Chapter 268: The Strongest Creature (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 268: The Strongest Creature (2)

"I am ever so grateful for you allowing me to stay here," A green-haired woman with a taller than average and comely physique looked at a brown-haired woman with large brown eyes and a dainty smile. Her brown hair was tied into quite a long ponytail that almost reached her calves as she responded with a gleeful smile, "Don't be like that, Bi Ji... do you know how long has it been since someone combed my hair? I can't even depend on those two for such a matter... sigh, I'm sorry that it turned out this way. Although, with the two brothers in King's Lair, they would be able to help the Beast God quite a bit."

If Ja Sun was here, he would find the woman to be the same 100000-year-old beast turned into a human with her cultivation close to a Spirit Douluo at this point.

Bi Ji's smile turned a bit complicated. She had accompanied the woman for a week now but it wasn't getting any easier to be forced to leave her home where she had lived a better half of her sentient life.

"Come on, I'll make you some carrot stew." The mature, brown-haired woman locked her arms with Bi Ji and pulled her away.

"I really don't need to eat for sustenance. You can just make some for yourself," Bi Ji sighed but the woman retorted, "Nonsense! Eating is one of the best aspects of life... I get that now I'm a human, too. Carrot Stew, Carrot Soup, Fried Carrots, Carrots with a side of Fish, Carrots..."

The woman began to drone on about all the dishes she could make with carrot in preparations for her daughter's 'birth' but was stopped by an annoyed snort, "Carrots, carrots, carrots! If you love them so much, you should have stayed a beast, Xiao Bie."

Bi Ji's expression visibly brightened not because she agreed with the words but because of the presence of the speaker herself. Standing not far from them, leaning against the tree with her hands crossed over her bosom was Zi Ji. Her amethyst eyes narrowed as Xiao Bie scowled but didn't speak out of turn.

"Zi, she took me in and allowed me a lake to spread my legs in... could you be a little..." Bi Ji didn't complete her sentence but her easygoing smile put Zi Ji at ease.

"Fine," snorting through her nostrils again, Zi Ji walked up to them. Her glared landing on the link between their arms but before Xiao Bie could let go, Bi Ji instead leaned a little further towards the mature woman and kept on staring at Zi Ji.

Seeing this, the Abyss Demon Dragon didn't put pressure on Xiao Bie anymore and sighed softly. Her storage ring brightened for a second and she procured a pair of glasses.

"I want you to return with me," She stated her reason for arrival. Although Bi Ji wanted nothing more than to hear these words themselves, she couldn't help but flounder in this very moment.

"... Why?"

Equally not expecting such a reply, Zi Ji felt stunned for a second but she had grown slightly numb to surprises after all had happened. However, she couldn't just admit that the human who the two sisters were chasing so recklessly... wiped the forest with all their asses in a matter of four days, and took a three-day break.

"I... some changes have been brought to the Lair... the bea- the beas-" She had trouble stating what she was about to say. The struggle couldn't be clearer in the eyes of the two women as Zi Ji grit her teeth and barely whispered, "The Beast God... wants you back."

Honestly, Zi Ji just wanted Bi Ji to return. The King's Lair was safe for her and if Ja Sun turns out oppressive, she didn't mind escaping the Lair with Bi Ji... however, the chances that beasts would be anymore oppressed than getting incentives for completed objectives was certainly... hard to believe. Not to mention, the presence within the lake was simply too terrifying to be messed with.

"Di Tian... changed his mind?" Bi Ji frowned, not expecting the man to do so. After all, True Dragons are often stubborn. Zi Ji was the same unless some special circumstance shakes that very nature from the core of her being.

Unable to continue meeting Bi Ji's suspicious gaze, Zi Ji lowered her head, "I-it's something like that..."

"Do I have a choice?" Bi Ji's bitter tone shook the dragon's heart as she stated in an instant.

"Of course, you do!"

"Then, no. I won't return."

