, however, remained stoic. It wasn't the pain that moved him. It was hardly noteworthy to the current him. What made him feel extremely depressed was that his skin held something else.

'I'm going to get bald, aren't I?' Ja Sun scowled, 'Fuck!'

To think he would lose his luscious locks

His thoughts came to a sudden end as he instantly felt how wrong he was.

His body shivered as his balls and penis were getting skinned alive.

"My lords!" Ja Sun gasped, his body spasming as it was confused regarding what Ja Sun should truly feel.



Or both?

Soon, Ja Sun found his body encased by purplish, thicker flesh while he sat onto the pool of his own melted flesh and blood.


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