Zi Ji almost broke the pair of glasses in her hand and continued to stare at Bi Ji.

"Then... can I..."

"You're always welcome," Bi Ji smiled before blinking, "Ah, sorry, I forgot this isn't my place to say that. Ask Xiao Bie and be polite."

"Sister Ji..." Zi Ji stored the glasses seeing that Bi Ji wasn't accepting them for now and looked a little comfortable but Bi Ji emphasized again, "Politely."

"Fine! Xiao Bie... can I visit Sister Ji?"

"Um..." Seeing the equally hesitant expression on Xiao Bie, Zi Ji couldn't help but glance at Bi Ji as a mischievous smile appeared on the Swan's face.

"This lake belongs to Da Ming... although he and Er Ming consider me an elder... it is his territory in the end. I suppose, I could convince them..."

Seeing the matter settled, a vicious glare touched Zi Ji's face again, "Tell Da Ming and Er Ming they will pay for not answering to... his call," no longer giving the defeated one the title of Beast God, she continued, "Although, it wouldn't have mattered at all. Sister Ji, can you promise me something?"

Although there were many questions in Bi Ji's mind by now since Zi Ji's tone and body language didn't seem... too positive, she nodded nonetheless, "The... the bea- beast God did ask for your return. But your, or Da Ming, Er Ming, Xiao Bie, and her daughter's life cannot be threatened. If others come looking for you, tell them, you know about the... agreement. You don't have to cave under any threats whatsoever."


Confused, Bi Ji couldn't help but mumble, "Did something happen?"

"Just promise!" Zi Ji snapped.

"Alright... I won't return under the pressure of threats..."

"The lake has a chunk of Life Gold... dangerous to metal but amazing to living beings... would this work?"

Ja Sun revealed a shard of Life Gold. Di Tian already knew from Bi Ji that Ja Sun had Life Gold of unknown amount but robbing the human was out of the question when it was Di Tian who got plundered off of his wealth and resources after his defeat. That's why Ja Sun could fund the arrival of other spirit beasts tribes...

For now, they could stay peacefully. The moment he is done with the array, he would get Bi Ji himself and then take the materials from other beasts for his project.

"It would work..." Di Tian narrowed his eyes.

"Goot to know," Ja Sum shrugged and turned back.

Blinking in surprise, Di Tian questioned, "Do you not wish to meet my lord?"

"Do you think I'm that free at the moment? Besides, I have your lord's arrays to keep me company. I can always learn when I'm done with my current works..."

Not to mention the sweet, sweet rewards he would get by unraveling the array before three months.

A month had already passed and Ja Sun was making steady progress. If he went all out, forcefully destroying the array was a simple act but not a fun one.

Ja Sun wanted his mind tickled by the inspiring array and chose to take a more scholarly approach.

He could faintly hear the soft giggles once again but paid them no heed and continued to strive for what he wanted.

"Oh, I wanted to ask you something... Zi Ji's getting more and more... you know, attention-seeking kind. I don't want to pollute our good friendship by dipping into something complicated. You two aren't all that serious, right?"

Ja Sun's questions stunned Di Tian again.



Him with Ja Sun?

And Zi Ji... what about her?

Everything made Di Tian scowl.

"It has nothing to do with me..."

"Oh, good. I mean, her dragon form is absolutely stunning. Hey, don't get me wrong, so is yours. But I don't, you know, find men interesting enough to have wet dreams about them."

Seeing that Ja Sun was trying to get a rise out of him again, Di Tian closed his eyes and stayed put, refusing to converse any longer.

"Aw, I guess it's just you and me, Goldilocks," Ja Sun named the Three-eyed Golden Lion right then and there, causing her eyes to open.





"No... I'm not going to call you Majestically Fierce Golden Flash of Destiny..."

The Three-eyed Golden Lion... no, Goldilocks, deflated again.


Shoutout to Eros, joseph m teti, Cody, and Jrod!!

Read 30 advance chapters here

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